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优化问题求解算法:精确式 启发式 元启发式 超启发式

时间:2022-04-28 09:54:41


优化问题求解算法:精确式 启发式 元启发式 超启发式



Exact optimization methods (Jourdan et al, ):‘Exact methods find the optimal solution and assess its optimality’.


Heuristics (Zanakis et al, 1989):Their [heuristics] appeal stems from their ability to produce quickly near-optimal solutions to difficult optimization problems. As opposed to the advanced mathematics that is required to develop theoretical results in the optimization arena, the development of heuristics is chiefly an art and a creative problem solving endeavor.‘Construction algorithms generate a solution by adding individual components (eg, nodes, arcs, variables) one at a time until a feasible solution is obtained. Greedy’ algorithms, seeking to maximize improvement at each step, comprise a large class of construction heuristics. In most construction heuristics, a feasible solution is not found until the end of the procedure’ and ‘Improvement heuristics begin with a feasible solution and successively improve it by a sequence of exchanges or mergers in a local search. Generally, a feasible solution is maintained throughout the procedure’.


Metaheuristics (Talbi, ; Sörensen and Glover, ): ‘A metaheuristic is a high-level problem-independent algorithmic framework that provides a set of guidelines or strategies to

develop heuristic optimization algorithms. The term is also used to refer to aproblem-specificimplementation of a heuristic optimization algorithm according to the guidelines expressed in

such a framework’.


Hyper-heuristics (Burke et al, ):‘A search method or learning mechanism for selecting or generating heuristics to solve computational search problems’.


Jourdan L, Basseur M and Talbi E-G (). Hybridizing exact methods and metaheuristics: A taxonomy. European Journal of Operational Research 199(3): 620–629.

Zanakis SH, Evans JR and Vazacopoulos AA (1989). Heuristic methods and applications: A categorized survey. European Journal of Operational Research 43(1): 88–110.

Talbi E-G (). Metaheuristics: From Design to Implementation. Wiley: Hoboken, NJ.

Sörensen K and Glover F (). Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science. chap. Metaheuristics, 3rd edn. Springer:New York.

Burke EK et al (). Hyper-heuristics: A survey of the state of the art. Journal of the Operational Research Society 64(12): 1695–1724.
