700字范文 > java.util.zip.ZipFile解压后被java占用问题。


时间:2022-05-06 00:31:13



在使用jdk自带zip解压工具解压文件时,调用ZipFile的getInputStream(ZipEntry entry)方法获取实体输入流后,正常关闭getInputStram返回的输入流。zip文件仍然被占用,导致java删除zip文件失败的问题。 解决方法: 在解压完成后调用ZipFile的close()方法关闭所有已打开的输入流。

原因:根据源码(jdk1.6) 若压缩方式为STORED,则getInputStream返回ZipFileInputStream类的输入流,该输入流的close()方法如下: public void close() { rem = 0; synchronized (ZipFile.this) { if (jzentry != 0 && ZipFile.this.jzfile != 0) { freeEntry(ZipFile.this.jzfile, jzentry); jzentry = 0; } } } // freeEntry releases the C jzentry struct. private static native void freeEntry(long jzfile, long jzentry);

若压缩方式为DEFLATED,则getInputStream返回InflaterInputStream类的输入流,该输入流的close()方法如下: protected Inflater inf; /** * Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated * with the stream. * @exception IOException if an I/O error has occurred */ public void close() throws IOException { if (!closed) { if (usesDefaultInflater) inf.end(); in.close(); closed = true; } } public void end() { synchronized (zsRef) { long addr = zsRef.address(); zsRef.clear(); if (addr != 0) { end(addr); buf = null; } } } public class Inflater { private native static void end(long addr); }

而ZipFile类提供的close()方法为: 主要区别应该在于Store的压缩方式,执行了closeRequested = true 和close(zf),而ZipFileInputStream只是调用了freeEntry;对于压缩方式为DEFLATED的情况,还未测试。

/*** Closes the ZIP file.* <p> Closing this ZIP file will close all of the input streams* previously returned by invocations of the {@link #getInputStream* getInputStream} method.** @throws IOException if an I/O error has occurred*/public void close() throws IOException {synchronized (this) {closeRequested = true;if (jzfile != 0) {// Close the zip filelong zf = this.jzfile;jzfile = 0;close(zf);// Release inflaterssynchronized (inflaters) {int size = inflaters.size();for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {Inflater inf = (Inflater)inflaters.get(i);inf.end();}}}}}

