700字范文 > 双语阅读|外国人是否也会像我们一样在双11买买买?


时间:2023-03-25 18:49:53




In recent years, with the craziness of double 11 and 12 in China, these shopping festivals are becoming more and more popular abroad. However, as imported products, there have been more crazy and mature online and offline shopping festivals abroad. Lets approach science together.

1、黑色星期五Black Friday(源自美国)


The craziest Shopping Festival in the world. The fourth Thursday in November every year is Thanksgiving. The Friday after Thanksgiving is the so-called Black Friday. This years Black Friday is on November 26. As the transition between double 11 and double 12, it must not be missed by major online shopping platforms in China.

2、节礼日Boxing Day(源自英国)

节礼日(Boxing Day)原本是英国特有的一个圣诞节日,就在圣诞节的第二天12月26日。这个名词出现于中世纪,当时圣诞节前教堂门口放置捐款箱,圣诞节过后工作人员打开箱子,将募得款项捐给穷人因此称为节礼日。现在节礼日已经演变成为全球商场打折促销的日子。

Boxing Day was originally a unique Christmas day in Britain, on December 26, the second day of Christmas. This term appeared in the middle ages. At that time, a donation box was placed at the door of the church before Christmas. After Christmas, the staff opened the box and donated the raised money to the poor. Therefore, it is called boxing day. Now boxing day has evolved into a day of discount promotion in shopping malls all over the world.

3、亚马逊prime day

为了庆祝亚马逊成立,亚马逊每年都会在7月份推出亚马逊会员购物促销活动Prime Day,为Prime会员提供促销,打折活动。很多中国品牌在这一天都会在亚马逊推出折扣活动。

In order to celebrate the establishment of Amazon, Amazon will launch Amazon member shopping promotion prime day every year in July to provide promotions and discounts for prime members. Many Chinese brands will launch discounts on Amazon on this day.

4、夏季促销Summer SALE

夏季促销对标节礼日Boxing Day,一个是夏季购物节,一个是冬季购物节。

Summer sale benchmarking Boxing Day. One is the summer Shopping Festival and the other is the winter Shopping Festival.


Question: Will the discount of Chinese brands on foreign platforms be greater than that of domestic double 11?
