700字范文 > vc 隐藏桌面所有图标_如何在Windows上隐藏或取消隐藏所有桌面图标

vc 隐藏桌面所有图标_如何在Windows上隐藏或取消隐藏所有桌面图标

时间:2023-09-09 10:57:30


vc 隐藏桌面所有图标_如何在Windows上隐藏或取消隐藏所有桌面图标

vc 隐藏桌面所有图标

If you like a clean desktop, Windows can be a little obnoxious. Many programs you install will automatically add their own desktop icon, so you’ll be constantly deleting them. Skip the hassle and hide all your desktop icons instead.

如果您喜欢干净的台式机,Windows可能会令人讨厌。 您安装的许多程序都会自动添加自己的桌面图标,因此您将不断删除它们。 跳过麻烦,而是隐藏所有桌面图标。

If you’re using a PC with an empty desktop, this option will also let you re-enable all those hidden icons.


To hide or unhide all your desktop icons, right-click on your desktop, point to “View,” and click “Show Desktop Icons.” This option works on Windows 10, 8, 7, and even XP. This option toggles desktop icons on and off.

要隐藏或取消隐藏所有桌面图标,请右键单击桌面,指向“查看”,然后单击“显示桌面图标”。 此选项适用于Windows 10、8、7甚至XP。 此选项可打开和关闭桌面图标。

That’s it! This option is easy to find and use—if you know it’s there.

而已! 如果您知道该选项,就很容易找到和使用。

Windows also lets you hide its built-in desktop icons, like “This PC,” “Network,” and “Recycle Bin.” If those are still missing—or if you’d like to hide those icons but not the rest of your desktop icons—you’ll need to control which desktop icons appear in the Settings app or Control Panel.

Windows还允许您隐藏其内置的桌面图标,例如“此PC”,“网络”和“回收站”。 如果仍然缺少这些图标,或者您想隐藏这些图标而不是其余桌面图标,则需要控制哪些桌面图标显示在“设置”应用或“控制面板”中。

翻译自: /437370/how-to-hide-or-unhide-all-desktop-icons-on-windows/

vc 隐藏桌面所有图标
