700字范文 > 基于android的lbs技术 基于android的lbs定位系统的设计-电子与通信工程专业论文.docx...

基于android的lbs技术 基于android的lbs定位系统的设计-电子与通信工程专业论文.docx...

时间:2024-05-12 15:30:26


基于android的lbs技术 基于android的lbs定位系统的设计-电子与通信工程专业论文.docx...





随着 Android 操作系统的智能手机的普及、移动 3G 网络在中国的发展和公众对移动数据 业务的需求迅速增长,运营商开始对移动数据业务越来越重视,据统计 年移动手机用户

到达 10 亿,而围绕手机的应用则越来越多,定位、QQ、天气、微信、陌陌、手机支付等等, 在这些应用中搜索服务无疑是重点。

本文围绕 Android 平台介绍了 LBS 的搜索课题的产生背景,进而设计一种具有定位、搜 索、好友、新闻等功能的软件。在开始部分介绍了与软件设计相关的定位和 Android 的相关 技术,在基本理论支撑的基础之上分析了软件的需求即定位、搜索、好友、新闻,进一步地 指出了软件的应该解决的包括地图 API 的加载、手机参数的获取、客户端版本的更新、网络 通信等等问题,在解决了这些问题并创建完 Android 工程以后,对软件进行编程仿真,仿真 结果表明,软件所具有的定位功能比传统的定位技术定位精度有所提高、系统的搜索等功能 能满足用户的日常需要。

随着 Android 平台越来越普及,今后会有更多更好的关于 LBS 业务的应用程序出现,这 类应用以后会对我们的生活产生重大影响。





In recent years,with population of the Android os smart cellphone、the 3G network development in China and the growth of the wireless Internet user terminal in public,network providers are interesting in this services.It is shown that there are 1000 million cellphone users in China with the

year of ,more and more application are developed,as an example mobile location、weather、

Wechat 、 cellphone payment,and of course mobile search are the most important in these applications.

In this article,we talk about the background of LBS services in the Android development environment,so a new task is brought in mind that is the designing of a software with positioning,searching,contacting people,viewing news.The first two parts introduce positioning methods and technologies of Android which have relation with the software design,after we analyses the demands of the software that is positioning,searching,contacting people,viewing news and we talk about some problems they are need to be solved as the loading of Goole API,getting cellphone parameters,updating of the edition,network communication.By solving the problems we establish a task of Android project,program the software and simulate it,it seems that the software has a high accuracy than the traditional positioning ,it can need the demand of users in daily life.

There will be more and more this kind of applications come out with the population of Android os,it will surely change
