700字范文 > kali linux amd显卡驱动 AMD 显卡安装debian

kali linux amd显卡驱动 AMD 显卡安装debian

时间:2021-04-27 01:03:34


kali linux amd显卡驱动 AMD 显卡安装debian

Check your /etc/apt/sources.list. If it’s anything

different to the following, you need to fix it. You can follow this

guide toadd official Kali Linux Repositories if you’re

not too sure on how to do it. For the sake of clarity I will keep

things simple here.

leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list

Remove or comment out existing lines and add the following:

## Kali Regular repositories

deb /kali kali main non-free contrib

deb /kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free

## Kali Source repositories

deb-src /kali kali main non-free contrib

deb-src /kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free

Step 2 (update with apt-get)

Now we need to update and make sure we get the latest list from

Kali Linux official repositories. So perform an apt-get update.

apt-get update


NVIDIA users after driver installation and cuda/pyrit related

issues go here: How to Install Nvidia Kernel Module Cuda and Pyrit

in Kali Linux

Also those who would like to use Graphics card processing power

to crunch data (such as cracking wii password faster) see the

following posts:

Step 3 (install Linux headers and recommended softwares)

Now that we have the correct repositories we can add these

following recommended apps. The most important part is to add the

correct headers.

apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree

apt-get install amd-opencl-icd

apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)


should be able to get all these from Kali Linux repositories as

added/updated from Step 1 above. When this guide was written, all

these were available in the Kali Repositories.

Step 4 (change repositories to Debian Jessie).

So far so good.

This part I wouldn’t usually recommend, but we will only add few

specific software’s from Debian Jessie Repositories and quickly

remove them once we’re done. I have added this myself and removed

them once the following steps are completed. I went in and checked

as many software’s I could, but it seems only updating a few

packages doesn’t break anything. (So far!! You are most welcome to

try it).

Now comment out Kali Repositories in your

/etc/apt/sources.list and add Debian Jessie (Another

name for Debian Jessie is Debian testing) repositories.

You should be able to use leafpad to do it quickly.

leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list

Remove or comment out existing lines and add the following:

## Kali Regular repositories

#deb /kali kali main non-free contrib

#deb /kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free

## Kali Source repositories

#deb-src /kali kali main non-free contrib

#deb-src /kali-security kali/updates main contrib non-free

## Debian Main

deb /debian testing main contrib non-free

deb-src /debian testing main contrib non-free

## Debian Updates

deb /debian/ jessie-updates main contrib non-free

deb-src /debian/ jessie-updates main contrib non-free

## Debian Security

deb / jessie/updates main contrib non-free

deb-src / jessie/updates main contrib non-free

Step 5 (update with apt-get)

Now we need to update and make sure we get the latest list from

Debian Jessie repositories. So perform an apt-get update.

apt-get update

Step 6 (install fglrx drivers and control)

Almost done, just install fglrx drivers and control. The best

part is that it’s all you need to do. Debian Jessie fixed the

issues with fglrx and latest driver, so once you install these

drivers, everything just works.

apt-get install fglrx-atieventsd fglrx-driver fglrx-control fglrx-modules-dkms -y


this point, you will see bunch of popups (we see those hardly in

Linux, but aptitude pops up with request to update some

libraries(opencl and glx) and restart services such as network

etc., I have chosen YES to all

of them. My installation of Kali is still working and I am yet to

find a problem. Your experience might be different.

Once the installation if finished, we need to test if it was all


Step 7 (testing your installation and generate xorg.conf


Now that our installation is all good and went without an error,

we need to test fglrx drivers. You can test fglrx using the

following two commands:



But I would like to go a bit far and test glx as well. Use the

following commands to test GLX. (The reason I tested this is

because original AMD Drivers broke them previously.



If everything worked well, you can generate

xorg.conf file using the following


aticonfig --initial -f

xorg.conf file will be located at

/etc/X11 folder.

Step 8 (update grub.cfg file and reboot)

Almost there. AMD cards needs the following parameters passed

into grub.cfg during boot. Let’s do that:

Edit thegrub.cfg file:

leafpad /boot/grub/grub.cfg

you see this:

### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###

menuentry 'Debian GNU/Linux, with Linux 3.12-kali1-amd64' --class debian --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {


insmod gzio

insmod part_msdos

insmod ext2

set root='(hd0,msdos5)'

search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 129deb3c-0edc-473b-b8e8-507f0f2dc3f9

echo'Loading Linux 3.12-kali1-amd64 ...'

linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.12-kali1-amd64 root=UUID=129deb3c-0edc-473b-b8e8-507f0f2dc3f9 ro initrd=/install/gtk/initrd.gz quiet

echo'Loading initial ramdisk ...'



add radeon.modeset=0 in the end

of the following line

linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.12-kali1-amd64 root=UUID=129deb3c-0edc-473b-b8e8-507f0f2dc3f9 ro initrd=/install/gtk/initrd.gz quiet radeon.modeset=0

So the line above becomes this:

linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.12-kali1-amd64 root=UUID=129deb3c-0edc-473b-b8e8-507f0f2dc3f9 ro initrd=/install/gtk/initrd.gz quiet radeon.modeset=0



UUID would be different for every PC. Use your one here.

Save and exit. Then reboot.


Once you reboot, your should be able to login in GUI and enjoy

your AMD ATI proprietary driver (fglrx) in Kali Linux 1.0.6 running

Kernel version 3.12.6.
