700字范文 > 中山大学新华学院c语言试题 中山大学新华学院国际学院级学生入学测试

中山大学新华学院c语言试题 中山大学新华学院国际学院级学生入学测试

时间:2023-03-08 07:42:20


中山大学新华学院c语言试题 中山大学新华学院国际学院级学生入学测试


No Talking in Restaurant

If you like eating without talking, there is a restaurant just for you. You can visit it in New York. The idea of a restaurant where people can’t talk came to the owner’s mind thanks to his stay in India. There, he could eat in silence and he realised that eating like that let him enjoy the food better. He thinks you can truly focus on what you’re eating. However, it is a bit strange for restaurants because there people usually talk. Some people agree with the owner. Others miss the conversation.

1.Find an adjective.

2.Find an adverb of frequency (which describes “how often”).

3.What is the verb in the last sentence?

4.What person is mentioned?

5.What verb is used to mean “go to”?

6.Which country is mentioned?

7. Which city is mentioned?

8. Which word in the text has the same meaning as “concentrate”?

9. What is the strange thing mentioned in the reading ?
