700字范文 > 域名级别有什么意义_域名扩展的意义


时间:2020-09-10 19:50:26




Do you know that domain name extensions have meanings and purposes? Websites owners are not just using them because they sound good. Some domain name extensions are cheaper than the others. If you are planning to buy your own domain name for your business or personal use and want to use the appropriate domain name extension, then below are the lists of domain name extensions and their meaning and purposes:

您是否知道域名扩展名的含义和目的? 网站所有者不仅在使用它们,因为它们听起来不错。 一些域名扩展名比其他域名便宜。 如果您打算购买自己的域名以供企业或个人使用,并希望使用适当的域名扩展名,则以下是域名扩展名及其含义和用途的列表:

(The list also contains a list of the newly formed TLD’s with its description)


.com (commercial)– It is a Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) that is controlled byVeriSign Global Registry Services. A .com extension is the most popular and widely used over the worldwide web. Most businesses would usually prefer a domain with this extension and is recognised globally.

.com(商业)–这是一个通用顶级域(gTLD),由VeriSign全球注册服务机构控制 。 .com扩展名 是在全球Web上最受欢迎和广泛使用的 扩展名 。 大多数企业通常希望使用具有此扩展名的域名,并且该域名在全球范围内得到认可。

.net (network)– A gTLD as well which is controlled byVeriSign Global Registry Service.It is the second most popular extensionand is used for any online operations.


.org (organization)– This extension used to be generally used by by non-profit organizations or trade associations, but not anymore. Many owners of .org domains now build commercial websites. It too is a gTLD that is controlled byPublic Interest Registry (PIR)

.org(组织)–此扩展名通常由非营利组织或行业协会使用,但现在不再使用。 .org域名的许多所有者现在都在建立商业网站。 这也是受公共利益注册机构(PIR)控制的gTLD

.biz(business) – This gTLD is usually preferred by owners of small business websites and is controlled byNeuStar, Inc.


.info(information) – This extension is controlled byAfilias Limitedand is the fourth most widely used extension. The general significance of a website built around a domain with .info tld is that you can expect it full of resources and information.

.info(信息)–该扩展名由Afilias Limited控制 ,是第四种使用最广泛的扩展名。 基于.info tld围绕域名构建的网站的一般意义是,您可以期望它 充满了资源和信息。

.mobi (mobile)– Controlled byAfilias,the domain registered with this extension can be used either for mobile products and services or for a simplified viewing of sites on mobile devices.

.mobi(移动)–由Afilias控制,在此扩展名中注册的域可用于 移动产品和服务,或用于简化查看移动设备上的站点。

.us– Controlled byNeustarregistry, is an Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United States.

.us–由Neustar注册中心 控制 ,是美国的Internet国家代码顶级域(ccTLD)。

.cceNIC(a VeriSign company) holds control over this cctld. It previously a country code for Coco’s Keeling Islands, but there aren’t any restriction on its usage, anyone from any country can book a domain using this ccTLD. This is unrestricted and may used by anyone regardless of the country. Yet, most who are someway related to the island usually register a domain with a .cc extension.

.cceNIC(VeriSign公司)控制此cctld。 它以前是可可的基林群岛的国家代码,但对其使用没有任何限制,任何国家的任何人都可以使用此ccTLD预订域名。 这是不受限制的,任何国家/地区的任何人都可以使用。 但是,大多数与该岛相关的人通常都注册一个扩展名为.cc的域。

.bzBelize Network Information Center(managed byUniversity Management Ltd) is a country code for Belize. No restrictions are set on registering a domain with this ccTLD regardless of any country.

.bz伯利兹网络信息中心(由University Management Ltd管理)是伯利兹的国家代码。 不论任何国家/地区,在此ccTLD中注册域名都没有限制。

.tvThe .tv Corporation(a Verisign company) is for multimedia websites. A domain that mainly has content related to entertainment or media industry usually prefer a .tv tld.

.tv.tv公司(Verisign公司)是用于多媒体网站的。 主要具有与娱乐或媒体行业相关的内容的域通常更喜欢.tv tld。

.jobs– Controlled by theEmploy Media LLC,a domain with this ccTLD extension is registered by companies and organizations to post their job listings. Generally websites related to the human resource industry are seen to register a domain with .jobs extension. It is required to register using legal name of company or organization and should be made by people from the hrm department.

.jobs–由Employ Media LLC控制,具有此ccTLD扩展名的域已由公司和组织注册以发布其职位列表。 通常,与 人力资源行业 相关的网站 被视为注册具有.jobs扩展名的域。 必须使用公司或组织的法定名称进行注册,并且应由人力资源部的人员进行注册。

.eu– Controlled byEURid,a registrant should be a resident of the European Union. Any of the following criterias must match inorder to register a domain with .eu tld, viz. one should have a registered office, the central administration office of a business should be within the European community, or a company should be established within the European community .

.eu–由EURid控制注册人应为欧盟居民。 以下任何条件都必须匹配,以便向.eu tld注册域,即。 一个人应该有一个注册办事处,一个企业的中央管理办公室应该在欧洲共同体内,或者一个公司应该在欧洲共同体内建立。

.fm– Controlled bydotFM(BRS Media Inc.), a domain with this ccTLD can be registered by anyone and host a website that is related to FM radio.

.fm–由dotFM(BRS Media Inc.)控制,此ccTLD的域可以由任何人注册并托管与FM广播相关的网站。

.am– Controlled byAMNICis now used for AM radio, despite being popularized as a global domain, its more popular amongst users from Armenia.

.am–由AMNIC控制的 AM广播现在已被用作AM广播,尽管它已作为一个全球域而流行,但在亚美尼亚的用户中更为流行。

.name –Controlled byVerisign,it’s a Generic TLD. A user can register a domain with this extension for personal usage. Such a domain extension is used usually by websites that hold personal information or photos related to the owner.

.name –Verisign控制它是通用TLD。 用户可以使用 此扩展名 注册域以 供个人使用。 这样的域扩展名通常由持有与所有者相关的个人信息或照片的网站使用。

.edu– Under the control ofEducause(operated byVeriSign) is restricted to domains of an educational institute only.

.edu–在Educause的控制下 (由VeriSign经营 )仅限于教育机构的域。

.ph– Controlled by thedotPH Domains Inc., it is a ccTLD used for the domains registered by native Philippines. There is no restriction for registering a domain with this extension.

.ph–由dotPH Domains Inc.控制,它是一个ccTLD,用于菲律宾本地人注册的域。 使用此扩展名注册域没有任何限制。

.travel– Controlled by theTralliance Registry Management Company,it is a ccTLD that is restricted to used by websites related to travel industry like travel agents and airlines.


.pro– The controlling registry for this ccTLD isRegistryProand a domain with this extension can only be registered for a business purpose that too by qualified professionals. Professionals from Internet & information technology, consultants, real estate, financial and accounting, engineers, lawyers, communications, medical are the one’s eligible to register a domain with this extension only after credentials of applicants are self-certified prior to registration.

.pro–此ccTLD的控制注册表是RegistryPro,具有此扩展名的域只能出于商业目的进行注册,而合格的专业人员也可以出于商业目的进行注册。 来自互联网和信息技术,顾问,房地产,金融和会计,工程师,律师,通信,医疗的专业人员只有在注册前对申请人的证书进行了自我认证后,才有资格使用此扩展名注册域名。

.aero– Controlled bySITA INC B.V.(information.aero), it is a gTLD which is reserved for association, agencies, and organization that are related to aviation industry.

.aero–由SITA INC BV(information.aero)控制,它是一个gTLD,保留给与航空业有关的协会,机构和组织。

.int– Controlled byIANA (/domains/int/)it is known to have stringent usage policies. Only the International treaty-based organizations have the right to register such a domain. A treaty based evidence such as United Nations treaty registration number.

.int–由IANA(/domains/int/)控制, 它具有严格的 使用政策。 只有基于国际条约的组织才有权注册该域名。 基于条约的证据,例如联合国条约注册号。

.asia– Controlled byAfilias(/) is a TLD is used for a regional domain for Asia and the Pacific. Inorder to register a domain with this extension, you are required to provide one contact in the Asia/Australia/Pacific region and must be based in these regions.

.asia–由Afilias(/) 控制 的顶级域名 ( TLD)用于亚太地区。 为了使用此扩展名注册域,您需要在亚洲/澳大利亚/太平洋地区提供一个联系人,并且必须位于这些地区。

.coop– It is controlled byMidcounties Co-operative,it is a TLD reserved for cooperatives only. Co-operatives and associated organisations are allowed to register a domain with this extension only after they are verified through organizations of co-operatives and verifiable materials provided by registrants.

.coop–由中型县合作社控制,这是 仅 用于 合作社 的TLD 。 合作社和相关组织只有在通过合作社组织和注册人提供的可验证材料进行验证之后,才能使用此扩展名注册域。

.museum– Controlled by TheMuseum Domain Management Association, a domain with this extension can be registered by owners of a legitimate museum.

.museum–由博物馆域管理协会控制,具有扩展名的域可以由 合法博物馆的 所有者注册 。

.tel– Controlled byTelnic Limited,it is a TLD that can be used for domains that hold information regarding contact directory offering various forms of contact information.

.tel–由Telnic Limited控制它是一个TLD,可用于包含有关 提供各种形式的联系信息的联系人目录 信息的域 。

翻译自: /blog/webhosting/significance-of-domain-name-extensions/

