700字范文 > revo加密_使用Revo Uninstaller完全卸载程序以及更多其他功能

revo加密_使用Revo Uninstaller完全卸载程序以及更多其他功能

时间:2018-09-30 13:53:17


revo加密_使用Revo Uninstaller完全卸载程序以及更多其他功能


Don’t you hate it when you try to uninstall a program it either does not include an uninstaller or when using Add / Remove Programs in Windows, there are several traces of the software left? It is definitely one of my bigger pet peeves … just check out my iTunes uninstall rant. I came across a cool little program the other day that claims to do a much better job of uninstalling applications and all of the tidbits and left-overs associated with them. Revo Uninstaller.

当您尝试卸载不包含卸载程序的程序或者在Windows中使用“添加/删除程序”时,是否讨厌它,您是否讨厌它? 它绝对是我最大的宠儿之一...只需检查一下我的iTunes卸载程序即可 。 前几天,我遇到了一个很酷的小程序,声称可以更好地卸载应用程序以及与之相关的所有花絮和剩菜。 Revo卸载程序 。

When first launching Revo the first thing I noticed were all of the additional features not included with Window’s Add / Remove utility.


Here I am going to show the process of uninstalling an unwanted toolbar from a Vista machine. After double clicking the program you want to remove the familiar‘are you sure’message will pop up.

在这里,我将展示从Vista机器上卸载不需要的工具栏的过程。 双击该程序后,您想要删除的熟悉的“您确定”消息将会弹出。

Now for the cool part! Revo lets us choose how to uninstall the application using different mode levels. Here I am going to choose the Advanced mode. I don’t want a single trace of this toolbar left of my hard drive.**Keep in mind that if you are on a domain, software information will still be kept in the AppData folder under your profile.**

现在是最酷的部分! Revo让我们选择如何使用不同的模式级别卸载应用程序。 在这里,我将选择“高级”模式。 我不希望在硬盘驱动器上留下该工具栏的任何痕迹。**请记住,如果您在域中,则软件信息仍将保留在配置文件下的AppData文件夹中。**

Progress while scanning including the steps Revo is taking.


This is what I like to see the most … Scanning for leftover information! This is the entire reason I really dig this application.

这是我最喜欢看到的内容……正在扫描剩余信息! 这就是我真正研究此应用程序的全部原因。

And here we are, it turns out this toolbar did indeed decide to leave some additional information in the registry. If there were left over files or folders associated with the program it would show those as well.

事实证明,此工具栏确实决定将一些其他信息保留在注册表中。 如果还有与程序关联的文件或文件夹,它也会显示这些文件或文件夹。

Revo Uninstaller is available in multiple languages!

Revo Uninstaller支持多种语言!

Other options you can tweak to your liking. As you can see some features are not available in Vista but I am sure updates will include more features.

您可以根据自己的喜好调整其他选项。 如您所见,某些功能在Vista中不可用,但我确信更新将包括更多功能。

This application works on both Windows Vista and XP. Other options include deleting your Internet browsing history, and deleting certain start up programs and services. Oh! And I didn’t even cover Hunter Mode! I must say this is quite an impressive utility! Download Revo Uninstaller.

该应用程序可在Windows Vista和XP上运行。 其他选项包括删除您的Internet浏览历史记录,以及删除某些启动程序和服务。 哦! 而且我什至没有介绍猎人模式 ! 我必须说这是一个令人印象深刻的实用程序! 下载Revo卸载程序 。

翻译自: /79926/completely-uninstall-programs-and-more-with-revo-uninstaller/

