700字范文 > 适合发朋友圈的说说文案 爱情说说语录 值得收藏

适合发朋友圈的说说文案 爱情说说语录 值得收藏

时间:2023-03-14 12:08:15


适合发朋友圈的说说文案 爱情说说语录 值得收藏


I hope you will grow old with me long enough for you to transmute with me.


Although you regret that I gave up, BUT I still love the most favorite person.

我越来越相信这就是所有爱情、友情、亲情的全部重要意义。 谢谢你和我一起度过。

I am more and more convinced that this is the whole significance of all love, friendship and family. Thank you for spending time with me.


You are sweet optimal injury, is the pain of looking forward to, is the happiness of the account, but also unexpected, unexpected helpless, when you do not easily think of me, I have missed you for a long time!

啊,看到你骂我,好像很有快感。 如果你想每天享受这种感觉的话,请和我结婚。

Ah, it seems like a pleasure to see you scold me. If you want to enjoy this feeling every day, please marry me.

你抑郁的时候,我是你的开心果。 你伤心的时候,我想成为你遗忘的树! 之后也很难过,但请让这次分手之后的离别留有余地。 笑着不去见你再见,并不意味着再也不见面了。

I will make you happy when you are depressed. When you are sad, I want to be the tree you forget! After also very sad, but please let the separation after this break up leave room. Smile not to see you goodbye, does not mean never meet again.

他回头的时候,我看到了老人的背影。 我知道。 时间过去了。

When he turned around, I saw the back of the old man. I know. Time passed.


Even if you are as dirty as a hedgehog, there is no taboo on reaching out for a hug


If I could take one more step with you, I would never take one step back.


Sometimes the best way to make someone care about you is to stop caring about them.


Meeting you is unintentional, knowing you is providence, you think it is affection, not seeing you is one heart, seeing you is one heart, if one day we have the intention to retreat, at least there will be memories!

世界上有很多不爱的理由。 忙累了对你有好处等等。 爱的表现只有一个。 我想和你在一起。

There are many reasons not to love in the world. Being busy is good for you, etc. There is only one expression of love. I want to be with you.

光是你的声音,我就觉得我爱上了你。 ——从拒绝挂断电话的瞬间开始…

Just the sound of your voice, I think Im in love with you. -From the moment I refused to hang up the phone.


I put enough love ambition in here, just to let you see me more mature and introverted.


Although every time very noisy, but really did not leave.

一生有多久? 我一辈子都爱着你。

How long is life? Ive loved you my whole life.


The sweetest thing is probably loving you every day and being loved by you.


The direction of your finger is my battlefield.


As long as I have you by my side, wealth or not, I am the happiest person in the world.


Love knows not the ground, but death does not.
