700字范文 > 移动硬盘改台式机硬盘_如何在台式机或移动设备上离线使用Google云端硬盘


时间:2021-09-09 06:20:38




If there’s any drawback to using cloud-based services for all your productivity and organization needs, it’s that if you can’t get an Internet connection, you’re basically out of luck.


Thankfully, however, the engineers at Google have thought of a way around this problemand created a setting which will enable you to use their Drive apps and management tools 100 percent offline.


从桌面(From the Desktop)

If you’re like me, the main place you find yourself booting up Google Drive every day is from your desktop or laptop.To activate the offline setting on your main PC or Mac, you’ll need to start by downloading Google’s Drive app for your respective operating system, located here.

如果您像我一样,那么每天发现自己启动Google云端硬盘的主要地点是从台式机或笔记本电脑启动。 要在主PC或Mac上激活离线设置,您需要先从此处下载适用于您各自操作系统的Google云端硬盘应用。

Once Drive is installed, you need to sign in on the account that you want to use offline files with.After the sign-in operation is complete, the app will automatically begin syncing your available files to the desktop, and any that have beenbrought in from the cloud will immediately be available for full local access and offline editing rights.

安装云端硬盘后,您需要登录要用于脱机文件的帐户。 登录操作完成后,该应用程序将自动开始将您的可用文件同步到桌面,并且从云中引入的任何文件将立即可用于完整的本地访问和脱机编辑权限。

If you don’t want to sync the entirety of your library all at once, you can alter which files or folders are saved by clicking the Drive taskbar icon, and then selecting “Preferences” from the following menu.


The first sectionof the Preferences pagewill give you the option to either sync “Everything in My Drive”, or “Only These Folders”.


Select the second choice, and scroll through to either enable or disable any files or folders you want attached to your current desktop.


从Chrome浏览器或Chromebook(From the Chrome Browser or a Chromebook)

If you want to make offline files work without downloading an extra program on your PC, the same effect as above can also be achieved through Google’s flagship Internet browser: Chrome.Once Chrome is installed (download link here), you’re going to need to find the Google Drive application in the Chrome app store.

如果您想使脱机文件工作而无需在PC上下载其他程序,则也可以通过Google的旗舰Internet浏览器Chrome达到与上述相同的效果。 安装Chrome后(点击此处下载链接),您将需要在Chrome应用商店中找到Google云端硬盘应用。

After this is ready (the button should say “Visit Website” in green if the setup was successful), log in to your preferred Google Drive account. Whenyou’re ready to start the syncing process, simply find the Settings button in the main Drive hub, and bring up the menu highlighted above.

准备就绪后(如果设置成功,按钮应显示绿色的“访问网站”),然后登录到您首选的Google云端硬盘帐户。 当您准备开始同步过程时,只需在主驱动器集线器中找到“设置”按钮,然后弹出上面突出显示的菜单即可。

Click the box to enable Google Drive to “Sync Google Docs, Sheets, Slides & Drawings”, at which point your computer will begin the process of downloadinglocal versions of every document or picture stored on the linked account.


Once these are pulled down, you’ll be able to freely edit and save any file without a connection to the Internet. If you want to disable Offline syncing directly from Chrome or your Chromebook, get back into the Drive main page, and then click the menu on the side. Scroll down to settings, where you’ll see the option for “Offline sync”.

将它们拉下后,您将可以自由编辑和保存任何文件,而无需连接到Internet。 如果您想直接从Chrome或Chromebook禁用离线同步,请返回到云端硬盘主页,然后单击侧面的菜单。 向下滚动到设置,您将在其中看到“离线同步”选项。

Once you click this you’ll be taken to a secondary confirmation window, where you’ll need to click “Disable Offline” one last time. Keep in mind that this optionwill un-sync all your files at once, rather than the one-by-one method mentioned in the previous section.

单击此按钮后,您将转到辅助确认窗口,在该窗口中您将需要最后一次单击“禁用脱机”。 请记住,此选项将立即取消同步所有文件,而不是上一节中提到的一对一方法。

从您的移动设备(From Your Mobile Device)

If you’re someone who finds yourself on the road with a WiFi-only tablet or spotty cell service from your phone, Google Drive can also function as an app for both the iOS and Android ecosystems that allows you to edit documents offline.


To do this, first you’ll need to open up the app on your mobile device and find the file you want to sync offline. In order to save space and prevent a phone or tablet from going into download overload, Drive for mobile will only allow you to sync documents or spreadsheets for offline use on a file-by-file basis.

为此,首先,您需要在移动设备上打开该应用程序,然后找到要离线同步的文件。 为了节省空间并防止手机或平板电脑出现下载过载,Drive for mobile将仅允许您逐个文件同步文档或电子表格以供离线使用。

Onceyou find the file you want to work on, tap the button next to it which looks like three gray circles stacked on top of one another.


Here you’ll see the option to “Keep offline” in the submenu. Click on this, and the Google Drive app will notify you as soon as your file is ready to go!

在这里,您会在子菜单中看到“保持离线”选项。 点击此按钮,文件准备就绪后,Google云端硬盘应用会立即通知您!

If you’re looking to replace a suite of apps like Microsoft Office on the cheap, the offline version of Google Drive is a quick, light, and free option that provides enough functionality and flexibility to keep any productivity pioneer working through the worst of Internet outages.

如果您希望以便宜的价格替换Microsoft Office之类的应用程序套件,则Google Drive的离线版本是一种快速,轻便和免费的选择,它提供了足够的功能和灵活性,以使任何生产力先锋都能在最糟糕的Internet上工作停电。

翻译自: /227032/how-to-use-google-drive-offline-on-a-deskop-or-mobile-device/

