700字范文 > 透视图分析方法 perspective view analysis method英语短句 例句大全

透视图分析方法 perspective view analysis method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-03 01:44:19


透视图分析方法 perspective view analysis method英语短句 例句大全

透视图分析方法,perspective view analysis method

1)perspective view analysis method透视图分析方法

1.According to drivers\" visual characteristics and curve perception investigation,estimating and calculating methods of perspective curvature radius were illustrated andperspective view analysis method was validated.根据驾驶员视觉特性和弯道感知调查结果,阐述了透视曲率半径的估计和计算方法,并验证了透视图分析方法,阐明了错觉产生机理,最后对上三高速公路交通事故进行了调查分析。

2)perspective analyzation透视分析


1.Approach the Problem of Talents Crisis in University Libraries in Information Age;信息时代高校图书馆人才危机问题透视分析

2.Suzerain-vassal State Relationships in the Qing Dynasty;清代宗藩关系的历史法学多维透视分析

3.Technical development and radiation dose analysis of CT fluoroscopyCT透视技术的发展和放射线剂量分析

4.Replace crosstab table with PivotTable report?是否以数据透视表替换交叉分析表?

5.Analysis of Axial Velocity With Perspective Affine Transformation轴向变形系数的透视仿射变换法分析

6.Analysis of Two News Reports from the Perspective of CDA;从批评性语篇分析透视两则新闻报道

7.A Probe into China s Trust Industry:Development Obstacles and Countermeasures;透视中国信托业——发展障碍及对策分析

8.Perspective on the Concept of Public;透视“公共”的概念——“公”“私”关系分析

9.Reasons for Infringements in the Network and Ways to Cope with It;当前网络侵权的原因透视和对策分析

10.A case study of the quality of college English achievement test;透视大学英语教学考试质量——案例分析

11.An Analysis of Relation among Great Powers after the Cold War from the Standpoint of the Korean Peninsula;以朝鲜半岛为分析视角透视冷战后的大国关系

12.A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Stipulativeness of Constitutionalism--A New Perspective on Constitutionalism;宪政规定性的法理分析——透视宪政的另一种视角

13.Analyze data by using the PivotTable and PivotChart components.使用数据透视表组件和图表组件分析数据。

14.Geographical perspective and fuse analyses of the differences between east culture and west culture东西方文化差异的地理透视与整合分析

15.Hotspot Perspective: It focuses on hot topics and analyses the latest trends of the industry.热点透视:关注热点话题,分析行业最新动态。

16.New Interpretation of "Cruelty"--The psychological analysis and cultural perspective about characters in "A Friend in Need";“残酷”的新解——“A Friend in Need”人物心理分析及其文化透视

17.A Categorical Analysis of the Lives of Yuan Dynasty Dramatists;元曲作家生平基本范畴的形态透视与现象分析

18.Examination and Analysis on Lay-off Workers’ Attitude Towards Physical Training and Their Physical Training Mode;我国下岗工人体育态度和体育行为透视与分析


perspective analyzation透视分析



1.Theperspective provided in “The Theoretic Construction of Optimum Perspective” only applies to 0< Φ <45° in three pointperspective,i.《优化透视的理论构建》一文提出的透视方法只适用于三灭点透视中 0<Φ<45°,即灭点 B∞ 在距离圆外、灭线 a∞ 与距离圆相交的情

2.In techniques, She skillfully applied the "art of picture_constructing", macro_perspective and instructive symbolic image to enrich the expressive functions of novel arts.在小说技法上 ,她纯熟地运用绘画的“构图艺术”、宏观的透视方法、主导的象征意象来丰富小说艺术的表现功能 ;她通过“内心独白”和“诗化小说”来展现人物心灵 ,刻画人物形象 ,构筑小说的独特意境 ,赋予小说美的内涵和意

5)method of sight analysis视线分析方法

6)image analysis method图像分析方法

1.This paper presents animage analysis method based on statistics.介绍一种基于多向加权统计描述的图像分析方法。


