700字范文 > 基于Confluent.Kafka实现的KafkaConsumer消费者类和KafkaProducer消息生产者类型


时间:2019-05-30 23:36:26







1/// <summary> 2/// Kafka消息消费者接口 3/// </summary> 4public interface IKafkaConsumer 5{ 6 /// <summary> 7 /// 指定的组别的消费者开始消费指定主题的消息 8 /// </summary> 9 /// <param name="broker">Kafka消息服务器的地址</param>10 /// <param name="topic">Kafka消息所属的主题</param>11 /// <param name="groupID">Kafka消费者所属的组别</param>12 /// <param name="action">可以对已经消费的消息进行相关处理</param>13 void Consume(string broker, string topic, string groupID, Action<ConsumerResult> action = null);14}


1/// <summary> 2/// Kafka抽象基类,提供公共接口实现 3/// </summary> 4public abstract class KafkaBase 5{ 6 /// <summary> 7 /// 获取Kafka服务器地址 8 /// </summary> 9 /// <param name="brokerNameKey">配置文件中Broker服务器地址的key的名称</param>10 /// <returns>返回获取到的Kafka服务器的地址明细</returns>11 public string GetKafkaBroker(string brokerNameKey = "Broker")12 {13 string kafkaBroker = string.Empty; 14 15 if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys.Contains(brokerNameKey))16 {17 kafkaBroker = "http://localhost:9092";18 }19 else20 {21 kafkaBroker = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[brokerNameKey];22 }23 return kafkaBroker;24 }25 26 /// <summary>27 /// 在配置文件中获取系统中已经生成的主题名称28 /// </summary>29 /// <param name="topicNameKey">配置文件中主题的key名称</param>30 /// <returns>返回获取到的主题的具体值</returns>31 public string GetTopicName(string topicNameKey = "Topic")32 {33 string topicName = string.Empty;34 35 if (!ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys.Contains(topicNameKey))36 {37 throw new Exception("Key \"" + topicNameKey + "\" not found in Config file -> configuration/AppSettings");38 }39 else40 {41 topicName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[topicNameKey];42 }43 return topicName;44 }45}


1/// <summary> 2/// Kafka消息消费者设置对象,提供Kafka消费消息的参数对象(Consumer.Consum) 3/// </summary> 4public sealed class ConsumerSetting 5{ 6 /// <summary> 7 /// Kafka消息服务器的地址 8 /// </summary> 9 public string Broker { get; set; }10 11 /// <summary>12 /// Kafka消息所属的主题13 /// </summary>14 public string Topic { get; set; }15 16 /// <summary>17 /// Kafka消息消费者分组主键18 /// </summary>19 public string GroupID { get; set; }20 21 /// <summary>22 /// 消费消息后可以执行的方法23 /// </summary>24 public Action<ConsumerResult> Action { get; set; }25}


1/// <summary> 2/// 已经消费的消息的详情信息 3/// </summary> 4public sealed class ConsumerResult 5{ 6 /// <summary> 7 /// Kafka消息服务器的地址 8 /// </summary> 9 public string Broker { get; set; }10 11 /// <summary>12 /// Kafka消息所属的主题13 /// </summary>14 public string Topic { get; set; }15 16 /// <summary>17 /// Kafka消息消费者分组主键18 /// </summary>19 public string GroupID { get; set; }20 21 /// <summary>22 /// 我们需要处理的消息具体的内容23 /// </summary>24 public string Message { get; set; }25 26 /// <summary>27 /// Kafka数据读取的当前位置28 /// </summary>29 public long Offset { get; set; }30 31 /// <summary>32 /// 消息所在的物理分区33 /// </summary>34 public int Partition { get; set; }35}


1/// <summary> 2/// Kafka消息消费者 3/// </summary> 4public sealed class KafkaConsumer : KafkaBase, IKafkaConsumer 5{ 6 #region 私有字段 7 8 private bool isCancelled; 9 10 #endregion 11 12 #region 构造函数 13 14 /// <summary> 15 /// 构造函数,初始化IsCancelled属性 16 /// </summary> 17 public KafkaConsumer() 18 { 19 isCancelled = false; 20 } 21 22 #endregion 23 24 #region 属性 25 26 /// <summary> 27 /// 是否应该取消继续消费Kafka的消息,默认值是false,继续消费消息 28 /// </summary> 29 public bool IsCancelled 30 { 31 get { return isCancelled; } 32 set { isCancelled = value; } 33 } 34 35 #endregion 36 37 #region 同步版本 38 39 /// <summary> 40 /// 指定的组别的消费者开始消费指定主题的消息 41 /// </summary> 42 /// <param name="broker">Kafka消息服务器的地址</param> 43 /// <param name="topic">Kafka消息所属的主题</param> 44 /// <param name="groupID">Kafka消费者所属的组别</param> 45 /// <param name="action">可以对已经消费的消息进行相关处理</param> 46 public void Consume(string broker, string topic, string groupID, Action<ConsumerResult> action = null) 47 { 48 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(broker) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(broker) || broker.Length <= 0) 49 { 50 throw new ArgumentNullException("Kafka消息服务器的地址不能为空!"); 51 } 52 53 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topic) || topic.Length <= 0) 54 { 55 throw new ArgumentNullException("消息所属的主题不能为空!"); 56 } 57 58 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupID) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupID) || groupID.Length <= 0) 59 { 60 throw new ArgumentNullException("用户分组ID不能为空!"); 61 } 62 63 var config = new Dictionary<string, object> 64 { 65 { "bootstrap.servers", broker }, 66 { "group.id", groupID }, 67 { "mit", true }, // this is the default 68 { "mit.interval.ms", 5000 }, 69 { "statistics.interval.ms", 60000 }, 70 { "session.timeout.ms", 6000 }, 71 { "auto.offset.reset", "smallest" } 72 }; 73 74 75 using (var consumer = new Consumer<Ignore, string>(config, null, new StringDeserializer(Encoding.UTF8))) 76 { 77 // Note: All event handlers are called on the main thread. 78 //consumer.OnMessage += (_, message) => Console.WriteLine("Topic:" + message.Topic + " Partition:" + message.Partition + " Offset:" + message.Offset + " " + message.Value); 79 //consumer.OnMessage += (_, message) => Console.WriteLine("Offset:【" + message.Offset + "】Message:【" + message.Value + "】"); 80 if (action != null) 81 { 82 consumer.OnMessage += (_, message) => { 83ConsumerResult messageResult = new ConsumerResult(); 84messageResult.Broker = broker; 85messageResult.Topic = message.Topic; 86messageResult.Partition = message.Partition; 87messageResult.Offset = message.Offset.Value; 88messageResult.Message = message.Value; 89 90//执行外界自定义的方法 91action(messageResult); 92 }; 93 } 94 95 consumer.OnPartitionEOF += (_, end) => Console.WriteLine("Reached end of topic " + end.Topic + " partition " + end.Partition + ", next message will be at offset " + end.Offset); 96 97 consumer.OnError += (_, error) => Console.WriteLine("Error:" + error); 98 99 //引发反序列化错误或消费消息出现错误!= NoError。100 consumer.OnConsumeError += (_, message) => Console.WriteLine("Error consuming from topic/partition/offset " + message.Topic + "/" + message.Partition + "/" + message.Offset + ": " + message.Error);101 102 consumer.OnOffsetsCommitted += (_, commit) => Console.WriteLine(commit.Error ? "Failed to commit offsets:" + commit.Error : "Successfully committed offsets:" + commit.Offsets);103 104 // 当消费者被分配一组新的分区时引发。105 consumer.OnPartitionsAssigned += (_, partitions) =>106 {107 Console.WriteLine("Assigned Partitions:" + partitions + ", Member ID:" + consumer.MemberId);108 //如果您未向OnPartitionsAssigned事件添加处理程序,则会自动执行以下.Assign调用。 如果你为它添加了事件处理程序,你必须明确地调用.Assign以便消费者开始消费消息。109 consumer.Assign(partitions);110 };111 112 // Raised when the consumer's current assignment set has been revoked.113 //当消费者的当前任务集已被撤销时引发。114 consumer.OnPartitionsRevoked += (_, partitions) =>115 {116 Console.WriteLine("Revoked Partitions:" + partitions);117 // If you don't add a handler to the OnPartitionsRevoked event,the below .Unassign call happens automatically. If you do, you must call .Unassign explicitly in order for the consumer to stop consuming messages from it's previously assigned partitions.118 //如果您未向OnPartitionsRevoked事件添加处理程序,则下面的.Unassign调用会自动发生。 如果你为它增加了事件处理程序,你必须明确地调用.Usessign以便消费者停止从它先前分配的分区中消费消息。119 consumer.Unassign();120 };121 122 //consumer.OnStatistics += (_, json) => Console.WriteLine("Statistics: " + json);123 124 consumer.Subscribe(topic);125 126 //Console.WriteLine("Subscribed to:" + consumer.Subscription);127 128 while (!IsCancelled)129 {130 consumer.Poll(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));131 }132 }133 }134 135 #endregion136 137 #region 异步版本138 139 /// <summary>140 /// 指定的组别的消费者开始消费指定主题的消息141 /// </summary>142 /// <param name="broker">Kafka消息服务器的地址</param>143 /// <param name="topic">Kafka消息所属的主题</param>144 /// <param name="groupID">Kafka消费者所属的组别</param>145 /// <param name="action">可以对已经消费的消息进行相关处理</param>146 public void ConsumeAsync(string broker, string topic, string groupID, Action<ConsumerResult> action = null)147 {148 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(broker) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(broker) || broker.Length <= 0)149 {150 throw new ArgumentNullException("Kafka消息服务器的地址不能为空!");151 }152 153 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topic) || topic.Length <= 0)154 {155 throw new ArgumentNullException("消息所属的主题不能为空!");156 }157 158 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupID) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupID) || groupID.Length <= 0)159 {160 throw new ArgumentNullException("用户分组ID不能为空!");161 }162 163 ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(KafkaAutoCommittedOffsets, new ConsumerSetting() { Broker = broker, Topic = topic, GroupID = groupID, Action=action });164 }165 166 #endregion167 168 #region 两种提交Offsets的版本169 170 /// <summary>171 /// Kafka消息队列服务器自动提交offset172 /// </summary>173 /// <param name="state">消息消费者信息</param>174 private void KafkaAutoCommittedOffsets(object state)175 {176 ConsumerSetting setting = state as ConsumerSetting;177 178 var config = new Dictionary<string, object>179 {180 { "bootstrap.servers", setting.Broker },181 { "group.id", setting.GroupID },182 { "mit", true }, // this is the default183 { "mit.interval.ms", 5000 },184 { "statistics.interval.ms", 60000 },185 { "session.timeout.ms", 6000 },186 { "auto.offset.reset", "smallest" }187 };188 189 using (var consumer = new Consumer<Ignore, string>(config, null, new StringDeserializer(Encoding.UTF8)))190 {191 if (setting.Action != null)192 {193 consumer.OnMessage += (_, message) =>194 {195ConsumerResult messageResult = new ConsumerResult();196messageResult.Broker = setting.Broker;197messageResult.Topic = message.Topic;198messageResult.Partition = message.Partition;199messageResult.Offset = message.Offset.Value;200messageResult.Message = message.Value;201 202//执行外界自定义的方法203setting.Action(messageResult); 204 };205 }206 207 //consumer.OnStatistics += (_, json)=> Console.WriteLine("Statistics: {json}");208 209 //可以写日志210 //consumer.OnError += (_, error)=> Console.WriteLine("Error:"+error);211 212 //可以写日志213 //consumer.OnConsumeError += (_, msg) => Console.WriteLine("Error consuming from topic/partition/offset {msg.Topic}/{msg.Partition}/{msg.Offset}: {msg.Error}");214 215 consumer.Subscribe(setting.Topic);216217 while (!IsCancelled)218 {219 consumer.Poll(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));220 }221 }222 }223 224 /// <summary>225 /// Kafka消息队列服务器手动提交offset226 /// </summary>227 /// <param name="state">消息消费者信息</param>228 private void KafkaManuallyCommittedOffsets(object state)229 {230 ConsumerSetting setting = state as ConsumerSetting;231 232 var config = new Dictionary<string, object>233 {234 { "bootstrap.servers", setting.Broker },235 { "group.id", setting.GroupID },236 { "mit", false },//不是自动提交的237 { "mit.interval.ms", 5000 },238 { "statistics.interval.ms", 60000 },239 { "session.timeout.ms", 6000 },240 { "auto.offset.reset", "smallest" }241 };242 243 using (var consumer = new Consumer<Ignore, string>(config, null, new StringDeserializer(Encoding.UTF8)))244 { 245 //可以写日志246 //consumer.OnError += (_, error) => Console.WriteLine("Error:"+error);247 248 //可以写日志249 // Raised on deserialization errors or when a consumed message has an error != NoError.250 //consumer.OnConsumeError += (_, error)=> Console.WriteLine("Consume error:"+error);251 252 consumer.Subscribe(setting.Topic);253 254 Message<Ignore, string> message = null;255 256 while (!isCancelled)257 {258 if (!consumer.Consume(out message, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)))259 {260continue;261 }262 263 if (setting.Action != null)264 {265ConsumerResult messageResult = new ConsumerResult();266messageResult.Broker = setting.Broker;267messageResult.Topic = message.Topic;268messageResult.Partition = message.Partition;269messageResult.Offset = message.Offset.Value;270messageResult.Message = message.Value;271 272//执行外界自定义的方法273setting.Action(messageResult);274 }275 276 if (message.Offset % 5 == 0)277 {278var committedOffsets = mitAsync(message).Result;279//Console.WriteLine("Committed offset:"+committedOffsets);280 }281 }282 }283 }284 285 #endregion286}


1/// <summary> 2/// Kafka消息生产者 3/// </summary> 4public sealed class KafkaProducer : KafkaBase, IKafkaProducer 5{ 6 /// <summary> 7 /// 生产消息并发送消息 8 /// </summary> 9 /// <param name="broker">kafka的服务器地址</param>10 /// <param name="topic">kafka的消息主题名称</param>11 /// <param name="message">需要传送的消息</param>12 public bool Produce(string broker, string topic, string message)13 {14 bool result = false;15 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(broker) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(broker) || broker.Length <= 0)16 {17 throw new ArgumentNullException("Kafka消息服务器地址不能为空!");18 }19 20 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topic) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(topic) || topic.Length <= 0)21 {22 throw new ArgumentNullException("消息所属的主题不能为空!");23 }24 25 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) || message.Length <= 0)26 {27 throw new ArgumentNullException("消息内容不能为空!");28 }29 30 var config = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "bootstrap.servers", broker } };31 using (var producer = new Producer<Null, string>(config, null, new StringSerializer(Encoding.UTF8)))32 {33 var deliveryReport = producer.ProduceAsync(topic, null, message);34 deliveryReport.ContinueWith(task =>35 {36 if (task.Result.Error.Code == ErrorCode.NoError)37 {38result = true;39 }40 //可以在控制台使用以下语句41 //Console.WriteLine("Producer:" + producer.Name + "\r\nTopic:" + topic + "\r\nPartition:" + task.Result.Partition + "\r\nOffset:" + task.Result.Offset + "\r\nMessage:" + task.Result.Value);42 });43 44 producer.Flush(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));45 }46 return result;47 }48}



