700字范文 > java 键盘鼠标交互_人机交互多样性-7种不需要鼠标和键盘的设备

java 键盘鼠标交互_人机交互多样性-7种不需要鼠标和键盘的设备

时间:2019-08-05 18:39:02


java 键盘鼠标交互_人机交互多样性-7种不需要鼠标和键盘的设备

java 键盘鼠标交互

One of the most wonderful and least appreciated things about computers is diversity of devices. You're probably interacting with your computer with a keyboard and mouse. But in the last few years, you may have added touch and, to a limited extent, voice.

关于计算机的最奇妙和最不值得赞赏的事情之一就是设备的多样性。 您可能正在使用键盘和鼠标与计算机进行交互。 但是在最近几年中,您可能已经添加了触摸功能,并在一定程度上增加了语音功能。

The photo above is of my desk. Yes, it's messy. On it are the things I use to work with my computer. I use these nearly every day and atleastevery week or they wouldn't last on my desk.

上面的照片在我的桌子上。 是的,很乱。 这是我用来与计算机配合使用的东西。 我几乎每天,至少每周使用一次,否则它们不会持续到我的办公桌上。

They are:


Keyboard and Mouse


Oculus Rift 3D Goggles

Oculus Rift 3D护目镜

Leap Motion (which is getting better with each update, actually. I actually use Touchless for casual browsing now)

Leap Motion (实际上,每次更新都会变得更好。我现在实际上使用Touchless进行临时浏览)

Wacom Tablet


ShuttlePro v2

ShuttlePro v2

Logitech Touchpad


Webcam + Speakerphone


Kinect for Windows


and not pictured


USB Headset and Microphone for podcasts


How to start your first podcast - equipment, editing, publishing and more


USB Headset and Microphone for podcasts


Zoom H4N Recorder and Shure Microphone (providing very pure high quality audio via USB)

Zoom H4N Recorder和Shure麦克风(通过USB提供非常纯净的高品质音频)

Monitor mounted 1080p HD Logitech Webcam

监视器安装的1080p HD罗技网络摄像头

Two 7 port USB 3 Hubs to support all this

两个7端口USB 3集线器可支持所有这些功能

I think we all should consider our workflows and consider what devices thataren't a keyboard and mousethat might be better suited for the tasks we perform every day.



跳跃运动 (Leap Motion)

I initially gave this product a 10 for concept and a 0 for execution. I'll give it a 3 now...but it's getting better. It's still not well suited for gross motions, but for browsing and scrolling it's at least becoming useful. I keep it on all the time and since I haven't got a touchscreen on my desktop machine (yet) I use it for scrolling while reading and leaning back. It has huge potential and I'm impressed with how often the software updates itself.

最初,我给这个产品一个10的概念,一个0的执行力。 我现在给它3 ...但是它越来越好了。 它仍然不太适合大动作,但是对于浏览和滚动它至少变得有用了。 我一直保持开机状态,由于台式机上还没有触摸屏(至今),我在阅读和向后倾斜时使用它进行滚动。 它具有巨大的潜力,并且我对软件更新的频率印象深刻。

I'm using the Touchless for Windows app. The concept is so promising...wave your hands and your computer reacts. I still don't suggest that the Leap Motion is a consumer quality device, but I do use it weekly and turn to its promise often.

我正在使用Windows版Touchless应用程序。 这个概念非常有前途...挥动双手,让计算机做出React。 我仍然不建议Leap Motion是一种消费者质量的设备,但我每周都会使用它,并经常兑现其承诺。

Wacom平板电脑 (Wacom Tablet)

Tablets are the gold standard for interacting with Adobe products like Illustrator and Photoshop. I learned Photoshop on a Tabletmanyyears agoand I still prefer using one today. The Wacom Bamboo also has touch support which is a bonus, although I use my Logitech N650 Touchpad as a trackpad as it's more sensitive (to touch).

平板电脑是与Illustrator和Photoshop等Adobe产品进行交互的黄金标准。 我在平板电脑上很多年以前就学会的Photoshop而且我今天仍然更喜欢使用一个。 尽管我使用Logitech N650触摸板作为触控板,但Wacom Bamboo还具有触摸支持,这是一个额外的好处,因为它对触摸更敏感。

If you're trying to draw or paint without a stylus like a Wacom, you're truly missing out. They are surprisingly affordable, too.

如果您尝试在不使用Wacom等手写笔的情况下进行绘图或绘画,那么您确实会错过。 它们也出奇的实惠。

ShuttlePRO v2 (ShuttlePRO v2)

My buddy at Channel 9 Larry Larsen turned me on to the ShuttlePRO for video editing. I don't know what I did without it. It's got program-sensitive programmable keys. That means their function changes depending on what's running. I can mark a key as "Split" or "Play" but the ShuttlePro software will automatically use the right hotkey depending on if I'm using Audition or Premiere. Some nice gent even made settings for Camtasia Studio and the ShuttlePro v2. If you do screencasts or video editing like I do, a shuttle is a must.

我在第9频道的好友拉里·拉尔森(Larry Larsen)使我开始使用ShuttlePRO进行视频编辑。 没有它,我不知道该怎么办。 它具有程序敏感的可编程键。 这意味着它们的功能会根据运行的内容而变化。 我可以将某个键标记为“ Split”或“ Play”,但是ShuttlePro软件会根据我使用的是Audition还是Premiere来自动使用正确的热键。 一些不错的绅士甚至为Camtasia Studio和ShuttlePro v2进行了设置。 如果像我一样进行截屏或视频编辑,则必须有班车。

罗技TouchPad (Logitech TouchPad)

You can get a Logitech T650 Touchpad for less then $35 if you look around. It's a large, gorgeous class touch area that's also wireless. If you have Logitech products already you can use the Unifying Receiver you may already have. I have as USB hub and it works just fine.

如果环顾四周,您可以以不到$ 35的价格获得Logitech T650触摸板。 这是一个很大的,华丽的类触摸区域,也是无线的。 如果您已经拥有Logitech产品,则可以使用可能已经拥有的Unifying Receiver。 我有USB集线器,它工作正常。

I use it to two-finger scroll, pinch to zoom, and all the things that MacBook touchpad folks take for granted. You can also use it with Windows 8 to "swipe in" and task switch. I move between my mouse and this touch pad to reduce repetition and wrist strain with the mouse, but also sometimes just because I'm in the mood. It's a great Trackpad/Touchpad that can ease the transition if you have trouble moving from a laptop and a desktop.

我用它来进行两指滚动,捏来缩放以及MacBook触摸板人们认为理所当然的所有东西。 您也可以在Windows 8中使用它来“刷入”和任务切换。 我在鼠标和该触摸板之间移动以减少鼠标的重复和腕部劳损,但有时也只是因为我心情不好。 这是一款很棒的触控板/触摸板,如果您从笔记本电脑和台式机移动时遇到麻烦,可以简化过渡过程。


出色的网络摄像头和免提电话 (Great Webcam and Speaker Phone)

I adore the Logitech BCC950 Conference Cam so much that I've written software to remotely control its motorized Pan-Tilt-Zoom functionality and use it as an Auto Answer Kiosk. Not only is it a great web cam that I use every day, but it's also a fantastic speaker phone for conferences. It shows up as just another audio device that you can set as the default forcommunicationbut not your default speaker. This means Lync and Skype calls come from this device, but your regular computer audio doesn't. Sound quality is killer, confirmed by everyone I've talked to with it.

我非常喜欢Logitech BCC950 Conference Cam ,以至于我编写了软件来远程控制其电动Pan-Tilt-Zoom功能并将其用作自动应答亭。 它不仅是我每天都使用的出色网络摄像头,而且还是召开会议的出色扬声器电话。 它仅显示为另一个音频设备,您可以将其设置为默认的通信设备,而不是默认的扬声器。 这意味着Lync和Skype呼叫来自此设备,但是您的常规计算机音频却不是。 与之交谈的所有人都证实,音质至关重要。

Aside: There's so much untapped usefulness in just a webcam but most programs just don't use it. Have you seen the Windows 8 "Food and Drink" app? You likely already have this app. It has a Hands-Free mode for cooking. You know when you're using a tablet to show a recipe? It uses just the data from your webcam to see your hand wave to move to the next page. Very cool.

旁白:只是一个摄像头有很多未开发的用途,但是大多数程序都没有使用它。 您看过Windows 8“食品和饮料”应用程序吗? 您可能已经有了这个应用程序。 它具有免提烹饪模式。 您知道何时使用平板电脑显示食谱吗? 它仅使用网络摄像头中的数据来查看您的手势,以移至下一页。 很酷。

Windows版Kinect (Kinect for Windows)

The Kinect SDK was updated last year with support for "Near Mode" which is basically "sitting at your desk mode." This update made programming to the Kinect for Windows a LOT more useful for the desktop. Writing apps is fairly easy, like this example where you can control PowerPoint with your hands. With apps like KinEmote you can use the Kinect to control your XBMC media installation and lots more.

Kinect SDK于去年更新,支持“近距离模式”,基本上是“坐在您的桌面模式”。 此更新使对Kinect for Windows的编程对于台式机更加有用。 编写应用程序非常容易,例如本示例,您可以用手控制PowerPoint 。 借助KinEmote之类的应用程序,您可以使用Kinect来控制XBMC媒体安装以及更多其他功能。

Another little known fact is that the Kinect on a PC has a very nice quality Array Microphone that can also be used for things like Windows Speech Recognition or Dragon Naturally Speaking.

另一个鲜为人知的事实是,PC上的Kinect具有非常好的质量阵列麦克风,也可以用于Windows语音识别或Dragon Naturally Speaking等功能。

There's such a huge diversity of ways to interact with computers and it's truly just starting. In my lifetime I'm sure computers will be able to detect (guess) if I'm sad or happy, notice my health status, great me when I walk up, and so much more.

与计算机进行交互的方式种类繁多,这才刚刚开始。 我相信一生中,如果我感到难过或高兴,计算机将能够检测(猜测),注意我的健康状况,当我走路时对我有好处等等。

What devices do YOU have plugged into your computer right now?


Disclaimer:My Amazon links are affiliate links and that the resulting few bucks buys me gadgets and tacos. Mostly tacos.


翻译自: /blog/human-computer-interaction-diversity-7-devices-that-arent-a-mouse-and-keyboard

java 键盘鼠标交互
