700字范文 > linux中rar压缩包的解压与压缩方法


时间:2020-11-12 09:23:25



1 进入网站/download.htm下载rar for linux x64

2 执行以下语句进行安装

tar zxvf rarlinux-3.8.0.tar.gzcd rarmakemake install

3 压缩与解压缩演示

解压缩演示:rar x etc.rar ./aa/:将etc.rar压缩包解压到当前目录下的aa文件件内unrar e etc.rar ./aa/压缩演示:rar a etc.rar /etc:将/etc文件夹压缩成etc.rar文件

4 更多命令,使用查询手册

z@z-Lenovo-G40-70:~/Downloads/33$ rarRAR 5.90 beta 2 Copyright (c) 1993- Alexander Roshal 9 Feb Trial version Type 'rar -?' for helpUsage:rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...><@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\><Commands>a Add files to archivec Add archive commentch Change archive parameterscw Write archive comment to filed Delete files from archivee Extract files without archived pathsf Freshen files in archivei[par]=<str> Find string in archivesk Lock archivel[t[a],b]List archive contents [technical[all], bare]m[f]Move to archive [files only]p Print file to stdoutr Repair archiverc Reconstruct missing volumesrn Rename archived filesrr[N] Add data recovery recordrv[N] Create recovery volumess[name|-]Convert archive to or from SFXt Test archive filesu Update files in archivev[t[a],b]Verbosely list archive contents [technical[all],bare]x Extract files with full path<Switches>- Stop switches scanning@[+]Disable [enable] file listsad Append archive name to destination pathag[format] Generate archive name using the current dateai Ignore file attributesap<path>Set path inside archiveas Synchronize archive contentsc- Disable comments showcfg-Disable read configurationcl Convert names to lower casecu Convert names to upper casedf Delete files after archivingdh Open shared filesds Disable name sort for solid archivedw Wipe files after archivinge[+]<attr> Set file exclude and include attributesed Do not add empty directoriesen Do not put 'end of archive' blockep Exclude paths from namesep1 Exclude base directory from namesep3 Expand paths to full including the drive letterf Freshen fileshp[password] Encrypt both file data and headersht[b|c] Select hash type [BLAKE2,CRC32] for file checksumid[c,d,p,q] Disable messagesierrSend all messages to stderrilog[name] Log errors to fileinulDisable all messagesisnd[-] Control notification soundsiverDisplay the version numberk Lock archivekb Keep broken extracted fileslog[f][=name] Write names to log filem<0..5> Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)ma[4|5] Specify a version of archiving formatmc<par> Set advanced compression parametersmd<n>[k,m,g] Dictionary size in KB, MB or GBms[ext;ext] Specify file types to storemt<threads> Set the number of threadsn<file> Additionally filter included filesn@ Read additional filter masks from stdinn@<list>Read additional filter masks from list fileo[+|-] Set the overwrite modeoh Save hard links as the link instead of the fileoi[0-4][:min] Save identical files as referencesol[a] Process symbolic links as the link [absolute paths]or Rename files automaticallyow Save or restore file owner and groupp[password] Set passwordp- Do not query passwordqo[-|+] Add quick open information [none|force]r Recurse subdirectoriesr- Disable recursionr0 Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names onlyrr[N] Add data recovery recordrv[N] Create recovery volumess[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archives- Disable solid archivingsc<chr>[obj] Specify the character setsfx[name]Create SFX archivesi[name]Read data from standard input (stdin)sl<size>Process files with size less than specifiedsm<size>Process files with size more than specifiedt Test files after archivingta[mcao]<d> Process files modified after <d> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS datetb[mcao]<d> Process files modified before <d> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS datetk Keep original archive timetl Set archive time to latest filetn[mcao]<t> Process files newer than <t> timeto[mcao]<t> Process files older than <t> timets[m,c,a,p] Save or restore time (modification, creation, access, preserve)u Update filesv<size>[k,b] Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]ver[n] File version controlvn Use the old style volume naming schemevp Pause before each volumew<path> Assign work directoryx<file> Exclude specified filex@ Read file names to exclude from stdinx@<list>Exclude files listed in specified list filey Assume Yes on all queriesz[file] Read archive comment from file
