700字范文 > 如何创建自己的Windows 8安装DVD或USB

如何创建自己的Windows 8安装DVD或USB

时间:2023-10-01 10:06:18


如何创建自己的Windows 8安装DVD或USB

Upgrading to Windows 8 was rather different to previous versions of the operating system – this time it could be done entirely online. You may well have decided to keep upgrade costs as low as possible by not buying a backup DVD. Here’s how you can create your own.

升级到Windows 8与以前版本的操作系统有很大的不同–这次可以完全在线完成。 您可能已经决定不购买备用DVD来将升级成本保持在最低水平。 这是创建自己的方法。

To create your own DVD you’ll need to download the installation files. Start by visiting the Windows Order Summary pageand fill in the form with all of the details requested of you.

要创建自己的DVD,您需要下载安装文件。 首先访问Windows订单摘要页面,然后在表单中填写您要求的所有详细信息。

Unless you are particularly organized and took the step of printing out your order confirmation email after making your initial purchase, you probably won’t have all of these details to hand straight away.


To track down the email, just search your inbox for ‘Thanks for ordering Windows 8’ and you’ll find the relevant message easily.

要跟踪电子邮件,只需在收件箱中搜索“感谢订购Windows 8”,您将轻松找到相关的消息。

Click Submit and you’ll be taken to the summary of your order where you’ll be invited to order a backup disc – but you can create your own free of charge.


At the bottom of the page you’ll find a download link for Windows 8 – click this to grab a copy of the tiny installer.

在页面底部,您将找到Windows 8的下载链接–单击此链接可获得微型安装程序的副本。

Double click the executable, enter your Windows 8 product key and click Next.

双击可执行文件,输入Windows 8产品密钥,然后单击“下一步”。

Verify that the correct version of Windows 8 has been detected for you and click Next.

验证是否已为您检测到正确版本的Windows 8,然后单击“下一步”。

Now you’ll have to wait while the required setup files are downloaded before you can continue.


Once this has been done, select the ‘Install by creating media’ option and click Next.


You can then choose between creating a USB installer, or creating an ISO file that can be burned to DVD.


If you have a USB drive with a capacity of 3GB or more, select the ‘USB flash drive’ option and click Next.

如果您具有容量为3GB或更大的USB驱动器,请选择“ USB闪存驱动器”选项,然后单击“下一步”。

Select your USB drive from the list and click Next. Bear in mind that any data currently stored on the drive will be erased so make sure you have a backup.

从列表中选择您的USB驱动器,然后单击“下一步”。 请记住,当前存储在驱动器上的所有数据都会被删除,因此请确保您有备份。

Once the files have been deleted, you can sit back while the installation files are copied into place.


If you prefer to go down the more traditional route of creating an installation DVD, you should select the ‘ISO file’ option instead and then click Save.

如果您更喜欢采用传统的创建安装DVD的方法,则应选择“ ISO文件”选项,然后单击“保存”。

Choose where to save the ISO file, click Save and then wait while the image is created for you.


Once this is done, insert a blank DVD and click the ‘Open DVD burner’ link, make sure your DVD burner is selected from the list of drives and click Burn.


When the disc has been created, be sure to label it accordingly.


翻译自: /161398/how-to-create-your-own-windows-8-installation-dvd-or-usb/
