700字范文 > 让人心酸伤感的句子 字字锥心 看的人想哭!

让人心酸伤感的句子 字字锥心 看的人想哭!

时间:2019-09-04 10:37:24


让人心酸伤感的句子 字字锥心 看的人想哭!



"The most crazy" is the beginning of the story, "stumble to despair" is the end of the story.


You think this is your love, but that person only takes you as a good fool.

那段时间真的很想联系你,但是忍住了,现在也逐渐习惯了一个人的生活,用了很多盒的抽纸擦眼泪,看了很多的电影,也把歌单循环了,一遍又一遍来疗伤,还好 最后都放下了。

At that time, I really wanted to contact you, but I held back. Now Im getting used to my life. I used a lot of boxes of paper to wipe my tears, watched a lot of movies, cycled the song list, healed my wounds over and over again, and finally put it down.


When I like a person, I inhale so much courage and sigh.


Ive seen you love and love me so much. Ive told you everything. I wish I could stick with you everyday, so when you don love me, I can see it at a glance.


I may be ashamed to say that I love him very much, but its not necessary for him.


Your love for me is just a new feeling, but I am a slow and hot person. When your love for me completely disappears, I am more and more fascinated by you.


Who is not glass heart,Its just a thick muffle over my heart,Let the voice of a chest be heard,I pretend I can hear you.


Unwilling, so and lose red eyes of gamblers, continue to add yards until lost nothing.

不要在一件伤心的事上纠缠太久,纠缠久了 你会累 会痛 会心碎,实际上 到最后,你不是跟事过不去,而是跟你自己过不去。

Don dwell on a sad thing for too long. You will be tired and heartbroken if you dwell on it for a long time. In fact, in the end, you don have trouble with things, but with yourself.


