700字范文 > 宇宙大爆炸理论


时间:2023-01-23 17:24:27



Kinds of Cosmologies

God made it

The God made our universe, but the theory never can explain who create the God?

Big Bang Theory Create it

1. Before answer this question, we need to understand What made Hydrogen first?

What madeHydrogen ( 氢 )? cause it was the first molecule 【mɔlikju:l,】in the PeriodicTable of Elements(元素周期表 ), and all the other elements are constructed by it with kinds of various combination.

To answer this question, we need to see what happened in the first 35 minutes after the Big Bang.

2. Thefirst 35 minutes after theBig Bang

At the begining of the Big Bang, the universewas a Huge Energy Ball, Then it does big explosion.

Big Bang 0 ~ 5 seconds with 10 trillion degrees, the formation of protons and neutrons

Big Bang 13.8 seconds with 30 billion degrees, deuterium [化]氘- 氢同位素, helium nuclei has been made.

Big Bang 35 minutes, 300 million degrees, nuclear process to stop, can not form a neutral atom.

3,From the process made in the35 minutes after theBig Bang, we know thatHhas been made.

But we need the proof to assertHhas really been made in the 35 minutes of Big Bang, So let's to see the proof gave by our Sun in the next chapter.

Theproof of the Big Bang Theory

A. The proof gave by our Sun

1) hydrogen (H) and helium (HE)

I.They are the main componenets of Universe

Thevirginal Universe was made by the 2 elementsHandHEand with varelyC.

Let's to see the proof gaven by the Sun. It's fullyin liquid

The componentsof the Sun. Nearly 99%of the Sun was made byHandHE.and those componentswere madeby the elements of the virginal universe. see the components of the Sun belows.

II. H (Hydrogen)

- The basic elementsmadeof Hydrogen molecule:

a. protium【化】氕, H(氢的同位素, 原子量为1的氢) --> H

b. deuterium [化]氘 --> D

c. tritium化]氚(氢的放射性同位素) --> T

-The kinds of Hydrogen molecule:


- The mostly common Hydrogen molecule on earth --> H2

TheD and Tare very very rarelyin nature.. so in the nature of our earth, the common Hydrogen molecule is H2

III. HE (Helium)

- It was composited by H, the compostionprocess as below. ( proton 质子, neutron 中子 )

IV. Big Bang created H and HE

At the begining of the Big Bang, the universewas a Huge Energy Ball

Big Bang 10 ~ 5 seconds with 10 trillion degrees, the formation of protons and neutrons

Big Bang 13.8 seconds with 30 billion degrees, deuterium, helium nuclei has been made.

Big Bang 35 minutes, 300 million degrees, nuclear process to stop, can not form a neutral atom.

B. The proof gave by the expanding universe

1) Galaxies are moving apart from each other

2)How we knows the universe is expanding

The red shift - the more faster speed of the object move away from us, the more they are redshift, why? caused by theDoppler effect theory(多普勒效应), The object move awary from you, the light wave-length will be strengthed - more strengthed, the light wave shift to red more; otherwise,the light wave shift to blue more.

a.Thefurture the galaxy, the more shift to be red.

b.The greater of the red shift, the faster the galaxy is apart from us

c.The red shift is caused by the expansion of the Universe.

C. The proof gave by the left heat from the early Universe.

Microwave Background Radiation(微波背景辐射)-If Big Bang happened beofore,so util now,there must some left heat from early universe. and those radiation of the heat calledMicrowave Backgroud Radition. and furture more, the heat should be filled in every where in Universe cause it made by Universe. ( All heat will emit the radition )

1) Until now, Remain 3K heat from our early Universe

From the char above, we know that, until now, we have 3K temperature remain from the Big Bang in earlyUniverse.

2) Who discover it.
