700字范文 > 中考英语常考易错点专题讲练:词汇运用(含答案解析)


时间:2023-06-03 11:21:17





一、 考点分析



二、 构词法




1. 动词和名词之间的相互转化。有时意思变化不大,有时有一定的变化。


Shall we go out for a drivenext Sunday? 下个星期天咱们出去驱车旅行,好吗?


I often go there for a walk. 我经常去那里散步。(句中walk由动词转化为名词)


Have you bookedyour ticket? 你的票订好了吗?(句中book由名词转化为动词,词意引申为“订购”)

Handme your knife, please. 请把你的刀子递给我。(句中hand由名词转化为动词,词意引申为“传递”)

2. 少部分形容词转化为动词。如:

The train sloweddown to half its speed. 火车速度减慢了一半。(句中slow由形容词转化为动词,词意引申为“减速”)

Don dirtyyour clothes. 别把你的衣服弄脏了。(句中dirty由形容词转化为动词,词意引申为“弄脏”)

3. 形容词和名词之间的相互转化。如:

The poorwere not allowed to go into this park those days. 那个时候,穷人是不允许进入这个公园的。


They took the sickto hospital yesterday. 昨天他们把那个病人送进了医院。(句中sick由形容词转化为名词,词意引申为“病人”)

4. 有些词可以词形不变,只因重音变化而发生词类转化,有时词义也可能变化。如:

record [rekd] v.记录record [rkd] n. 记录

5. 有些词词形不变,只因词尾的清浊音变化而发生词类转化,有时词形也可以变化。如:

excuse [kskjuz] v.原谅excuse [kskjus] n. 原谅

use [juz] v.用use [jus] n. 用





1. 通过加前缀构成另一个词。前缀一般不造成词类的转换,但能引起词义的变化。前缀中有相当一部分可构成反义词。常用的前缀有:

个别前缀也可以引起词类的变化,如:en-可以和名词或形容词构成动词:enlarge, enable, encourage; a-可以和名词构成形容词:asleep, aboard, aside; out-可以和一些动词构成名词:outcome, outlet, outlook。

2. 通过加后缀构成另一个词。后缀不仅能改变词义,也能改变词类。





3. 数词后缀



1. 合成形容词常见的构成方法

2. 合成动词常见的构成方法

3. 合成名词常见的构成方法

4. 合成副词或代词。如:

maybe, forever, myself, whole-heartedly, however, everyone, something

5. 有时一个名词可以构成许多合成词。如:handbag, handball, handwriting, hand-made







A. wheneverB. checkC. carefully D. traditionalE. hobbiesF. over

1. Weve received 100 e-mails from our young leaders about their summer vacation plans.

2. Don forget to go over your test paper before you hand it in.

3. Linda has many such as singing,dancing and drawing.

4. Zongzi is a kind of Chinese food on Dragon Boat Festival.

5. Please if Weve got what we need to make fruit salad.

6. It will always give you a big surprise you visit the Mogan Mountain.


1. F解析:和数词100连用,表示“多于”,故用over。句意:我们已经收到年轻读者有关暑假计划的电子邮件100多封。

2. C解析:句意:在交卷前不要忘记检查你的试卷。修饰动词短语go over,用副词carefully,要仔细检查你的试卷。

3. E解析:句意:琳达有很多 ,例如唱歌、跳舞和画画。分析句意可知:这些都是她的爱好,故选E。

4. D解析:句意:在端午节,粽子是一种 中国食品。分析所给选项可知:粽子应该是一种传统食品,故选D。

5. B解析:句意:请 我们是否有了制作水果沙拉的东西。分析句意可知:只能是检查一下我们是否有了制作水果沙拉的东西,故选B。

6. A解析: 你参观莫干山会给你一个大大的惊喜。分析句意可知:“无论什么时候去参观莫干山都会给你一个大大的惊喜”,故选A。


1. The singers in the CCTV talent show SingMySonghave (able) to write songs.

2. —Did you eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival?

—Of course. I love the ones made in Jiaxing. They seem even (taste) to me after watching the TV programme ABiteofChina.

3. Li Jian rou was (interview) shortly after she won the first gold medal for China in the 22nd Winter Olympic Games.

4. She looked (hope) at her husband for a football ticket to get closer to her favourite player.

5. The old man was looking through the list of the (soldier) names in order to remember the old days.

1. ability/abilities解析:根据句意:那些在中央电视台才艺节目《中国好歌曲》的歌手有能力写歌。根据句子结构此处应该用名词形式,ability既可以作不可数名词也可以用作可数名词,因此该空填ability或abilities。

2. tastier解析:根据句意:“在端午节你吃粽子了吗?”“当然了。我喜欢嘉兴制作的粽子。当我看了电视节目《舌尖上的中国》后,它们甚至更可口了”。seem后面加形容词,根据句意该句用比较级更符合语境。所以填tasty的比较级形式tastier。

3. interviewed解析:根据句意:李坚柔在22届冬奥会上为中国队赢得第一枚金牌,很快接受了记者的采访。根据句意此处指李坚柔被采访,所以句子应该用被动语态,故填过去分词。

4. hopefully解析:根据句意:她满怀希望地看着丈夫,因为丈夫得到了一张足球票,这离她最喜爱的球员更进一步了。 此处应该用副词来修饰动词短语look at,根据句意应该用希望地,故填hopefully。

5. soldiers解析:根据句意:为了记住过去的日子,老人正在浏览士兵的名字。根据句意可知此处要用名词所有格形式,同时因为names为复数,所以填solders。



plan; swim; active; unless; together

1. Jim is a clever boy. He is very in class.

2. It is important to make a for your future.

3. You will never know what you can do you try.

4. Sun Yang usually more than 15 kilometers every day.

5. At the end of the party all the students sang the song AuldLangSyne.

1. active解析:be active in class意为“课上很积极”。very后面跟形容词原级。

2. plan解析:make a plan for为固定词组,意为“为……制定计划”。

3. unless解析:结合句意“除非你尝试,否则你将永远不会知道你能做什么”可知选unless,意为“除非;如果不”。

4. swims解析:根据时间状语标志every day可知时态应用一般现在时。又因为Sun Yang为第三人称单数,故应该填swims。

5. together解析:结合句意“在聚会的最后,所有的学生一起唱《Auld Lang Syne》。”故空白处应填together。


一、 (·江苏苏州)


1. All of us have voted (反对) smoking in public places.

2. Mr Brown,I Don think your plan is worth (考虑).

3. Red represents power and is the colour of (热).

4. Janes silk blouse feels far (光滑) than the cotton one.

5. Whether to build another highway across the part of the city is still under (讨论).

6. Jack is my best friend. I know him (大概;或许) better than anybody else.

7. The air in the area has been (污染) because of the wasted smoke from that factory.

8. —Help to some bread, Lily and Kate.

—Thank you, but we are full.

9. —My house is much from the office than yours. So Im always late for work.

—Youd better buy a car. Then you can save a lot of time.

10. —Miss Li, Im afraid of speaking in front of so many people.

—Tom,calm down,then take a deep . It`s your turn.

二、 (·湖北鄂州)

1. Last night,when I was watching TV I heard someone (敲门) at the door.

2. The experts (预言) that no one would want to see doctors in the hospital in the future.

3. I find it (令人沮丧的) that I didn`t go to visit Shanghai Expo.

4. They are trying to find a (解决) to the crisis.

5. The teacher was not satisfied. She left the classroom (silence).

6. I have many good habits,(include) getting up early and going to bed early.

7. The old man (die) for five years.

8. I think the car is one of the most helpful (invent) in peoples lives.

9. My answer is (complete) different from yours.

三、 (·江苏江阴)

A. 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。

1. Sorry,sir! Those boots aren (可找到的) in your size.

2. Spacemen have to (使固定) sleeping bags to the walls to prevent floating.

3. All the boys can wait to play basketball. They wish to begin (立即) after class.

4. We can use many (交通工具) such as buses,cars and so on to go to or from work.

B. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空限填一词。

5. Little Tom is often very clever,but he makes an (correct) answer this time.

6. When we got to the top of the mountain,we were tired and breathed (heavy).

7. Minnie is (pretty) than any other mouse Ive ever seen.

8. A hot topic that people are now talking about is the (safe) of school bus these days.

四、 (·江苏盐城)

A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。

1. (提醒) me to post the childrens letters please.

2. The Sydney Opera House is only an usual theatre but also the (标志) of Australia.

3. Mum made a (允诺) to buy a mobile phone for me as a birthday present.

4. Now theres fewer traffic accidents because of the law (反对) driving after drinking.

5. We are (真的) proud of our woman astronaut,Wang Yaping.

B. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. His father used to smoke very (heavy).

7. When they saw their favourite film stars,they shout with (excited).

8. Though the old man is in his (nine),he is still very healthy.

9. The house is on fire,we have to run out for (safe).

10. Though he was born in France,he can speak (France).

五、 (·广西梧州)


1. (close) your eyes and do eye exercises,kids.

2. I have tried three times,and the teacher asks me to have a (four) try.

3. Mr Wang is like a bee. He is one of (busy) teachers in our school.

4. When I got home,my pet dog was (lie) on the sofa.

5. The more (active) you take part in,the more outgoing you will be.

6. My parents expect me to pass the examination (success).

7. Shenzhen is in the (south) part of China.

8. Many people will go to the concert,(include) teachers,students and parents.

9. China has become much (strong) than before. We e all proud of her.

10. At the exhibition,the little boys (invent) attracted many IT engineers.

六、 (·广东清远)


big; change; over; safe; clean; story; progress; improve; age; plant

Forty years ago, Earth Day began in the. From then on, people start caring about the environment in the daily life. Today, we know more than ever about the environment problems—from clean water to 1 climate(气候). Some activities about protecting the earth environment are on the rise across the world. Now Earth Day is calling all action all 2 the world.

Today, we have to face some serious facts, our air and water have not been 3 as before,pollution has been increasing. Its every person who demands cleaner air,healthier drinking water and 4 food. We really need healthier environment to live in.

Please take action to 5 our environment in your home or your company,at your school or your business. It can be as simple as taking a bus or the subway to work,cleaning up a nearby park with your neighbors. So lets get to work together. We can continue to make 6 towards a healthier planet. Just go out to learn how you can help our planet. And then tell us your 7 about what you e doing to make some differences.

Please plant trees where they are most needed. People of all 8 can take part in the activities. The programs can help reduce greenhouse gas and support development. 15 countries joined 9 one million trees in . Please help us plant another one million trees in .

We have so much more to do. And we need your help to do it. I want to leave you with a challenge.

In the end,I love you—the small business owners and factory leaders,the teachers and the students,the young people and the grandparents—who have made Earth Day so successful. And It`s going to be up to you to make some even 10 differences year by year. Lets make our country and our world as green as possible in the following years!


一、 1. against2. considering3. heat4. smoother5. discussion6. probably7. polluted8. yourselves9. farther10. breath

二、 1. knocking2. predicted3. frustrating4. solution

5. silently6. including7. has been dead8. inventions

9. completely

三、 1. available2. fix3. immediately4. vehicles

5. incorrect6. heavily7. prettier8. safety

四、 1. Remind2. symbol3. promise4. against5. truly/really6. heavily7. excitement8. nineties9. safety

10. French

五、 1. Close2. fourth3. the busiest4. lying5. activities

6. successfully7. southern8. including9. stronger

10. invention(s)

六、 1. changing2. over3. clean4. safer5. improve6. progress7. story8. ages9. planting10. bigger
