700字范文 > OpenCV | 双目相机标定之OpenCV获取左右相机图像+MATLAB单目标定+双目标定

OpenCV | 双目相机标定之OpenCV获取左右相机图像+MATLAB单目标定+双目标定

时间:2021-10-27 15:11:57


OpenCV | 双目相机标定之OpenCV获取左右相机图像+MATLAB单目标定+双目标定





1. OpenCV代码之左右图像获取:OpenCV3.0 + VS + 64位操作系统

#include "stdafx.h"#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <iostream>using namespace std; using namespace cv;int main(){int i=0; VideoCapture cap_left(1);VideoCapture cap_right(0);if (cap_left.isOpened() && cap_right.isOpened())cout << "camera is opened" << endl;elsecout << "camera is not opened" << endl;bool stop = false;Mat frame;cap_left.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 480);cap_left.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 640);cap_right.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 480);cap_right.set(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 640);VideoWriter writer0("two_test0.avi",VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'),30, Size(640,480),true); VideoWriter writer1("two_test1.avi",VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'),30, Size(640,480),true); Mat img0 , img1;namedWindow("camera_left");namedWindow("camera_right"); int count = 130;while (count) { cap_left >> img0; // if(!cap_left.read(img0)) // 读取下一帧图像 break; writer0 << img0; imshow("camera_left", img0); cap_right >> img1; if(!cap_right.read(img1)) // 读取下一帧图像 break; writer1 << img1; imshow("camera_right", img1); waitKey(30); count --; } //读取获取到的视频,进行图像采集 VideoCapture cap00("two_test0.avi"); VideoCapture cap11("two_test1.avi"); if(cap00.isOpened() && cap11.isOpened()) cout << "ok ,have a video" << endl; else cout << "no video" << endl; Mat frame00, frame11; int num0 = 1, num1 = 1; string filename0; char temp_file0[100]; string path0 = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\标定图像获取\\left\\left";//can change the path for (int i = 1; i < 131; i++) { cap00 >> frame00; if(frame00.empty()) break; if(i % 5 == 0) { _itoa_s(num0, temp_file0, 4, 10); filename0 = temp_file0; filename0 = path0 + filename0 + ".jpg"; num0 ++; imwrite (filename0,frame00); } } cap00.release(); //重复上一步骤 string filename1; char temp_file1[100]; string path1 = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\标定图像获取\\right\\right";//can change the path for (int i = 1; i < 131;i++) { cap11 >> frame11; if(frame11.empty()) break; if(i % 5 == 0) { _itoa_s(num1, temp_file1, 4, 10); filename1 = temp_file1; filename1 = path1 + filename1 + ".jpg"; num1 ++; imwrite (filename1,frame11); } } cap11.release();return 0; }

Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction 相机标定的函数及公式




2. Matlab单目标定:MATLABa


Image names—>Read images—> Extract grid corners


Initialization of the intrinsic parameters - Number of images: 20

Calibration parameters after initialization:

Focal Length: fc = [ 1031.50439 1031.50439 ]

Principal point: cc = [ 319.50000 239.50000 ]

Skew: alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] => angle of pixel = 90.00000 degrees

Distortion: kc = [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ]

Main calibration optimization procedure - Number of images: 20

Gradient descent iterations: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...21...22...23...24...25...26...27...28...29...30...done

Estimation of uncertainties...done

Calibration results after optimization (with uncertainties):

Focal Length: fc = [ 997.33556 1001.73912 ] +/- [ 55.05614 55.49485 ]

Principal point: cc = [ 298.01423 249.24570 ] +/- [ 13.54904 7.56469 ]

Skew: alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.00000 ] => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000 +/- 0.00000 degrees

Distortion: kc = [ 0.01808 1.16917 0.00352 -0.00714 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.04498 0.74714 0.00278 0.00346 0.00000 ]

Pixel error: err = [ 0.18524 0.15456 ]

Note: The numerical errors are approximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).

Recommendation: Some distortion coefficients are found equal to zero (within their uncertainties).

To reject them from the optimization set est_dist=[0;1;1;1;0] and run Calibration

Show Extrinsic

Analyse error

Recomp.corners ——> Calibration

There is now a total of 20 active images for calibration:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.

You may now run 'Calibration' to recalibrate based on this new set of images.

Aspect ratio optimized (est_aspect_ratio = 1) -> both components of fc are estimated (DEFAULT).

Principal point optimized (center_optim=1) - (DEFAULT). To reject principal point, set center_optim=0

Skew not optimized (est_alpha=0) - (DEFAULT)

Distortion not fully estimated (defined by the variable est_dist):

Sixth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(5)=0) - (DEFAULT) .

Main calibration optimization procedure - Number of images: 20

Gradient descent iterations: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...21...22...23...24...25...26...27...28...29...30...done

Estimation of uncertainties...done

Calibration results after optimization (with uncertainties):

Focal Length: fc = [ 997.53863 1001.94304 ] +/- [ 54.94370 55.38183 ]

Principal point: cc = [ 298.03007 249.25204 ] +/- [ 13.51600 7.55436 ]

Skew: alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.00000 ] => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000 +/- 0.00000 degrees

Distortion: kc = [ 0.01788 1.17241 0.00353 -0.00713 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.04494 0.74699 0.00278 0.00345 0.00000 ]

Pixel error: err = [ 0.18501 0.15435 ]

Note: The numerical errors are approximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).

Recommendation: Some distortion coefficients are found equal to zero (within their uncertainties).

To reject them from the optimization set est_dist=[0;1;1;1;0] and run Calibration


现在,就像练习(在实践中没有真正建议的那样),让我们在没有镜头扭曲模型的情况下进行优化(通过强制kc =[0;0;0;0;0;0])并且强制fc为0,为此,在matlab提示符中设置二元变量est_dist为[0;0;0;0]和est_aspect_ratio为0:

>> est_dist = [0;0;0;0;0];

>> est_aspect_ratio = 0;

Aspect ratio not optimized (est_aspect_ratio = 0) -> fc(1)=fc(2). Set est_aspect_ratio to 1 for estimating aspect ratio.

Principal point optimized (center_optim=1) - (DEFAULT). To reject principal point, set center_optim=0

Skew not optimized (est_alpha=0) - (DEFAULT)

Distortion not fully estimated (defined by the variable est_dist):

Second order distortion not estimated (est_dist(1)=0).

Fourth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(2)=0).

Sixth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(5)=0) - (DEFAULT) .

Tangential distortion not estimated (est_dist(3:4)~=[1;1]).

Main calibration optimization procedure - Number of images: 20

Gradient descent iterations: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...21...22...23...24...25...done

Estimation of uncertainties...done

Calibration results after optimization (with uncertainties):

Focal Length: fc = [ 859.95431 859.95431 ] +/- [ 84.85733 84.85733 ]

Principal point: cc = [ 362.68078 225.03187 ] +/- [ 12.32947 5.63310 ]

Skew: alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.00000 ] => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000 +/- 0.00000 degrees

Distortion: kc = [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00000 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ]

Pixel error: err = [ 0.21106 0.17413 ]

Note: The numerical errors are approximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).

>> est_aspect_ratio = 0;

>> center_option = 0;

>> center_optim = 0;

>> est_dist = [0;0;0;0;0];

>> eat_alpha = 0;

>> cc = [(nx - 1)/2; (ny - 1)/2];

Aspect ratio not optimized (est_aspect_ratio = 0) -> fc(1)=fc(2). Set est_aspect_ratio to 1 for estimating aspect ratio.

Principal point not optimized (center_optim=0). Note: to set it in the middle of the image, clear variable cc, and run calibration again.

Skew not optimized (est_alpha=0) - (DEFAULT)

Distortion not fully estimated (defined by the variable est_dist):

Second order distortion not estimated (est_dist(1)=0).

Fourth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(2)=0).

Sixth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(5)=0) - (DEFAULT) .

Tangential distortion not estimated (est_dist(3:4)~=[1;1]).

Main calibration optimization procedure - Number of images: 20

Gradient descent iterations: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...21...22...23...done

Estimation of uncertainties...done

Calibration results after optimization (with uncertainties):

Focal Length: fc = [ 1108.24978 1108.24978 ] +/- [ 27.98441 27.98441 ]

Principal point: cc = [ 319.50000 239.50000 ] +/- [ 0.00000 0.00000 ]

Skew: alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.00000 ] => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000 +/- 0.00000 degrees

Distortion: kc = [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00000 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ]

Pixel error: err = [ 0.22425 0.19920 ]

Note: The numerical errors are approximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).






3. MATLAB之双目标定

>> stereo_gui

Loading of the individual left and right camera calibration files

Name of the left camera calibration file ([]=Calib_Results_left.mat): Calib_Results_left.mat

Name of the right camera calibration file ([]=Calib_Results_right.mat): Calib_Results_right.mat

Loading the left camera calibration result file Calib_Results_left.mat...

Loading the right camera calibration result file Calib_Results_right.mat...

Stereo calibration parameters after loading the individual calibration files:

Intrinsic parameters of left camera:

