700字范文 > 怎么放慢音乐速度_为什么我的相机放慢速度或停止连拍?


时间:2023-09-20 04:43:33




Every camera has a burst mode: it’s where you hold down the shutter button and it keeps taking photos until you lift your finger. It’s great for shooting sports, wildlife, or any other situation where you’re trying to capture a fleeting moment. The thing is, you can’t use burst mode indefinitely; after a few moments, it slows down or stops entirely. Let’s find out why, and some of the things you can do to potentially increase the length of the bursts you can shoot.

每个相机都有一个连拍模式:在这里按住快门按钮即可保持拍照,直到您松开手指为止。 非常适合拍摄运动 ,野生动植物或任何其他想要捕捉转瞬即逝的情况。 关键是,您不能无限期地使用突发模式。 片刻之后,它变慢或完全停止。 让我们找出原因,以及为增加可能拍摄的连拍长度可以采取的一些措施。

每秒帧数和射击缓冲区 (Frames Per Second and the Shot Buffer)

Your camera’s burst mode is rated in frames per second (FPS); it’s the number of photos it can take each second. For example, my Canon 5D MKIII can shoot six RAW or JPEG images every second. My friend’s Canon 7D MKII can do ten and some of Sony’s Alpha mirrorless cameras can even hit 20 FPS, so there’s a fair bit of variation between cameras. In general, cameras that are aimed at sports or wildlife photographers have faster burst modes.

相机的连拍模式以每秒帧数(FPS)为单位; 这是每秒可以拍摄的照片数量。 例如,我的佳能5D MKIII每秒可以拍摄六张RAW或JPEG图像 。 我朋友的佳能7D MKII可以拍摄10张照片,而索尼的一些Alpha无反光镜相机甚至可以达到20 FPS,因此相机之间会有很大的差异。 通常,针对体育或野生动物摄影师的相机具有更快的连拍模式。

The thing is, you can’t just shoot at your camera’s maximum burst speed indefinitely. RAW or large JPEG files have too much data for them to be written quickly to even the fastest SD or CF card, so when you shoot in burst mode, your photos are saved in the camera’s shot buffer. The photos are then transferred from the buffer to the storage card.

关键是,您不能无限期地以相机的最大连拍速度拍摄。 RAW或大型JPEG文件的数据太多,无法快速写入甚至最快的SD或CF卡,因此在连拍模式下拍摄时,照片会保存在相机的拍摄缓冲区中。 然后将照片从缓冲区传输到存储卡。

The size of the image buffer is the biggest thing determining how long you can use burst mode. Let’s continue to use my camera as an example. It’s got an 18 shot buffer for RAW images. This means that it takes just three seconds for the buffer to fill if I shoot in burst mode. In reality, since the buffer is writing to the cards at the same time, I get a little more, but it’s really only about four seconds before the burst slows down. Once the buffer is full, your camera can only take a new photo after one has been saved from the buffer to the storage cards. This is wherethe write speed of your cards comes into play.

图像缓冲区的大小是决定可以使用突发模式多长时间的最大因素。 让我们继续以我的相机为例。 它有一个用于RAW图像的18拍缓冲区。 这意味着,如果我以连拍模式拍摄,则只需三秒钟即可填满缓冲区。 实际上,由于缓冲区是同时写入卡的,所以我可以得到更多,但是实际上只有大约四秒钟时间,突发速度才减慢。 一旦缓冲区已满,则相机只能将新照片从缓冲区保存到存储卡中,然后才能拍摄新照片。 这就是您的卡的写入速度发挥作用的地方 。

如何从突发模式中获得最大收益 (How to Get the Most From Your Burst Mode)

While your camera’s burst speed and buffer are hard limits, there are some steps you can take to make sure you’re always getting the most from burst mode. There are also some compromises you can make if you need to shoot longer bursts.

尽管相机的连拍速度和缓冲区是硬性限制,但您可以采取一些步骤来确保始终从连拍模式中获得最大收益。 如果需要拍摄更长的连拍,还可以做出一些折衷。

The first thing to check is to make sure you’re using Class 10 or higher SD cards; for CF cards, check what your camera manufacturer recommends but you should be okay with anything that has write speeds of 120 MB/s or better. Having fast cards in your camera means your buffer clears faster. And even when you hit the limit of your buffer, you’ll still be able to keep shooting—just at a much reduced burst rate.

首先要检查的是确保您使用的是Class 10或更高级别的SD卡; 对于CF卡,请检查您的相机制造商的建议,但对于写入速度为120 MB / s或更高的任何设备,您都应该可以。 相机中装有快速存储卡意味着缓冲区清除速度更快。 即使您达到缓冲区的极限,您仍然可以继续拍摄-只是大幅降低了连拍速率。

One thing to note is that if your camera has dual card slots, one of them may be faster than the other. The CF slot on my 5DIII has a faster max speed than the SD card slot. If this is the case, only shoot to the fastest card slot when you’re trying to maximize burst speed.

需要注意的一件事是,如果您的相机具有双卡插槽,则其中一个可能会比另一个更快。 我的5DIII上的CF插槽的最大速度比SD卡插槽更快。 在这种情况下,只有在尝试最大程度地提高连拍速度时才拍摄到最快的存储卡插槽。

The other possible burst mode hang up has actually nothing to do with burst mode: it’s your autofocus. If you’re using a single autofocus mode, depending on how you have your camera configured, it may be trying to find focus before taking the next shot. This can slow your bursts way down. Instead, switch to a continuous mode (AI-Servo on Canon, AF-C on Nikon). You can also turn autofocus off entirely and shoot a quick burst to see if it’s the problem.

另一个可能的连拍模式挂断实际上与连拍模式无关:这是您的自动对焦。 如果您使用的是单一自动对焦模式 ,则根据相机的配置方式,它可能会在尝试拍摄下一张照片之前先寻找焦点。 这可以减慢您的爆发速度。 相反,请切换到连续模式(佳能使用AI-Servo,尼康使用AF-C)。 您也可以完全关闭自动对焦并进行快速连拍以查看是否有问题。

If you’re using fast enough cards and autofocus isn’t the issue, then it’s time to start compromising. The two big options are to either shoot lower quality images or a slower burst speed. While my 5DIII can only store 18 RAW images in the buffer, it can handle 63 high-res JPEG shots. If pure image quality and post processing options aren’t as important as shooting continuously for 10+ seconds, I’ll switch to JPEG. It’s the same with most DSLR and mirrorless cameras.

如果您使用足够快的存储卡而自动对焦不是问题,那么该是时候开始妥协了。 两大选择是拍摄质量较低的图像或较慢的连拍速度。 虽然我的5DIII只能在缓冲区中存储18张RAW图像,但它可以处理63张高分辨率JPEG图像。 如果纯图像质量和后处理选项不如连续拍摄10秒钟以上那么重要,我将切换为JPEG。 大多数DSLR和无反光镜相机都一样。

Your other choice is to use a lower burst speed. Again using my camera as an example, while its high speed burst is six FPS, there’s a slower three FPS burst mode. This means I get around eight seconds of continuous shooting. Unless you’re shooting really fast moving subjects, three frames per second is probably enough for the situations where you don’t want to compromise on image quality.

您的另一选择是使用较低的突发速度。 再次以我的相机为例,它的高速连拍为6 FPS,但速度较慢,为3 FPS连拍模式。 这意味着我可以连续拍摄约八秒钟。 除非您要拍摄快速移动的主体,否则每秒三帧可能足以满足您不希望影响图像质量的情况。

Burst mode is limited by two things: your camera’s shot buffer and, once it’s full, the write speed of your storage cards. As long as you’re using fast enough cards, the only things you can really do to increase the length of the bursts you can shoot is lower the quality of the images or lower the speed of the burst.

连拍模式受两方面限制:相机的镜头缓冲区以及存储卡写满后的写入速度。 只要您使用足够快的卡,要增加可拍摄的连拍长度,您真正要做的唯一事情就是降低图像质量或降低连拍速度。

翻译自: /361301/why-does-my-camera-slow-down-or-stop-shooting-bursts/












