700字范文 > ide集成开发环境_如何设置集成开发环境(IDE)


时间:2018-11-20 07:18:18




If you're moving from online tutorials to building your own projects, you might be overwhelmed by the idea of setting up your own integrated development environment (IDE), or wonder why you even need one to get your work done.

如果您正在从在线教程转向构建自己的项目 ,那么可能会不满意设置自己的集成开发环境(IDE)的想法,或者想知道为什么甚至需要一个人来完成工作。

In this article, I'll discuss what an IDEisand give you some ideas about what yours might look like, particularly if you're working in JavaScript, although the information will be applicable irrespective of language or project type.


Here's a video version of this post if you'd prefer (28 minute watch):


什么是集成开发环境? (What is an Integrated Development Environment?)

An integrated development environment, put simply, is everything a programmer needs to get their work done. The actual makeup of an IDE will vary between programming languages, types of projects, and even between programmers, but there are some things that are common among a lot of IDEs, which I'll cover below.

简而言之,集成开发环境是程序员完成工作所需的一切。 IDE的实际组成会在编程语言,项目类型乃至程序员之间有所不同,但是许多IDE之间有一些共同点,我将在下面介绍。

The simplest way to understand an IDE is to consider an "all-in-one" solution like Unity. As a fully-featured game engine, Unity has everything you'll need to create a 2D or 3D game: a GUI that allows you to build your game world, a code editor (Visual Studio) where you can write scripts, a way to download dependencies and assets, and even GitHub integration so that you can keep track of build versions and collaborate on projects. For smaller projects, Unity can be thought of as a fully functional integrated development environment, where everything is already set up for you after downloading the game engine.

理解IDE的最简单方法是考虑像Unity这样的“多合一 ”解决方案。 作为功​​能齐全的游戏引擎,Unity提供了创建2D或3D游戏所需的一切:允许您构建游戏世界的GUI,可以编写脚本的代码编辑器(Visual Studio),下载依赖关系和资产,甚至进行GitHub集成,以便您可以跟踪构建版本并在项目上进行协作。 对于较小的项目,可以将Unity视为功能齐全的集成开发环境,在该环境中,下载游戏引擎后,一切已为您完成。

Other IDEs can vary greatly in complexity, particularly if you're coming from an online tutorial that allows you to code right in the browser. One of my gripes with common answers to the question, "what programming language should I learn?" is the notion that learning JavaScript is easier because "it just runs in your browser."

其他IDE的复杂性差异可能很大,尤其是当您来自在线教程时,可以在浏览器中进行编码。 我对以下常见问题的解答之一就是:“我应该学习哪种编程语言?” 的想法是学习JavaScript更容易,因为“它只在您的浏览器中运行”。

Tell that to anyone who's attempted to set up an IDE for Create React App, which requires several components to get up and running - none of which are apparent when you're working through online tutorials. To actually do work as a developer, you'll need four main things to set up your integrated development environment: a code editor, command line interface (CLI), version control system, and package manager.

告诉所有尝试为创建React App设置IDE的人,这需要启动和运行多个组件-当您处理在线教程时,这些都不是显而易见的。 要真正以开发人员的身份工作,您需要设置以下四个主要条件来设置集成开发环境:代码编辑器,命令行界面(CLI),版本控制系统和程序包管理器。

Major caveat: your IDE may vary greatly depending on programming language or type of project, but you'll likely need one or more of the following in any case!


IDE工具1:代码编辑器(和编译器) (IDE Tool 1: Code Editor (and Compiler))

A whole bunch of online tutorials allow you to just code in the browser, which is great for understanding basic programming concepts, but in the long run, you'll need an editor that allows you to save your code (and compile it, if you're using a language like C# or C++).

一大堆在线教程都允许您仅在浏览器中进行代码,这对于理解基本的编程概念非常有用,但是从长远来看,您将需要一个编辑器来保存代码(如果需要,可以对其进行编译)正在使用C#或C ++之类的语言。

There are a lot of code editors out there, such as Atom (lightweight, free, and open source), Sublime (super popular with tons of integrations), and Visual Studio / Visual Studio Code (supported by Microsoft and wonderful to work with). It would be reductive to say that they're "all the same thing," as each one provides a different approach to supporting your coding workflow, so you might try one or two before deciding which one you like best.

那里有很多代码编辑器,例如Atom (轻便,免费和开放源代码), Sublime (非常受欢迎,具有大量的集成功能)和Visual Studio / Visual Studio Code (由Microsoft支持,可以很好地使用) 。 可以说它们“都是一回事”,因为每个人都提供了不同的方法来支持您的编码工作流,因此您可以先尝试一两个,然后再确定最喜欢的一个,这可以简化您的想法。

IDE工具2:命令行界面(CLI) (IDE Tool 2: Command Line Interface (CLI))

If you have a computer, you've undoubtedly used your file explorer or some other navigational GUI to access the file system, create folders, delete files, and so on.


The command line interface (CLI) allows you to do the same thing...in plain text. Which might seem super archaic or annoying at first, but once you wrap your head around chaining commands together and integrating them into your workflow, you'll begin to see the power of the CLI and how essential it is to most development environments.

命令行界面(CLI)允许您以纯文本格式执行相同的操作。 乍一看,这看起来似乎是过时的或令人讨厌的,但是一旦将命令链接在一起并将它们集成到工作流中,您将开始看到CLI的强大功能以及它对大多数开发环境的重要性。

On Mac, you might be using the Terminal. Because I've installed GitHub for Windows (more on GitHub below) on my machine, I use Git Bash for my work. There are several options here for you, and it might do to check out a few command line tutorials to understand some of the basic principles so that you feel comfortable using it in your IDE.

在Mac上,您可能正在使用终端机。 因为我已经在机器上安装了适用于Windows的GitHub(更多有关GitHub,请参见下面的GitHub),所以我使用Git Bash进行工作。 这里有几个选项供您选择,它可能会签出一些命令行教程来了解一些基本原理,以便您在IDE中轻松使用它。

IDE工具3:版本控制系统 (IDE Tool 3: Version Control System)

There are several resources out there that provide overviews of what is version control and why you should use it. Suffice it to say that when you're building anything other than a simple project, you'll need a way to back up your work, share your code with collaborators, and keep track of the different build versions so that you can muck with parts of the code base and not others.

那里有一些资源概述了什么是版本控制以及为什么要使用它。 可以说,当您构建除简单项目以外的任何内容时,您将需要一种方法来备份您的工作,与协作者共享您的代码,并跟踪不同的构建版本,以便您可以分解零件代码库,而不是其他代码库。

GitHub isn't the only version control system out there, but it is the gold standard at the moment, and it would be worth your while to look up a few tutorials to learn how to take advantage of its features, even if you just wind up using it as a remote backup method.


Additionally, while there are several addons to integrate GitHub right into your code editor (or game engine), the standard practice for doing Git-related tasks is by using the command line interface, which provides another reason for becoming proficient with your CLI of choice.

此外,虽然有多个插件可以将GitHub直接集成到您的代码编辑器(或游戏引擎)中,但是执行Git相关任务的标准做法是使用命令行界面,这是精通所选CLI的另一个原因。 。

IDE工具4:程序包管理器 (IDE Tool 4: Package Manager)

For some IDEs, like with our Unity example above, all you need to do is download and install software to get started with building your projects. Most of the dependencies that you'll need will be included with your initial download, and if not, there will be a way to access them from within the game engine (e.g. Unity's Asset Store).

对于某些IDE,例如上面的Unity示例,您所需要做的就是下载并安装软件,以开始构建项目。 您所需的大多数依赖项都将包含在您的初始下载中,如果没有,那么将有一种方法可以从游戏引擎(例如Unity的Asset Store )中访问它们。

For other, more choose-your-own-adventure IDEs, you'll need to piece things together yourself, and one of the essential components will be a package manager like NPM or Conda.


Package managers do a lot of things, and at their most basic functionality, they'll help you to install all the dependencies you'll need to get your work done. If you want to get started on a React project, for example, you'll navigate to a folder through your CLI, and, after installing NPM (which is bundled with Node.js) type:

程序包管理器会做很多事情,并且在它们最基本的功能上,它们将帮助您安装完成工作所需的所有依赖项。 例如,如果要开始使用React项目,您将通过CLI导航到一个文件夹,并在安装NPM(与Node.js捆绑在一起)后输入:

The first line basically says: "Hey, NPM! Download all the dependencies for Create React App, and put them in a folder called 'my-app.'"

第一行基本上说:“嘿,NPM!下载Create React App的所有依赖项,并将它们放在名为“ my-app”的文件夹中。”

The second line then tells your CLI: "Navigate to the new directory called 'my-app.'"

然后,第二行告诉您的CLI:“导航到名为“ my-app”的新目录。

The third line gets the action going: "NPM, it's me again. Start a development server that displays my project in a browser and updates it whenever I make changes to the code."

第三行执行的操作是:“ NPM,又是我。启动开发服务器,在浏览器中显示我的项目,并在更改代码时对其进行更新。”

Once you've installed all of the necessary dependencies using your package manager, you'll begin working in your code editor and using the command line interface to make pull requests or push code to a remote repository using your version control system.


In summary, an integrated development environment comprises all of the things you need to get your work done, and varies based on language, project type, and your personal preference. Ordinarily, IDEs include a code editor (and compiler), command line interface, version control system, and package manager, but your integrated development environment might have different requirements or a combination thereof.

总而言之,一个集成的开发环境包含完成工作所需的所有东西,并且会根据语言,项目类型和个人喜好而有所不同。 通常,IDE包括代码编辑器(和编译器),命令行界面,版本控制系统和程序包管理器,但是您的集成开发环境可能有不同的要求或二者兼而有之。

You can do it!


If you enjoyed this article, please consider checking out my games and books, subscribing to my YouTube channel, or joining theEntromancyDiscord.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请考虑查看我的游戏和书籍 , 订阅我的YouTube频道或加入EntromancyDiscord 。

M. S. Farzan, Ph.D.has written and worked for high-profile video game companies and editorial websites such as Electronic Arts, Perfect World Entertainment, Modus Games, and , and has served as the Community Manager for games likeDungeons & Dragons NeverwinterandMass Effect: Andromeda. He is the Creative Director and Lead Game Designer ofEntromancy: A Cyberpunk Fantasy RPGand author ofThe Nightpath Trilogy. Find M. S. Farzan on Twitter @sominator.

法赞(MS Farzan)博士他曾为知名的视频游戏公司和编辑网站(例如,Electronic Arts,Perfect World Entertainment,Modus Games和)撰写和工作,并曾担任《龙与地下城:龙骨无双》和《质量效应:仙女座》等游戏的社区经理。 。 他是《Entronancy:Cyber​​punk Fantasy RPG》的创意总监和首席游戏设计师,并且是《The Nightpath Trilogy》的作者。 在Twitter @sominator上找到MS Farzan 。

翻译自: /news/how-to-set-up-an-integrated-development-environment-ide/

