700字范文 > Xamarin Getting Started翻译系列五--Android资源

Xamarin Getting Started翻译系列五--Android资源

时间:2021-02-17 23:06:05


Xamarin Getting Started翻译系列五--Android资源



This article introduces the concept of Android resourcesin Xamarin.Android and will document how to use them. It covers how to useresources in your Android application to support application localization, andmultiple devices including varying screen sizes and densities.



AnAndroid application is seldom just source code. There are often many otherfiles that make up an application: video, images, and audio files just to namea few. Collectively, these non-source code files are referred to as resourcesand are compiled (along with the source code) during the build process andpackaged as an APK for distribution and installation onto devices:





当新创建一个Xamarin Android项目,会创建一个叫做Resources的目录,同时还有很多子目录:

Resourcesoffer several advantages to an Android application:

Code-Separation-Separates source code from images, strings, menus, animations, colors, etc. Assuch resources can help considerably when localizing.

Target multiple devices– Provides simpler support of different deviceconfigurations without code changes.

Compile-time Checking- Resources are static and compiled into theapplication. This allows the usage of the resources to be checked at compiletime, when it will be easy to catch and correct the mistakes, as opposed torun-time when it is more difficult to locate and costly to correct.

When a new Xamarin.Android project is started, aspecial directory called Resources is created, along with some subdirectories:





In the image above, the application resourcesare organized according to their type into these subdirectories: images will goin thedrawabledirectory; views go in thelayoutsubdirectory, etc.

There are two ways to access theseresources in a Xamarin.Android application:programmaticallyincode anddeclarativelyin XML using a special XML syntax

These resources are calledDefault Resourcesand are used by all devicesunless a more specific match is specified. Additionally, every type of resourcemay optionally haveAlternate ResourcesthatAndroid may use to target specific devices. For example, resources may beprovided to target the user’s locale, the screen size, or if the device isrotated 90 degrees from portrait to landscape, etc. In each of these cases,Android will load the resources for use by the application without any extracoding effort by the developer.

Alternate resources are specified by addinga short string, called aqualifier, to theend of the directory holding a given type of resources.

Forexample, resources/drawable-de will specify the images for devices that are setto a German locale, while resources/drawable-fr would hold images for devicesset to a French locale. An example of providing alternate resources can be seenin the image below where the same application is being run with just the localeof the device changing:





Thisarticle will take a comprehensive look at using resources and cover the followingtopics:

Android Resource Basics -Using default resources programmatically anddeclaratively, adding resource types such as images to an application.

Device Specific Configurations- Supporting the different screen resolutions anddensities in an application.

Localization –Usingresources to support the different regions an application may be used.


Part 1 –Android基本资源

Part 2 –默认资源

Part 3 –可选资源

Part 4 –为特定屏幕创建资源

Part 5 –应用程序本地化和字符串资源

Part 6 –使用AndroidAssets工具



Almost all Androidapplications will have some sort of resources in them; at a minimum they oftenhave the user interface layouts in the form of XML files. When aXamarin.Android application is first created, default resources are setup bythe Xamarin.Android project template:







The five files thatmake up the default resources were created in the Resources folder:

Icon.png- The default icon for theapplication

Main.axml- The default user interfacelayout file for an application. Note that while Android uses the.xmlfile extension,Xamarin.Android uses the.axmlfile extension.

Strings.xml– A string table to helpwith localization of the application

Resource.designer.cs– This file is automatically generated and maintained byXamarin.Android and holds the unique ID’s assigned to each resource. This isvery similar and identical in purpose to the R.java file that an Androidapplication written in Java would have. It is automatically created by theXamarin.Android tools and will be regenerated from time to time.

AboutResources.txt– This is not necessary and may safely be deleted. It justprovides a high level overview of the Resources folder and the files in it.


创建资源和向特定资源类型目录中添加文件一样简单。下图中在项目中添加了一个德国区域的字符串资源。加入Strings.xml文件后,Xamarin.Android工具自动设置资源的Build Action属性:

Creating resources is as simple as adding files to the directoryfor the resource type in question. The screen shot below shows string resourcesfor German locales were added to a project. WhenStrings.xmlwas added to the file, theBuild Actionwas automatically set toAndroid Resource by the Xamarin.Android tools:

这样Xamarin.Andriod工具就可以正确的将资源编译和嵌入到APK中了。如果没有为资源设置Build Action属性,文件将不会包含到APK中,加载资源会发生运行时错误,导致应用程序瘫痪。



This allows theXamarin.Android tools to properly compile and embed the resources in to the APKfile. If for some reason the Build Action is not set to Android Resource, thenthe files will be excluded from the APK, and any attempt to load or access theresources will result in a run-time error and the application will crash.

Also, it’s importantto note that while Android only supports lowercase filenames for resourceitems, Xamarin.Android is a bit more forgiving; it will support both uppercaseand lowercase filenames.

Once resources havebeen added to a project, there are two ways to use them in an application –programmatically (inside code) or from XML files.



To access these files programmatically, they are assigned aunique resource ID. This resource ID is an integer defined in a special classcalled Resource, which is found in the fileResource.designer.cs,and looks something like this:




PackageName –提供资源的包,仅当资源在其他包中定义时才有用。

ResourceType –就是上面提到的与资源类型对应的嵌套类

Resource Name –资源的文件名称(不含扩展名)或定义在XML元素中的资源的android:name属性。

Each resource ID is contained inside a nested class thatcorresponds to the resource type. For example, when the fileicon.pngwas added to the project,Xamarin.Android updated the Resource class, creating a nested class calledDrawable with a constant inside named Icon. This allows the file Icon.png to bereferred to in code as Resource.Drawable.Icon. The Resource class should not bemanually edited, as any changes that are made to it will be overwritten by Xamarin.Android.

When referencingresources programmatically (in code), they can be accessed via the Resourcesclass hierarchy which uses the following syntax:

PackageName -the package which is providingthe resource and is only required when resources from other packages are beingused.

ResourceType –This is the nested resourcetype that is within the Resource class described above.

Resource Name –this is the filename of theresource (without the extension) or the value of the android:name attribute forresources that are in an XML element.



PackageName –提供资源的包,仅用于引用其他包中定义的资源。

ResourceType –Resource类中的嵌套资源类型。

Resource Name –资源文件名(无扩展名),或定义在XML中的资源的android:name属性值。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>











Resources in an XMLfile are accessed by a following a special syntax:@[<PackageName>:]<ResourceType>/<ResourceName>.

PackageName -the package which isproviding the resource and is only required when resources from other packagesare being used.

ResourceType –This is the nested resourcetype that is within the Resource class.

Resource Name –this is the filename of theresource (without the extension) or the value of the android:name attribute forresources that are in an XML element.

For example thecontents of a layout file, Main.axml, are as follows:

Thisexample has anImageViewthatrequires a drawable resource named flag. The ImageView has its src attributeset to @drawable/flag. When the activity starts, Android will look inside thedirectory Resource/Drawable for a file named Activity1Image and load that fileand display it in the ImageView. When this application is run, it would looksomething like the following image:


默认资源不是为特定设备和情况准备的,因此在没有指定特定资源情况下, Android系统会默认选择这些资源。因此这是最长创建的资源类型。他们按下图所示按照相应资源类型放在Resources目录的子目录中:

Defaultresources are items that are not specific to any particular device or formfactor, and therefore are the default choice by the Android OS if no morespecific resources can be found. As such, they’re the most common type ofresource to create. They’re organized into sub-directories of the Resourcesdirectory according to their resource type:



In theimage above, the project has default values for drawable resources, layouts,menus, and values (XML files that contain simple values).

Acomplete list of resource types is in the table below:




Alternateresources are those resources that target a specific device or run-timeconfiguration such as the current language, particular screen size, or pixeldensity. If Android can match a resource that is more specific for a particulardevice or configuration than the default resource, then that resource will beused instead. If it does not find an alternate resource that matches thecurrent configuration, then the default resources will be loaded. How Androiddecides what resources will be used by an application will be covered in moredetail below, in the section Resource Location

Alternateresources are organized as a sub-directory inside the Resources folderaccording to the resource type, just like default resources. The name of thealternate resource subdirectory is in the form<ResourceType>-<Qualifier>.

Qualifieris a name that identifies a specific device configuration. There may be morethan one qualifier in a name, each of them separated by a dash. For example,the screenshot below shows a simple project that has alternate resources forvarious configurations such as locale, screen density, screen side, andorientation:






Thefollowing rules apply when adding qualifiers to a resource type:

1. Theremay be more than one qualifier, with each qualifier separated by a dash.

2. The qualifiers maybe specified only once.

3. Qualifiers must be in the order they appear in the table below.

The table below lists the possible qualifiers that may be used and is providedfor reference.

For more complete information aboutresource qualifiers seeProviding Resourcesonthe Android Developers website.









It isvery possible and likely that an Android application will contain manyresources. It is important to understand how Android will select the resourcesfor an application when it runs on a device.

Android determinesthe resources base by iterating over the following test of rules:

Eliminate contradictory qualifiers– for example, if the device orientation isportrait, then all landscape resource directories will be rejected.

Ignore qualifiers not supported -Not all qualifiers are available to all API levels.If a resource directory contains a qualifier that is not supported by thedevice, then that resource directory will be ignored.

Identify the next highest priority qualifier– referring to the table above select the nexthighest priority qualifier (from top to bottom).

Keep any resource directories for qualifier –if there are any resource directories that matchthe qualifier to the table above select the next highest priority qualifier(from top to bottom).

Theserules are also illustrated in the following flowchart:



When thesystem is looking for density-specific resources and cannot find them, it willattempt to locate other density specific resources and scale them. Android maynot necessarily use the default resources. For example, when looking for alow-density resource and it is not available, Android may select high-densityversion of the resource over the default or medium-density resources. It doesthis because the high-density resource can be scaled down by a factor of 0.5,which will result in fewer visibility issues than scaling down a medium-densityresource which would require a factor of 0.75.

As anexample, consider an application that has the following drawable resourcedirectories:


And nowthe application is run on a device with the following configuration:



·Screen density–hdpi

·Touchscreen type– notouch

·Primary input method– 12key


To begin with, the French resources areeliminated as they conflict with the locale ofen-GB:



Next,the first qualifier is selected from the qualifiers table above: MCC and MNC.There are no resource directories that contain this qualifier so the MCC/MNCcode is ignored.

The next qualifier is selected, which isLanguage. There are resources that match the language code. All resourcedirectories that do not match the language code ofenarerejected:


The next qualifier that is present is for screenorientation, so all resource directories that do not match the screenorientation ofportare eliminated:


Next is the qualifier for screendensity,ldpi, which results in the exclusion of one more resourcedirectory:



As a result of this process, Android willuse the drawable resources in the resource directorydrawable-en-port-ldpifor the device.

NOTE:Thescreen size qualifiers provide one exception to this selection process. It is possiblefor Android to select resources that are designed for a smaller screen thanwhat the current device provides. For example, a large screen device may usethe resources provide for a normal sized screen. However the reverse of this isnot true: the same large screen device will not use the resources provided foran xlarge screen. If Android cannot find a resource set that matches a givenscreen size, the application will crash.



Android itselfruns on many different devices, each having a wide variety of resolutions,screen sizes, and screen densities. Android will perform scaling and resizingto make your application work on these devices, but this may result in asub-optimal user experience. For example, images may appear blurry, images mayoccupy to much (or not enough) screen space which causes the position of UIelements in the layout will overlap or be too far apart.










A few termsand concepts are important to understand in order to support multiple screens.

Screen Size –The amount of physical space for displaying yourapplication

Screen Density –The number of pixels in any given area on the screen.The typical unit of measure is dots per inch (dpi).

Resolution –The total number of pixels on the screen. Whendeveloping applications, resolution is not as important as screen size anddensity.

Density-independent pixel (dp)– This is a virtual unit of measure to allow layoutsto be designed independent of density. To convert dp into screen pixels thefollowing formula is used:px=dp*dpi/160

Orientation –The screen’s orientation is considered to be landscape when itis wider than it is tall. In contrast, portrait orientation is when the screenis taller than it is wide. The orientation can change during the lifetime of anapplication as the user rotates the device.

Notice thatthe first three of these concepts are inter-related – increasing the resolutionwithout increasing the density will increase the screen size. However if boththe density and resolution are increased then the screen size can remain unchanged.This relationship between screen size, density and resolution complicate screensupport very quickly.

To help deal with this complexity, the Androidframework prefers to usedensity-independentpixels (dp)forscreen layouts. By using density independent pixels, UI elements will appear tothe user to have the same physical size on screens with different densities.




Androidhandles most of the work to render the layouts properly for each screenconfiguration. However, there are some actions that can be taken to help thesystem out.

The use ofdensity-independent pixels instead of actual pixels in layouts is sufficient inmost cases to ensure density independence. Android will scale the drawables atruntime to the appropriate size. However, it is possible that this scaling willcause bitmaps to appear blurry. To avoid this, it may be necessary to supplyalternate resources for the different densities. When designing devices formultiple resolutions and screen densities it will prove easier to start withthe higher resolution or density images and then scale down. This will preventany blurring or distortion that may result from the resizing.


声明屏幕大小确保只有支持的设备才能下载应用程序。可在AndroidManifest.xml文件中的<supports-screens>元素中指定。这个元素用来指定应用程序支持的屏幕尺寸。如果应用程序的布局可以正确的填充屏幕则认为支持这种屏幕。使用清单元素,如果应用程序不适合指定的屏幕则不会出现在Google Play中。然而,应用程序还是可以运行在不支持屏幕的设备上,只是布局可能模糊和像素化。

要在Xamarin Android中进行配置,首先将AndroidManifest.xml文件添加到项目:

Declaring the screen size ensures that only supporteddevices can download the application. This is accomplished by setting the<supports-screens>element in theAndroidManifest.xmlfile.This element is used to specify what screen sizes are supported by theapplication. A given screen is considered to be supported if the applicationcan properly it’s layouts to fill screen. By using this manifest element, theapplication will not show up inGoogle Playfor devices that do not meet the screenspecifications. However, the application will still run on devices withunsupported screens, but the layouts may appear blurry and pixelated.

To do this inXamarin.Android, it is necessary to first add anAndroidManifest.xmlfile to the project:


TheAndroidManifest.xmlwillbe added to the Properties directory. The file is then edited to include<supports-screens>:





AlthoughAndroid will resize according the screen size, this may not be sufficient insome cases. It may be desirable to increase the size of some UI elements on alarger screen, or to change the positioning of the UI elements for a smallerscreen.

Starting withAPI Level 13 (Android 3.2), the screen sizes are deprecated in favor of usingthesw<N>dpqualifier. This new qualifier declaresthe amount of space a given layout needs. It is strongly recommended thatapplications that are meant to run on Android 3.2 or higher should be usingthese newer qualifiers.

For example,if a layout required a minimum 700dp of screen width, the alternate layoutwould go in a folderlayout-sw700dp:


Typical phone– 320dp: 传统电话

A 5” tablet / “tweener” device– 480dp: 如三星Note

A 7” tablet– 600dp: 如Barnes & Noble Nook

A 10” tablet– 720dp: 如MotorolaXoom


As aguideline, here are some numbers for various devices:

Typical phone– 320dp: a typical phone

A 5” tablet / “tweener” device– 480dp: such as the Samsung Note

A 7” tablet– 600dp: such as the Barnes & Noble Nook

A 10” tablet– 720dp: such as the Motorola Xoom

Forapplications that target API levels up to 12 (Android 3.1), the layouts shouldgo in directories that use the qualifierssmall/normal/large/xlargeas generalizationsof the various screen sizes that are available in most devices. For example, inthe image below, there are alternate resources for the four different screensizes:


426dp x 320dp --small

470dp x 320dp --normal

640dp x 480dp --large

960dp x 720dp --xlarge


The followingis a comparison of how the older pre-API Level 13 screen size qualifierscompare to density-independent pixels:

426dp x 320dp issmall

470dp x 320dpisnormal

640dp x 480dpislarge

960dp x 720dpisxlarge

The newerscreen size qualifiers in API level 13 and up have a higher precedence than theolder screen qualifiers of API levels 12 and lower. For applications that willspan the old and the new API levels, it may be necessary to create alternateresources using both sets of qualifiers as shown in the following screen shot:




AlthoughAndroid will scale bitmaps as necessary for a device, the bitmaps themselvesmay not elegantly scale up or down: they may become fuzzy or blurry. Providingbitmaps appropriate for the screen density will mitigate this problem.

For example,the image below is an example of layout and appearance problems that may occurwhen density specify resources are not provided.


Compare thisto a layout that is designed with density specific resources:

为各种屏幕分辨率窗体位图是比较枯燥的。为此Google提供了一个在线工具为创建这些位图减少工作量,这个工具叫做Android Asset Studio。

The creation of these bitmaps of various densities canbe a bit tedious. As such, Google has created an online utility which canreduce some of the tedium involved with the creation of these bitmaps call theAndroid Asset Studio.

这个站点可以只需提供一个位图就可以创建四种屏幕密度图像。Android Asset Studio可以创建自定义图像,并可以让开发者下载压缩文件:

This websitewill help with creation of bitmaps that target the four common screen densitiesby providing one image. Android Asset Studio will then create the bitmaps withsome customizations and then allow them to be downloaded as a zip file:



只针对必要的情况进行开发设计—有大量不同的设备,但进行特别设计开发的设备类型表现最佳。Screen Size and Density是Google提供的屏幕尺寸、屏幕密度分别矩阵,给出对这种屏幕所付出努力的比例。


尽可能避免绝对布局(AbsoluteLayout– 在API3(Android1.5)及过时了,容易导致脆弱的布局。不应该在使用。而应该使用更灵活的布局如LinearLayout,RelativeLayout,GridLayout.

选择一个默认的布局方法– 例如不要同时定义layout-landand和layout-port可选资源,将宽布局资源放在layout中,而竖屏资源放在layout-port中

使用高度和宽带布局参数– 当在XML布局文件中定义UI元素,Android应用程序使用wrap_content和fill_parent比使用像素或密度无关单位能更好的适应不同设备。这些密度值导致Android缩放图像。基于这些原因,密度无关单元更适用在定义UI元素内边框或外边框。

Android runson a bewildering number of devices, and the combination of screen sizes andscreen densities can seem overwhelming. The following tips can help minimizethe effort necessary to support various devices:

Only Design and Develop for What you Need– There are a lot of different devices out there, butsome exist in rare form factors that may take a lot of effort to design anddevelop for. TheScreen Size and Densitydashboard is a page provided by Google that providesdata on breakdown of the screen size/screen density matrix. This breakdownprovides insight on how to development effort on supporting screens.

Use DPs rather than Pixels- Pixels become troublesome as screen densitychanges. Do not hardcode pixel values. Avoid pixels in favor of dp(density-independent pixels).

AvoidAbsoluteLayoutWherever Possible– it is deprecated in API level 3 (Android 1.5) andwill result in brittle layouts. It should not be used. Instead, try to use moreflexible layout widgets such asLinearLayout,RelativeLayout, or the newGridLayout.

Pick one layout orientation as your default– For example, instead of providing the alternateresourceslayout-landandlayout-port, putthe resources for landscape inlayout, and the resources for portrait intolayout-port.

Use LayoutParams for Height and Width- When defining UI elements in an XML layout file, anAndroid application using thewrap_contentandfill_parentvalues will have more success ensure aproper look across different devices than using pixel or density independentunits. These dimension values cause Android to scale bitmap resources asappropriate. For this same reason, density-independent units are best reservedfor when specifying the margins and padding of UI elements.



Android SDK提供了一些模拟器皮肤可用于创建不同尺寸、密度、分辨率设备的AVD。很多设备厂商都提供了皮肤。


An Android applicationneeds to be tested against all configurations that will be supported. Ideallydevices should be tested on the actual devices themselves but in many casesthis is not possible or practical. In this case the use of the emulator andAndroid Virtual Devices setup for each device configuration will be useful.

The AndroidSDK provides some emulator skins may be used to create AVD’s will replicate thesize, density, and resolution of many devices. Many of the hardware vendorslikewise provide skins for their devices.

Another optionis to use the services of a third party testing service. These services willtake an APK, run it on many different devices, and then provide feedback howthe application worked.


TheBeta Family

Perfecto Mobile




Applicationlocalization is the act of providing alternate resources to target a specificregion or locale. For example, you might provide localized language strings forvarious countries, or you might change colors or layout to match particularcultures. Android will load and use the resources appropriate for the device’slocale at runtime time without any changes to the source code.

Forexample, the image below shows the same application running in three differentdevice locales, but the text displayed in each button is specific to the localethat each device is set to:


In thisexample, the contents of a layout file,Main.axmllooks somethinglike this:


In theexample above, the string for the button was loaded from the resources byproviding the resource ID for the string.






Localizationcan be a time consuming process. As such, most applications are not localized.In order to minimize the impact that localization issues can cause, followingthese tips:

Make asfew layouts as possible. A single, flexible layout supporting all locales willbe easier to maintain.

Makesure to test the default locale. Your application will crash if the defaultresources cannot be loaded for some reason (i.e. they are missing).

Onlycreate the localized resources you need. For example, although there are manyFrench speaking nations in the world, it may not be necessary to support eachindividual French region. Supporting these regions may create extra work andunnecessary effort in the application’s development and maintenance.





Assetsprovide a way to include arbitrary files like text, xml, fonts, music, andvideo in your application. If you try to include these files as"resources", Android will process them into its resource system andyou will not be able to get the raw data. If you want to access data untouched,Assets are one way to do it.

Assets added to your project will show upjust like a file system that can read from by your application usingAssetManager.

In this simple demo, we are going to add atext file asset to our project, read it using AssetManager, and display it inaTextView.


Asset资源位于项目的Assets目录。向目录中添加新的文本文件read_asset.txt。加入一些文本如“I came from an asset!”。


Assets go in theAssetsfolderof your project. Add a new text file to this folder calledread_asset.txt. Placesome text in it like "I came from an asset!".

Next you have to tell Visual Studio thatthis is an asset file. Bring up the properties window for the file and set theBuildActiontoAndroidAsset:


Now thefile will be build into our application when it is compiled and packaged.



Assets are read using anAssetManager. Activities provide anAssetsproperty as a shortcut to an AssetManager. In thefollowing code, we open our "read_asset.txt" asset, read thecontents, and display it using aTextView.




本文讲述如何在Xamarin Android应用程序中使用Android资源。介绍了默认资源和可选资源,以及如何在本地化中使用它们。然后讲述对各种Android设备屏幕的支持,以及如何使用Android资源实行各种设备统一的UI界面。

Thisarticle covered using Android resources in a Xamarin.Android application. Itintroduced default and alternate resources, and how they may be used to supportlocalization. It then examined issues surrounding the screens of various Androiddevices and how Android resources may be used to provide a consistent UI acrossdevices.
