700字范文 > 高冷的个性签名 余生致自己的霸气句子 值得收藏!

高冷的个性签名 余生致自己的霸气句子 值得收藏!

时间:2023-08-13 19:09:42


高冷的个性签名 余生致自己的霸气句子 值得收藏!

1. 哪有什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人。愿你脚踏实地,也愿你仰望星空,往事不回头,未来不将就。

Where there are people who miss, passers-by will leave. Wish you down-to-earth, also wish you look up at the starry sky, the past does not look back, the future does not make do with.

2. 谢谢你们的冷嘲热讽,让我懂得现实的残酷。

Thank you for your sarcasm, let me understand the cruelty of reality.

3. 那些遇到真爱就成熟的人,不过是经历得多了而已。

Those who are mature when they meet true love just experience more.

4. 你要学着无视所有嘲笑,要学着骄傲地看着别人微笑。

You have to learn to ignore all ridicule, to learn to look at others with pride and smile.

5. 像一场烂电影,看过就忘记,太好听的话语,一脱口就过期。

Its like a rotten movie. You can forget it when you see it. The words that are too pleasant to hear will expire as soon as you blurt out.

6. 岁月留不住年少的迷茫,年华带不走曾经的轻狂。

Years can not keep young confusion, time can not take away once frivolous.

7. 放不下,想不开,看不透,忘不了,这就是你过得不好的原因。

I can put it down, I can think about it, I can see it through, I can forget it. Thats why you e not living well.

8. 想离开你的人有千万种理由,想陪伴你的人永远赶不走。

There are thousands of reasons for those who want to leave you, and those who want to accompany you will never leave.

9. 好听的话别当真,难听的话别较真,认真你就输了。

Don take good words seriously. Don take bad words seriously. If you are serious, you will lose.

10. 总有一个人让你湿了眼眶,你却还笑着原谅。

There is always someone who makes you wet your eyes, but you still smile and forgive.

11. 你的世界与我无关,我的世界你也只配旁观。

Your world has nothing to do with me, my world you only deserve to watch.

12. 后来发现凉白开喝下去更干净,半夜写出的文字也挺有味道,清晨那碗粥暖胃舒服,痛极后孤立无援的想法更成熟,一路走一路失去也一路拥有。

Later, I found that its cleaner to drink in liangbaikai, and the words written in the middle of the night are also delicious. The bowl of porridge in the morning is warm and comfortable, and the idea of being isolated after the pain is more mature, and I have lost and owned all the way.


