700字范文 > 戴尔系统出厂恢复出厂设置_如何恢复出厂设置


时间:2019-12-06 14:31:21




Setting up your Sonos player is really easy, but what if you want to giveyour previously used devices to another family member or a friend? In order to register a Sonos device to a new e-mail address, you will have to factory reset it.

设置Sonos播放器真的很容易 ,但是如果您想将以前使用的设备交给其他家庭成员或朋友呢? 为了将Sonos设备注册到新的电子邮件地址,您必须将其恢复出厂设置。

Resetting your device is not intended to act as a troubleshooting technique, because it will erase everything on it including shares, playlists, music sources, and more. Factoryresetting your Sonos player returns it to fresh-out-of-the-box condition so if you don’t need to do this, you’re better off not.

重置设备并不打算用作故障排除技术,因为它会擦除设备上的所有内容,包括共享,播放列表,音乐源等。 将Sonos播放器恢复出厂设置可使其恢复到全新的状态,因此,如果不需要这样做,最好不要这样做。

There are several flavors of Sonos devices, but only two ways of factory resetting. We’ll cover both groups today.

Sonos设备有多种口味,但是只有两种出厂重置方式。 今天我们将讨论这两个组。

方法一 (Method One)

If you have aPLAY:1, PLAY:3, PLAY:5 (gen1), CONNECT, CONNECT:AMPorPLAYBAR, you will want to perform the following procedure.


First unplug the power cord from the outlet. You don’t need to disconnect it from the actual device unless it’s easier that way.

首先从插座上拔下电源线。 您无需将其与实际设备断开连接,除非那样更容易。

Next, press and hold the Play/Pause button while plugging the device back in and continue to hold that button until the light on the top of the device flashes amber and white.


Finally release the Play/Pause button and the light should glow green meaning that the device has been successfully reset. At this point, you can add or re-add the device to your household, or safely give it away.

最后松开“播放/暂停”按钮,指示灯应呈绿色亮起,表示设备已成功重置。 此时,您可以将设备添加或重新添加到家庭中,或安全地将其赠送给您。

方法二 (Method Two)

If you have aPLAY:5 (gen2), BOOST, BRIDGEorSUB, then take the following steps to factory reset your device.


Again, you want to first unplug your device, be it from the wall or the actual device itself.


Next, press and hold the Connect button, and continue to hold it while plugging your device back in. The button on the top of your device will flash amber and white.


Release the button and wait until the light turns green, which means that your device has been successfully reset. You can now add or re-add the device to your household, or safely give it away.

松开按钮,直到指示灯变为绿色,这表示设备已成功重置。 您现在可以将设备添加或重新添加到您的家庭中,或安全地将其赠送。

Remember, if you factory reset your Sonos device, everything stored on the device will be erased, so you will have to reacquire your music collection as well as any streaming music services you had previously added. Knowing this, make sure that factory resetting is an option of last resort.

请记住,如果您将Sonos设备恢复出厂设置,则设备上存储的所有内容都会被删除,因此您将必须重新获取音乐收藏以及以前添加的任何流音乐服务 。 知道这一点后,请确保恢复出厂设置是最后的选择。

翻译自: /208058/how-to-factory-reset-your-sonos-player/

