700字范文 > 汤姆索亚历险记读后感英文


时间:2019-01-10 10:27:03




Sawyer is a cunning, playful boy. He seems to be a showoff and likes to show his authority over other boys. He is around twelve years old as gathered from hints in Twains works. Tom is supposed to represent the carefree and wonderful world of boyhood in the early-mid 1800s. His best friends include Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn. In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Toms infatuation with Rebecca (alias Becky) Thatcher is apparent. He has a half-brother, Sid, a cousin, Mary, and his aunt is known as Aunt Polly, all with whom he lives. Tom is Aunt Pollys dead sisters son. It is unknown how Toms mother died.

the adventures Tom gets himself into are going pirating with Huck Finn And Joe Harper. He also stumbles upon Injun Joes crime in which Widow Douglass is almost killed, and where thousands of gold rounds were involved. He also gets trapped with Becky Thacher, his "fiancée," in a cave. After which, Injun Joe dies, and Huck gets adopted by the widow.
