700字范文 > (中英文)关于进一步加强境外来陕返陕人员疫情防控的通告


时间:2021-04-06 05:04:38




Notice on Command Center of COVID-19 Epidemic

Prevention and Control of Shaanxi Province on Further

Strengthening Epidemic Prevention and Control of

Overseas Personnel Arriving in Shaanxi


The risks of overseas imported cases of COVID-19 is constantly increasing. In order to effectively prevent and respond to the imported cases, and effectively protect the health and lives of the general public, the work regarding the prevention and control of epidemic situation for overseas returnees to Shaanxi is as follows:

一、从 3 月 17 日零时起,境外来陕返陕的中国公民或外国公民,通过境外直接进入或从国内其他城市中转进入我省,必须第一时间主动将本人基本信息、健康状况、活动轨迹向车站、机场等检疫人员和社区工作人员如实报告,并积极配合有关单位做好核酸检测、集中隔离 14 天等疫情防控措施,相关费用由个人承担。

I. From 00.00 on March 17th, Chinese or foreign citizens entering Shaanxi from abroad directly or transited from other cities in China must take the initiative to immediately report their basic information, health status, and travel history to railway station and airport quarantine personnel and community workers. All returnees should actively cooperate with relevant units to complete nucleic acid detection and centralized isolation for 14 days along with other epidemic prevention and control measures. The related costs shall be borne by the individual.


II. Chinese citizens or foreign citizens entering Shaanxi from abroad with arising symptoms of COVID-19 during their quarantine period, should take immediate personal protection measures, ambulance from the centralized isolation point will send the patient to fever clinics for medical examination. The cost of the examination, diagnosis and treatment of confirmed and suspected cases of COVID-19 is reimbursed in accordance with the medical insurance policy. For those who are not registered in PRC’s basic medial insurance, the medical expenses shall be borne by the patient in principle.


III. Staffs of party and government agencies, enterprises, and institutions at all levels in the province must report to their work units or organizations as soon as possible when they learn of any relatives, friends, and related persons are about to return to Shaanxi from abroad. The work units or organization must then immediately report the information to the local county (city, district) epidemic prevention and control department. Employers shall, in accordance with the principles of “whoever employs workers should be held accountable ” and “ whoever runs the organization should be held accountable”, take the initiative to report information regarding returnees to Shaanxi from abroad to their towns, streets and communities. Persons returning to Shaanxi from abroad who conceals their contact history, residence and travel history, who misrepresented any illness, or refuse to implement epidemic prevention and control measures, which as a result caused risk of spreading or the spread of the COVID-19 virus, will be held accountable for legal liabilities.


IV. Towns, streets, communities, village groups, reception units, hotels, etc. must record general information and health status of overseas personnel arriving in Shaanxi, reporting relevant information to the local county (city, district) epidemic prevention and control departments as soon as possible, to cooperate with relevant departments for centralized quarantine and any other required epidemic prevention and control tasks. Those who do not report the information of inbound personnel and implement the prevention and control responsibilities as required will be held accountable for legal liabilities.


V. Anyone found that persons arriving in Shaanxi from abroad did not report to relevant units truthfully or did not comply with the quarantine rules, please report to the city and county epidemic prevention and control department as soon as possible. All county and city epidemic prevention and control departments must be on duty, hot-lines should be opened and answered in a timely manner to any reports regarding travel history of relevant inbound personnel and provide management services along with prevention and control measures in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.


Working Group on Respond to COVID-19 Epidemic of Shaanxi Province

年 3 月 16 日

March 16,
