700字范文 > 灵性图书馆:好书推荐-《奥修传》


时间:2022-02-26 21:59:15








香卓拉·穆罕·简,1960年代前又称阿阇黎·罗杰尼希,1970年代到1980年代自称巴关·希瑞·罗杰尼希,1989年改名奥修,寓意 大海的意思。奥修曾经旅居美国,启蒙奥修运动,该运动着重在灵性与哲学层面,颇受争议。




01-01 奥修的前世(PART I Osho's Past Lives)

02-01奥修父母的婚姻(Osho's parents' marriage)

02-02奥修出生前所发生的奇异现象(Unusual events while Osho is in his mother's womb)

02-03 1931年奥修在库瓦达出生(1931 Osho is born in the village of Kuchwa)

02-04奥修的外婆外公,那尼和那那 (Osho's grandparents,Nani and Nana)

02-05奥修家的佣人,步忽亚 (The family servant,Bhoora)

02-06奥修与外公那那的导师的辩论 (Osho argues with Nana's guru)

02-07 1939年,奥修的外公去世 (1939 Death of Osho's grandfather,Nana)

03-01 1939年在嘎达瓦热,奥修与祖母那尼以及父亲一起生活(1939 Osho settles in Gadarwara with Nani,and his parents)

03-02奥修的祖父,巴巴(Osho's paternal grandfather,Baba)

03-03奥修和他的父亲(Osho and his father)

03-04在河里游泳,以及早年的灵性经验(Swimming in the river,and early spiritual experiences)

03-05奥修在学校的第一天,和山姆忽.度贝(Osho's first day at school,and Shambhu Dube)

03-06奥修对书籍的早期热爱(Osho's early love of Books)

03-07奥修对于传统宗教的早期经验(Osho's early experiences with orthodox religions)

03-08乡村的娱乐(Village entertainment)

03-09其他的村民(Other villagers)

03-10奥修与圣雄甘地的会面(Osho meets Mahatma Gandhi)

03-11神秘家马格.巴巴的影响(Influence of the mystic,Magga Baba)

03-12神秘家们的影响,帕高.巴巴与马斯特(Influence of mystics,Pagal Baba and Masto)

03-13奥修对死亡的兴趣(Osho's interest in death)

03-14 1947年印度独立(1947 Indian Independence)

03-15 1948年圣雄甘地被暗杀(1948 Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi)

03-16奥修作为故事讲述者和公众演说者的早期经历(Osho's early experiences as story-teller and public speaker)

03-17奥修成长的书库(Osho's growing library)

03-18 1948年,中学(1948 High School)

03-19 1951年,奥修离开学校,决定学习哲学(1951 Osho leaves school,and decides to study philosophy)

04-01 1951年奥修达到贾巴尔普那(1951 Osho moves to Jabalpur)

04-02奥修与他的教授的对抗(Osho confronts his professors)

04-03奥修作为记者的经历(Osho's experiences as a Journalist)

04-04奥修接触诗歌和音乐(Osho meets Poets and Musicians)

04-05继续受神秘家马斯特的影响(Influence of the mystic,Masto,continues)

04-06奥修关于开悟的经验(osho's Experiences Leading to Enlightenment)

04-07 1953年,奥修开悟(1953 Osho's enlightenment)

04-08奥修描述开悟(Osho describes Enlightenment)

04-09奥修开悟以后(Osho after his enlightenment)

04-10奥修的书库的成长(Osho's library grows)

04-11奥修偶遇耆那教(Osho bluffs his way into D.N. Jain College)

04-12奥修被邀请到萨格大学完成他的学位,受到副教授粹帕斯的帮助(Osho is invited to Sagar University for his MA,and is aided by vice chancellor,Dr Tripathi)

04-13奥修在公开演讲中胜出(Osho excels in Public speaking)

04-14哈瑞胜格.戈尔博士 ,萨格大学的奠基人(Dr. Harisingh Gaur,the founder of Sagar University)

04-15奥修的教授,若依博士(Osho's professor,Dr. S.S. Roy)

04-16奥修的教授,萨克那教授(Osho's professor,Dr. S.K. Saxena)

04-17其他的教授(Other professors)

04-18同学(Fellow Students)

04-19 1957年奥修最后一次考试,和金质奖章(1957 Osho's final examinations,and the gold medal)

05-01奥修被聘请为梵语学院的教授(Osho is appointed Professor at Sanskrit College,Raipur)

05-02奥修回家探亲,父亲希望他结婚(Osho visits his Family,his father wants him to marry)

05-03奥修对儿童的观察(Osho's observations on children)

05-04奥修在瑞普的经历(Osho's experiences in Raipur)

05-05奥修作为哲学教授,在贾巴尔普那大学(Osho as Professor of Philosophy,at Jabalpur University)

05-06在学校的同事(Colleagues and academics)

05-07奥修在印度旅行的经历(Osho's experiences travelling in India)

05-08奥修的花园(Osho's Garden)

05-09奥修给朋友的信件(Osho writes many letters to friends)

05-10奥修写的几封信(Examples of letters Osho wrote)

05-11给帕若克夫人的信(Letters to Mrs Parekh)

05-12帕若克(Rekhchand Parekh)

05-13奥修关于医学和催眠的经历(Osho's experiences with:Medicine and 'Miracles'Hypnosis)

05-14记起前世(Remembering Past Lives)



05-17奥修解释静心(Osho explains Meditation)

05-18奥修教导朋友静心(Osho teaches friends meditation)

05-19 1962年奥修开始他的第一个静心中心(1962 Osho opens his first Meditation Centres)

05-20奥修维持静心营(Osho holds Meditation Camps)

05-21 1964年,热那克普静心营(1964 Ranakpur Meditation Camp)

05-22奥修的教导的发展(Development of Osho's Teaching)

05-23奥修与加依那的交流(Osho's interaction with:Jainas)

05-24印度教徒与宗师(Hindus and gurus)

05-25锡克教徒与punjab语(Sikhs and Punjabis)





05-30神秘家和门徒(mystics and Disciples)


05-32甘地主义者和政客(Gandhians and Politicians)

05-33富人和王族成员(The Rich and The Royal)

05-34穷人和法律(The Poor and The Law)

05-35 1966年奥修从学校辞职(1966 Osho Resigns from the University)

05-36奥修关于爱情和婚姻的印象(Osho's impressions on Love and marriage)

05-37 1968年奥修有争议的系列演讲:从性到超意识(1968 Osho's controversial discourse series:From Sex to Superconsciousness)

05-38对性的传统态度(Traditional attitude to sex)

05-39精神上的性和静心(Spiritual Sex and Meditation)


05-41关于性的争论(Controversy about Sex)

05-42畅销书(Best-selling Book)

05-43奥修对于嬉皮士的印象(Osho'impressions on Hippies)

05-44 1969年第一次用英语对西方人演讲(1969 First Talk in English to Westerners)


05-46在得瓦卡静心营,奥修关于死亡的教导(Dwarka Meditation Camp Osho's Teachings on Death)

05-47 1970年 奥修的有争议的系列演讲:小心社会主义(1970 Osho's controversial discourse series:Beware of Socialism)

05-48奥修新的动态静心技巧(Osho's New Chaotic Meditation Technique)

05-49奥修引起争议(Osho attracts Controversy)

05-50奥修停止旅行(Osho stops travelling)

06-01 1970年奥修到达CCI,孟买(1970 Osho moves to CCI Chambers,Bombay)

06-02奥修开始收桑雅生(Osho begins Sannyas Initiations)

06-03奥修的新桑雅生国际运动(Osho's Neo-Sannyas International Movement)

06-04外婆那尼之死(Death of Nani,Osho's grandmother)

06-05奥修的系列演讲:关于《吉它经》(Osho's discourse series:Geeta Darshan)

06-06奥修到森林公寓(Osho moves to Woodlands Apartment)

06-07奥修传授维维克,他长期的助手(Osho initiates Vivek,his long time attendant)

06-08旧朋新友(Old and new friends)

06-09奥修的写作和那斯若丁(Osho's writing and Mulla Nasruddin)

06-10奥修的图书馆(Osho's Library)

06-11 1971年,奥修获得有争议的名字"巴关"(1971 Osho takes the controversial name Bhagwan)

06-12克瑞特.马达利(Kirtan Mandali)

06-13为建一个新社区的早期努力(Early search for a New Commune)

06-14奥修继续领导静心营(Osho continues to lead Meditation Camps)

06-15动态静心(Dynamic Meditation)

06-16克瑞特:献身舞蹈与歌唱(Kirtan:devotional dance and song)

06-17笑的静心(Laughing Meditation)

06-18察塔克静心(Tratak Meditation)

06-19乱语静心(Gibberish Meditation)

06-20对静心的反应(Response to Meditations)

06-21奥修的演讲(Osho's Discourses)

06-22奥修对于萨克提帕特的试验(Osho's Shaktipat Experiments)

06-23 1972年,奥修的系列演讲,Vigyan Bhairava Tantra(1972 Osho's discourse series:Vigyan Bhairava Tantra)

06-24 1973年瑜珈,开始和结束(1973 Yoga:The Alpha and the Omega)

06-25奥修答疑(Osho answers Questions:)

06-26关于静心和娱乐的问题(Questions about Meditation and Enlightenment)

06-27关于宗教的问题(Questions about Religion)

06-28关于灵性的问题(Questions about Esoterica)

06-29人们的问题(People's problems)


06-31奥修的预言(Osho makes Predictions)

06-32 1974年奥修离开孟买,前往普那(1974 Osho Leaves Bombay for Poona)

07-01奥修被隔离(Osho goes into seclusion)

07-02奥修的花园(Osho's garden)

07-03奥修的演讲:白云之道(Osho's Discourses:My Way:The Way of the White Clouds)

07-04旋转静心(Whirling Meditation)

07-05奥修工作的新阶段(The New Phase of Osho's Work)

07-06系列演讲,关于...(Discourse Series on Many Masters )

07-07奥修创造了新的静心(Osho creates New Meditations: )

07-08空达里尼静心(Kundalini Meditation)

07-09那塔让静心(Nataraj Meditation)

07-10那达让玛静心(Nadabrahma Meditation)

07-11构日萨卡静心(Gourishankar Meditation)

07-12维帕萨那静心(Vipassana Meditation)

07-13德瓦瓦尼静兴(Devavani Meditation)

07-14曼陀罗静心(Mandala Meditation)

07-15静心的音乐(Music for Meditation)

07-16达显:奥修和门徒之间的亲密交谈(Darshans:intimate talks between Osho and his disciples)

07-17关于桑雅生(About Sannyas)

07-18个人的静心(Personal Meditations)

07-19关于静心(About Meditation)

07-20关于星型发射(About Astral Projection)

07-21关于问题(About Problems)

07-22关系和性(Relationship and Sex)

07-23关于婴儿(About Babies)

07-24关于儿童(About Children)

07-25与家庭的冲突(Conflict with Family)

07-26奥修检查能量(Osho checks energy)

07-27离开达显(Leaving Darshans)

07-28分享奥修的见解(sharing Osho's Vision)

07-29聚会所的发展(Development of the Ashram)

07-30演讲:关于……(Discourses:Hsin Hsin Ming,Nasruddin,Heraclitus,Tilopa)

07-31 1975年,治疗和佛陀的心理学(1975 Therapy and the Psychology of the Buddhas)

07-32奥修指导团体领导人(Osho guides group leaders)

07-33奥修给团体成员的建议(Osho advises group participants)

07-34在治疗中关于性和暴力的辩论(Controversy about Sex & Violence in Therapy)

07-35奥修传授他的父亲成为桑雅生(Osho initiates His Father into Sannyas)

07-36奥修的阅读(Osho's Reading)

07-37哈希德教徒与犹太教徒(Hassids and Jews)

07-38在聚会所的团体活动(Group Activities in the ashram)

07-39音乐团体(Music Group)



07-42 1976年,新的死亡庆典(1976 New Death Celebration)


07-44奥修私人生活一瞥(Glimpses of Osho's Personal Life)

07-45维维克,奥修的助手(Vivek,Osho's attendant)

07-46旧朋新友(Old and New Friends)

07-47 1976年,聚会所的扩展(1976 Ashram Expansion)

07-48关于奥修以及他的聚会所的反响(Reactions to Osho and his ashram)

07-49演讲,关于......(Discourses bauls,Ashtevakra,Kabir,Saraha)

07-50 1977年,奥修工作的新阶段(1977 Osho develops the New Phase of His Work)


07-52在卡曲的新社区(The New Commune in Kutch,Gujarat)

07-53新社区的教育(Education in the New Commune)

07-54佛的预言和佛域(Gautam Buddha's Prophesy and the Buddhafield0

07-55 1978年,左巴,佛(1978 Zorba the Buddha)

07-56新人类(The New Man)

07-57演讲:金花的秘密(Discourses:The Secret of the Golden Flower)

07-58被莫让级.德萨的迫害(Persecution by Morarji Desai)

07-59奥修在世界的压迫之下(Osho in the World Press)

07-60富人导师的谴责(Rich Man's Guru Accusation)

07-61奥修关于久那斯大屠杀的评论(Osho comments on the Jonestown Massacre)

07-62演讲:关于萨那,比达哥拉斯( Discourses:Hakim Sanai,Pythagoras)

07-63 1979年奥修工作的新阶段:能量达显(1979 New Phase in Osho's work:Energy Darshans)

07-64静默和达马帕达(Silence and the Dhammapada)

07-65新阶段:奥修批评教师(New Phase:Osho Criticizes the Masters)

07-66公众关系(Public Relations)

07-67奥修工作的新阶段:神秘学校(New Phase of Osho's work:Mystery School)

07-68桑雅生是朋友而不是追随者(Sannyasins are Friends not Followers)

07-69奥修父亲去世(Death of Osho's Father,and his Mahaparanirvana)


07-71奥修的第一辆劳斯莱斯(Osho's First Rolls Royce)

07-72奥修祝福甘地(Osho blesses Indira Gandhi)

07-73奥修讲笑话(Osho's Jokes)

07-74种族笑话(Ethnic Jokes)

07-75人们被奥修的笑话所震憾(People are shocked at Osho's Jokes)

07-76 1980年,狂热的印度教徒企图暗杀奥修(1980 Attempted Assassination of Osho by Hindu fanatic)

07-77聚会所的安全加强(Ashram Security Increases)

07-78针对桑雅生的地方暴力(Local Violence against Sannyasins)

07-79对奥修的迫害(Persecution of Osho)

07-80演讲:绝对的纯洁:关于开悟(Discourses:The Classic of Purity,About Enlightenment,Desiderata)

07-81新阶段:奥修讲述自己的真理(New Phase:Osho Speaks His Own Truth)

07-82奥修揭露特里萨修女(Osho exposes Mother Teresa)

07-83来自宗教的敌视(Religious Hostility)

07-84奥修对桑雅生的建议:关于对否定的反应(Osho advises sannyasins on responding to negativity)

07-85奥修的书(Osho's Books)

07-86 1981年,维迈克瑞特(维尔弗王子)去世(1981年,1981 Death of Vimalkirti (Prince Welf),and his Mahaparanirvana)

07-87奥修工作的世界性扩展(World Expansion of Osho's work)

07-88奥修将要进入静默(Osho will go into Silence)

07-89在进入静默之前,奥修最后的工作(Osho's Last Words before going into Silence)

07-90最后的阶段:静默(The Ultimate Stage:Silence)

07-91奥修的静默布道(Silent Satsangs with Osho)

07-92奥修赴美国接受医学治疗(Osho flies to America for Medical Treatment)

07-93关于奥修的谣传(Rumours about Osho)

08-01 1981年奥修参观新泽西以及俄勒冈的社区(1981 Osho visits New Jersey and the Commune in Oregon)

08-02奥修再次享受驾驶(Osho enjoys Driving again)

08-03牙齿会议和三本新书(Dental Sessions and three new books)

08-04奥修私人生活的一天(Osho's personal daily life)

08-05 1982年,在第四庆祝日,奥修的达显(1982 Osho gives darshan on the four Celebration Days)

08-06奥修会见移民组织(Osho is interviewed by INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service))

08-07 Rajneeshism(Rajneeshism)

08-08 1984年,奥修建议预防艾滋病(1984 Osho advises AIDS precautions)

08-09奥修宣称21人开悟(Osho declares twenty-one people enlightened)

08-10武装护卫(Armed Guards)

08-11奥修被地方法院免职(Osho's deposition for a local court case)

08-12在三年的静默以后,奥修再度开始演讲(Osho gives Discourses again after three years'silence)

08-13奥修说:(How Osho speaks:)

08-14奥修所演讲的主题(Topics on which Osho speaks)

08-15奥修邀请科学家们建立一个世界学院(Osho invites scientists to set up a World Academy)

08-16奥修给出对叛逆者的定义(Osho gives his definition of a rebel

08-17奥修给出日常的媒体接见(Osho gives daily Press Interviews)

08-18奥修与记者的交流(Osho's interaction with reporters)

08-19奥修的私人生活(Osho's Personal Life)

08-20奥修的劳斯莱斯(Osho's Rolls Royces)

08-21关于世界各地的社区(About the Communes around the world)

08-22破坏……的阴谋(Conspiracy to destroy Rajneeshpuram)

08-23农场的安全得到加强(Security at the ranch increases)

08-24奥修和他社区的国际反响(International reaction to Osho and the Communes)

08-25奥修的秘书希拉离开,以及关于犯罪的消息(Osho's secretary,Sheela leaves,and information about crimes)

08-26关于犯罪的进一步消息(Further information about crimes)

08-27奥修揭露FBI和警察局调查的荒谬之处(Osho exposes travesty of FBI and police agencies' investigation)

08-28社区内的反应以及...的结束(Reaction in the Commune and the end of Rajneeshism,orange and malas)

08-29政府的阴谋升级(Government and State conspiracies escalate)

08-30奥修给予桑雅生指导方针(Osho gives Guidelines for sannyasins)

08-31奥修被美国政府绑架,折磨和敲诈(Osho is kidnapped,tortured and ransomed by the US Government)

08-32第一次保释听证(First Bail Hearing)

08-33奥修被转送到俄克拉何马州监狱(Osho is transported to Oklahoma Country Jail)

08-34来自媒体的帮助(Help from the media)

08-35奥修被折磨,他在监狱的经历(Osho tortured,his experiences in jails)

08-36经过六次辗转,奥修被转送到波特兰(sho is transported to Portland via six airports)

08-37波特兰的保释听证以及炸弹恐吓(Bail Hearing in Portland and bomb threat)

08-38波特兰法院,阿尔弗特辩解,交赎金以及离开美国(Portland court,Alford Plea. Ransom and order to leave the USA)

09-01塞浦路斯前夜(Cyprus overnight)

09-02克鲁 曼纳丽,印度(Kulu Manali,India)

09-03对奥修的起诉(Litigation against Osho)

09-04奥修赴加德满都,尼泊尔(Osho flies to Kathmandu,Nepal)

09-05奥修宣告他的环球旅行(Osho announces his World Tour)

09-06奥修与罗马教皇(Osho and the Pope)

09-07拘留奥修的威胁,离开尼泊尔(Threats to arrest Osho,who leaves Nepal)

09-08奥修参观克里特岛(希腊)(Osho visits Crete)

09-09神秘家克瑞纳姆提去世,奥修的礼物(Death of the mystic J. Krishnamurti,Osho's tribute)

09-10奥修工作的发展(Development of Osho's work)

09-11奥修被拘留和驱逐(Osho is arrested and deported)

09-12奥修被迫离开,在日内瓦,瑞典,伦敦,爱尔兰,西班牙(Osho is forced to leave,in Geneva,Sweden,London,Ireland,Spain)

09-13美国和德国政府迫使西班牙拒绝奥修的签证(American and German governments pressure Spain to refuse Osho's visa)

09-14奥修到达乌拉圭,建造了一个神秘学校(Osho visits Uruguay,and creates a Mystery School)

09-15用催眠进行静心的试验(Experiments in meditation with Hypnosis)

09-16一些医学家背叛奥修(A few therapists betray Osho)

09-17奥修被拘留和驱逐(Osho is arrested and deported)

09-18奥修回到孟买,回答关于桑雅生运动的问题(Osho returns to Bombay,and answers questions about his Sannyas Movement)

09-19奥修宣讲他的《奥义书》(Osho announces his Upanishad)

09-20奥修与桑雅生的交流(Osho's Interaction with sannyasins)

09-21迫害在继续:奥修离开孟买(Persecution continues;Osho leaves Bombay)

10-01警察发出离开的命令(Policemen serve an Order to Leave)

10-02警察委员会的条件(The Police Commissioner's conditions)

10-03普那市长的支持(Support from the Mayor of Poona)

10-04美国和印度政府对于奥修和桑雅生的迫害(American and Indian government persecution against Osho and sannyasins)

10-05奥修的花园(sho's Garden)

10-06奥修演讲的奇迹(The miracle of Osho's discourses)

10-07演讲:静默(Discourses:The silences)

10-08演讲:亲密的和私人的(Discourses:intimate and personal)

10-09奥修生病(Osho is ill)

10-10奥修新社区的成长(Growth of Osho's new commune)

10-11奥修对于桑雅生入世的建议(Osho advises sannyasins on living in the world)

10-12俄国桑雅生,以及奥修关于...的预言(Russian Sannyasins,and Osho's prediction on Gorbachov)

10-13奥修的书,坏的以及好的公开(Osho's Books;bad and good publicity)

10-14难忘的演讲(Memorable discourses)

10-15麦崔雅去世(Death of Swami Maitreya,and his Mahaparanirvana)

10-16奥修再度生病,濒临死亡(Osho is ill again,and nearly dies)

10-17奥修曾被美国政府投毒?(Was Osho poisoned by the US government?)

10-18关于美国迫害的调查(Investigation of American persecution)

10-19演讲:Mantra系列(Discourses:the Mantra Series)

10-20佛堂之顶和蚊帐(Buddha Hall roof and mosquito net)

10-21奥修的私人生活和朋友(Osho's personal life,and friends)

10-22奥修生病,他接受和评论bodywork治疗(Osho is ill;he receives and comments on therapeutic bodywork)

10-23奥修经历牙齿工作(Osho undergoes extensive dental work)

10-24 1988年,世界创造科学学院(1988 World Academy of Science for Creativity)

10-25进入聚会所必须出示艾滋病阴性证书(AIDS-Negative certificates required to enter the ashram)

10-26奥修谈论音乐(osho talks about Music)

10-27神秘玫瑰(The Mystic Rose)

10-28奥修和希特勒举手礼(Osho and a Hitler salute)

10-29演讲结束后的Let-go静心和雅呼真言(Let-go Meditation at the end of discourse and the Yaa-Hoo! Mantra salute)

10-30骚乱使得奥修离开演讲(Disturbances cause Osho to leave discourse)

10-31革命性的新神秘玫瑰静心(The revolutionary new Mystic Rose Meditation)

10-32生活禅和鼓(Live Zen and drumbeat)

10-33演讲末尾的乱语和静心(Gibberish and Meditation at the end of discourse)

10-34关于禅的演讲(Discourses on Zen)

10-35奥修取笑尼斯克瑞亚.斯通黑德(Osho teases Niskriya stonehead)

10-36这个,这个,一千次这个(This. This. A Thousand Times This)

10-37静默,竹子和布谷鸟(Silence,bamboos,and cuckoos)


10-39演讲结束时的静心(Meditation at end of discourse)

10-40太阳镜和美国总统选举(Sunglasses and the US presidential elections)

10-41奥修的取笑:萨达几(Osho's teases:Sardarji)

10-42 Vimal

10-43 Avirbhava

10-44奥修为神的玩具博物馆剪彩(Osho inaugurates a Museum of Toy Gods)

10-45马祖,以及阿兰度和麻尼撒的嫉妒(Ma Tzu,and the great matter about Anando and Maneesha's jealousy)

10-46奥修的礼物:禅杖,佛雕以及天鹅(Osho brings gifts:Zen sticks,Buddha statues,and swans)

10-47戈尔曼和苏菲(Coleman Barks and sufism)

10-48关于300位神秘家的书(The Book of 300 Mystics)

10-49奥修生病(Osho is ill)

10-50奥修被认作佛教菩萨,并且改名(Osho is recognised as Maitreya Buddha,and changes his name)

10-51长篇演讲:奥修强调他的时日无多(Long discourses:Osho emphasises urgency;he has not long to live

10-52奥修谈论他的私人生活(Osho mentions his private life)

10-53与佛教徒的辩论(Controversy with:Buddhists)


10-55 Jainas




10-59世界各地关于奥修的积极反响(Positive response to Osho around the world)

10-60奥修的艺术品(Osho's Artwork)

10-61 1889年,奥修的演讲:上帝死了,现在禅是唯一的真理(1989 Osho's discourses:God is Dead:Now Zen is the Only Living Truth)

10-62我庆祝自己:上帝不在了,生命在当下(I Celebrate myself:God is No where,Life is Now Here)

10-63禅的宣言:自我的自由(The Zen Manifesto:Freedom from Oneself)

10-64改名为Osho Rajneesh(Name change to Osho Rajneesh)

10-65奥修最后的系列演讲:禅的宣言(Osho's last discourse series:The Zen Manifesto)

10-66关于再生(About reincarnation)

10-67奥修关于社区的建议(Osho gives advice about the Commune)

10-68奥修强调禅和静心(Osho emphasizes Zen and meditation)

10-69最后的演讲(Last discourse)

10-70在演讲结束时最后的静心(Last meditation at the end of discourse)

10-71在1990年1月19日以前,关于奥修的短信(Notes about Osho until he leaves his body 19 Jan 1990)

11-01奥修谈论他离开身体以后(Osho talks about when he leaves the body)

11-02奥修谈论关于他工作的继续(Osho talks about the continuation of his work)

11-03奥修谈论他的影象和书籍(Osho talks about his vision and books

11-04对于想念他的人的建议(Advice to sannyasins who will miss him)


附录-1更进一步的阅读(Further Reading)


附录-3本书出处(Sources of Text-extracts) 感谢lloyd,附录已完成
