700字范文 > 第四十九弹‖文艺小清新句子:冗长的黑夜里 你是我唯一的光

第四十九弹‖文艺小清新句子:冗长的黑夜里 你是我唯一的光

时间:2020-01-30 11:05:15


第四十九弹‖文艺小清新句子:冗长的黑夜里 你是我唯一的光


01 凌晨四点钟,我看见海棠花未眠,总觉得这时你应该在我身边。

At four oclock in the morning, when I saw the crabapple still awake, I always felt that you should be by my side.

02 我若是游子,你便是人间

If I am a wanderer, you are the world.

03 冗长的黑夜里,你是我唯一的光

Long night, you are my only light.

04 我本是槐花院落闲散的人,满襟酒气。小池塘边跌坐看鱼,眉挑烟火过一生。——沈离淮

05 当我跨过沉沦的一切,向着永恒开战的时候,你是我的军旗。 ——王小波

06 绿水本无忧,因风而皱,青山原不老,为雪白头。

The green water has no worries. It is wrinkled by the wind. The green mountain is not old. It is snowy and white.

07 于我而言,这世界有两个你,一个在我眼前,一个在我心里。

For me, the world has two you, one in front of my eyes and one in my heart.

08 你若喜欢田野,我愿植荒十年,换得一时春生

If you like the fields, Id like to plant the wasteland for ten years and get a spring life.

09 这辈子我想好好握住你的手,因为我怕下辈子再遇不见你了。

In this life, I want to hold your hand well, because Im afraid Ill never see you again.

10 幸福大概就是,你喜欢粘着的那个人永远都不嫌你烦。

Happiness is that the person you like to stick to will never bother you.

11 我还是喜欢你,像风走了八千里,不问归期。

I still like you, like the wind went eight thousand miles, do not ask the return period.

12 一心一意是这个世界最温暖的力量。

One mind is the warmest power in the world.

13 “成为漫漫长夜中唯一的光芒,等到夜尽天明,天光破晓。”

"To be the only light in the long night, until the end of the day, the dawn of the day."

14 “拥向宇宙吹来的风,与夏夜相逢。是六月盛景,是清寂长生。”

"The wind that embraces the universe meets the summer night. Its June. Its quiet and eternal. "

15 “要么读书,要么旅行。灵魂和身体必须有一个在路上。”

"Read or travel. The soul and the body must have one on the way. "




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