700字范文 > 3GPP TS 23501-g51 中英文对照 | 4.2.10 Architecture Reference Model for ATSSS Support

3GPP TS 23501-g51 中英文对照 | 4.2.10 Architecture Reference Model for ATSSS Support

时间:2018-12-29 06:07:39


3GPP TS 23501-g51 中英文对照 | 4.2.10 Architecture Reference Model for ATSSS Support

个人在学习5G标准3GPP TS 23501-g51过程中,也发现google的机器翻译实在晦涩难懂,所以个人在借助百度翻译(中国人更懂中文)的同时,人工对每句话进行了校对。


4.2.10Architecture Reference Model for ATSSS Support

In order to support the ATSSS feature, the 5G System Architecture is extended as shown in Figure 4.2.10-1, Figure 4.2.10-2 and Figure 4.2.10-3. The additional functionality that is supported by the UE and the network functions shown in these figures is specified in clause5.32 below. In summary:

为了支持ATSSS功能,对5GSystem Architecture进行了扩展,如图4.2.10-1、图4.2.10-2和图4.2.10-3所示。以下第5.32条规定了UE支持的附加功能和这些图中所示的网络功能。总之:

- The UE supports one or more of the steering functionalities specified in clause5.32.6, e.g. MPTCP functionality and/or ATSSS-LL functionality. Each steering functionality in the UE enables traffic steering, switching and splitting across 3GPP access and non-3GPP access, in accordance with the ATSSS rules provided by the network.The ATSSS-LL functionality is mandatory in the UE for MA PDU Session of type Ethernet.

-UE支持第5.32.6条中规定的一个或多个控制功能,例如MPTCP功能和/或ATSSS-LL功能。UE中的每个控制功能能够根据网络提供的ATSSS规则在3GPP接入和non-3GPP接入之间实现流量控制、切换和拆分。对于Ethernet类型的MA PDUSession,ATSSS-LL功能在UE中是必需的。

- The UPFmaysupport MPTCP Proxy functionality, which communicates with the MPTCP functionality in the UE by using the MPTCP protocol(IETFRFC8684[81]).


- The UPFmaysupport ATSSS-LL functionality, which is similar to the ATSSS-LL functionality defined for the UE. There is nouser planeprotocol defined between the ATSSS-LL functionality in the UE and the ATSSS-LL functionality in the UPF. The ATSSS-LL functionality in the UPF is not shown in the following three figures.


NOTE1: ATSSS-LL functionality is needed in the 5GC for MA PDU Session of type Ethernet.

- In addition, the UPF supports Performance Measurement Functionality (PMF), which may be used by the UE to obtain access performance measurements (see clause5.32.5) over the user-plane of 3GPP access and/or over the user-plane of non-3GPP access.

-此外,UPF支持Performance Measurement Functionality(PMF),UE可使用该功能在3GPP接入的user-plane和/或non-3GPP接入的user-plane上获得接入性能测量。

- The AMF, SMF and PCF are extended with new functionality that is further discussed in clause5.32.


Figure 4.2.10-1: Non-roaming and Roaming with Local Breakout architecture for ATSSS support

NOTE2: The interactions between the UE and PCF that may be required for ATSSS control are specified in TS23.503[45].

注2:TS 23.503[45]中规定了ATSSS控制可能需要的UE和PCF之间的交互。

NOTE3: A UPF that supports the MPTCP Proxy functionality and the PMF can be connected via an N9 reference point, instead of the N3 reference point.


Figure 4.2.10-2 shows the 5G System Architecture for ATSSS support in a roaming case with home-routed traffic and when the UE is registered to the same VPLMN over 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses. In this case, the MPTCP Proxy functionality and the PMF are located in the H-UPF.

图4.2.10-2显示了在漫游情况下,当UE通过3GPP和non-3GPP接入注册到同一VPLMN时,ATSSS支持的5GSystem Architecture。在这种情况下,MPTCPProxy功能和PMF位于H-UPF中。

Figure 4.2.10-2: Roaming with Home-routed architecture for ATSSS support (UE registered to the same VPLMN)

Figure 4.2.10-3 shows the 5G System Architecture for ATSSS support in a roaming case with home-routed traffic and when the UE is registered to a VPLMN over 3GPP access and to HPLMN over non-3GPP access (i.e. the UE is registered to different PLMNs). In this case, the MPTCP Proxy functionality and the PMF are located in the H-UPF.


Figure 4.2.10-3: Roaming with Home-routed architecture for ATSSS support (UE registered to different PLMNs)
