700字范文 > 皮克斯开源_皮克斯的故事讲述规则适合网页设计师


时间:2021-02-05 08:04:13




Six months ago Emma Coats – then a Pixar Story Artist, now an independent filmmaker – tweeted a series of thoughts that became known as “Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytelling”. The codified rules were hugely popular, reproduced endlessly, and – as I realized today, after a slight change of perspective – perfectly applicable to web development. So, with a little editing, here is my adaption of Ms. Coats 22 Rules for web designers:

六个月前, 艾玛·考特斯 ( Emma Coats) (当时是皮克斯的故事画家,现在是独立电影制片人)发表了一系列想法,这些想法被人们称为“ 皮克斯的《讲故事的22条规则》 ”。 编纂的规则非常流行,无休止地被复制,并且-正如我今天所认识到的那样,在略微改变了视角之后-完全适用于Web开发。 因此,经过一些编辑,这是我为网站设计师改编的Coats 22女士规则:

Keep in mind what’s interesting for the audience, not what’s fun for you as a designer. The two are often very different. 请记住,对观众来说有趣的是什么,而不对您作为设计师的有趣。 两者通常非常不同。

Trying to build a site theme is important, but you won’t know what it is until you have content. Create, edit and organize the content first, and let that provide the theme.

尝试构建网站主题很重要,但是只有拥有内容 ,您才知道它是什么。 首先创建,编辑和组织内容,然后让其提供主题。

Simplify. Focus. Combine and eliminate design elements. It may feel like you’re losing valuable stuff, but it sets you free. 简化。 焦点。 合并并消除设计元素。 好像您正在失去有价值的东西,但这使您自由。

What is your UI good at, comfortable with? Throw the opposite at it. Challenge your site: try using it without a mouse. Try it on a mobile device. Try using it blindfolded, with text-to-speech on. How does the site hold up?

您的UI擅长什么? 向它扔相反的东西。 挑战您的网站:尝试不用鼠标使用它。 在移动设备上尝试。 尝试将其蒙住眼睛,并启用文字转语音功能。 该网站如何保持?

After content comes design. Design is hard, execution easy. Get at least a rough design done first, before creating in the browser: colors, fonts, design elements. Making up things as you go along is a recipe for inconsistency and backtracking.

内容设计完成后。 设计困难,执行容易。 首先,至少要先完成一个粗略的设计,然后再在浏览器中进行创建: 颜色 , 字体 ,设计元素。 顺其自然地编排事物是导致不一致和回溯的秘诀。

Finish the site and push it to production, even if it’s not perfect. A released site is 1000% better than one stuck in development. 完成站点并将其推向生产,即使它并不完美。 一个发布的站点比停留在开发中的站点好1000%。 Pull apart the sites you like. What you like in them is a part of you: you’ve got to recognize what that is and put words to it before you can use it. 拉开您喜欢的网站。 您喜欢它们中的内容是您的一部分:您必须认识到它是什么,并在使用它之前先说几句话。

Putting code on Github or designs on Dribbble lets you start fixing it. If it stays in your head as a perfect idea, you’ll never share it with anyone.

将代码放在Github上或将设计放在Dribbble上 ,即可开始对其进行修复。 如果它是一个绝妙的主意,那么您将永远不会与任何人分享它。

Discount the first design that comes to mind – and the second, third, fourth and fifth. Get the obvious out of the way. Surprise yourself. 打折想到的第一个设计–第二,第三,第四和第五个。 摆脱明显的障碍。 给自己一个惊喜

And five more:


Why must this website be made? What is its purpose? Distill that down to twelve words or less. Print it out and pin it everywhere. Every design decision, every addition, has to be justified by those 12 words. 为什么必须建立该网站? 目的是什么? 精简到十二个单词或更少。 打印出来并将其固定在任何地方。 每个设计决策,每个附加项都必须以这12个词为依据。

No effort is ever wasted. If it’s not working, make it a gist and move on. It’ll come back around to be useful later.

绝不浪费任何精力。 如果它不起作用,请使其成为要点并继续前进。 稍后会再回来使用。

Exercise: take the building blocks of a site you dislike. How do you rearrange them into something you DO like? 练习:找出您不喜欢的网站的组成部分。 您如何将它们重新排列成您喜欢的东西? You’ve got to be able to communicate your work: you can’t just write ‘cool’. This is doubly true for clients. 您必须能够交流您的工作:您不能只写“很酷”。 对于客户而言,这是双重事实。 What is the essence of the site? The simplest way to communicate its message? If you know that, you can build out from there. 该网站的本质是什么? 传达消息的最简单方法是? 如果您知道,则可以从那里扩展。

You might also want to read web development rules from a different perspective: Ed Finkler’s “How To Be A Great Developer”

您可能还想从不同的角度阅读Web开发规则:Ed Finkler的“如何成为一名出色的开发人员”

翻译自: /751/Pixars-Rules-of-Storytelling-Adapted-For-Web-Designers

