700字范文 > cad墙线打断lisp_[求助]很多相交线快速打断 - AutoLISP/Visual LISP 编程技术 -

cad墙线打断lisp_[求助]很多相交线快速打断 - AutoLISP/Visual LISP 编程技术 -

时间:2021-07-23 19:36:15


cad墙线打断lisp_[求助]很多相交线快速打断 - AutoLISP/Visual LISP 编程技术 -


Sub 交点处等间距打断()

On Error Resume Next

Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet


Set ssetObj = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("test")

If Err Then


Set ssetObj = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("test")

End If

ssetObj.Clear '首先清空选择集

ssetObj.Select acSelectionSetAll

Dim jianju As Double

jianju = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("指定打断间距:")

If Err Then Exit Sub

' 取得交点

Dim i As Long

Dim j As Long

Dim k As Long

Dim pt As Variant

Dim points() As Double

Dim N As Long

N = 0

For i = 0 To ssetObj.Count - 2

For j = i + 1 To ssetObj.Count - 1

pt = ssetObj(i).IntersectWith(ssetObj(j), acExtendNone)

If UBound(pt) >= 2 Then

ReDim Preserve points(N + UBound(pt)) '逐步定义数组,需要关键字

For k = 0 To UBound(pt)

points(N + k) = pt(k)


N = N + UBound(pt) + 1

End If




Dim bpt(0 To 2) As Double

Dim circleObj As AcadCircle

Dim cpt As Variant

Dim cpt1(2) As Double

Dim cpt2(2) As Double

Dim ss As AcadSelectionSet

Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets("dog")

If Err Then


Set ss = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("dog")

End If

For i = 0 To UBound(points) Step 3

bpt(0) = points(i)

bpt(1) = points(i + 1)

bpt(2) = points(i + 2)


SelectAtPoint ss, bpt

Set circleObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(bpt, jianju / 2)

For k = 0 To ss.Count - 1

cpt = ss(k).IntersectWith(circleObj, acExtendNone)

If UBound(cpt) = 5 Then

cpt1(0) = cpt(0)

cpt1(1) = cpt(1)

cpt1(2) = cpt(2)

cpt2(0) = cpt(3)

cpt2(1) = cpt(4)

cpt2(2) = cpt(5)

ThisDrawing.SendCommand "_break" & vbCr & axEnt2lspEnt(ss(k)) & vbCr & axPoint2lspPoint(cpt1) & vbCr & axPoint2lspPoint(cpt2) & vbCr

End If




End Sub

' 选择通过某点的实体

Public Sub SelectAtPoint(ByRef SSet As AcadSelectionSet, ByVal pt As Variant)

' 构造一个以pt为中心的小矩形作为选择范围

Dim pt1 As Variant, pt2 As Variant

Dim objUtility As Object

Set objUtility = ThisDrawing.Utility ' 必须使用后期绑定

objUtility.CreateTypedArray pt1, vbDouble, pt(0) - 0.0001, pt(1) - 0.0001, pt(2)

objUtility.CreateTypedArray pt2, vbDouble, pt(0) + 0.0001, pt(1) + 0.0001, pt(2)

SSet.Select acSelectionSetCrossing, pt1, pt2

End Sub

' 转换点的函数

Public Function axPoint2lspPoint(ByVal pnt As Variant) As String

axPoint2lspPoint = pnt(0) & "," & pnt(1) & "," & pnt(2)

End Function

' 转换图元函数

Public Function axEnt2lspEnt(ByVal entObj As AcadEntity) As String

Dim entHandle As String

entHandle = entObj.Handle

axEnt2lspEnt = "(handent " & Chr(34) & entHandle & Chr(34) & ")"

End Function

cad墙线打断lisp_[求助]很多相交线快速打断 - AutoLISP/Visual LISP 编程技术 - CAD论坛 - 明经CAD社区 - Powered by Discuz!...
