700字范文 > 可编辑的日历控件_选择正确的WordPress编辑日历插件


时间:2021-12-24 20:55:19




什么是编辑日历? (What is an Editorial Calendar?)

An editorial calendar is the foundation of strategic blogging. It enables you to plan ahead, and if implemented properly should go a surprisingly long way in terms of engaging your audience and growing your subscriber base.

编辑日历是战略性博客的基础。 它使您能够提前计划,如果实施得当,则在吸引受众和扩大用户群方面将走出令人惊奇的漫长道路。

您真的需要一个吗? (Do You Really Need One?)

Really, at the end of the day, an editorial calendar is nothing more than a schedule. Think of it like a plan, or a timetable, or a program for your blog posts. You can use it to plot out what your next month’s worth of blog posts might look like. It can helps you determine what you need to write about, how much you need to write, and where the holes or gaps in your editorial schedule might be.

实际上,归根结底,编辑日历只不过是时间表。 可以将其视为博客文章的计划,时间表或程序。 您可以使用它来规划下个月的博客帖子的价值。 它可以帮助您确定需要写的内容,需要写的内容以及编辑时间表中的空白或空白。

Using an editorial calendar allows you to:


Hone your forward planning: you can see, at a glance, what you should be writing about, and where your gaps might be. This allows you to easily schedule writing time into your diary.

磨练您的前瞻性计划:您可以一目了然地看到您应该写些什么以及可能存在的差距。 这使您可以轻松地将写作时间安排在日记中。

Stave off writers’ block: I don’t know about you, but for me, the hardest part of writing is often coming up with a relevant, meaningful, engaging topic. If you have already sat down, and done this, populating your editorial calendar in advance, then when it comes time to write, you can do just that: write.

避开作家的障碍:我不了解您,但对我而言,写作中最难的部分通常是提出一个相关的,有意义的,引人入胜的话题。 如果您已经坐下来,并事先填写了您的编辑日历,那么当需要写作时,您可以这样做:写作。

Go in deep: creating an editorial calendar makes you take a step back, and approach your blog from a more holistic perspective. It makes you think about your content as a whole, rather than self-contained, compartmentalised, individual posts. It allows you to approach a topic in stages, building out a series of posts to cover a specific topic more deeply; ultimately, it allows you to provide more value to your readers.

深入了解:创建编辑日历可以使您退后一步,并从更全面的角度访问博客。 它使您考虑整个内容,而不是独立的,分隔的个别帖子。 它使您可以分阶段处理主题,建立一系列帖子以更深入地涵盖特定主题; 最终,它使您可以为读者提供更多价值。

Capitalise on SEO benefit: rather than pluck a topic at random and dash off a quick post to keep tempo with your weekly/daily/monthly posting schedule, creating an editorial calendar makes you slow down, and select more considered topics on which to write. Keyword research should part a major role in any editorial planning process. Use the keywords for which people are searching in your blog titles, headings, copy, and meta-descriptions.

充分利用SEO的好处:与其随机抽取主题,不如快速撰写文章以保持每周/每日/每月的发布日程节奏,创建编辑日历可以让您放慢脚步,并选择需要考虑的主题来撰写。 关键字研究应在任何编辑计划过程中扮演重要角色。 在您的博客标题,标题,副本和元描述中使用人们要搜索的关键字。

WordPress编辑日历插件 (WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugins)

编辑日历 (Editorial Calendar)

With more than 50,000 active installs, Editorial Calendar is, far and away, the most popular editorial calendar WordPress plugin. Written in JavaScript, this plugin works by contacting your blog (when it scrolls) to collate data about your posts—it works in the same way as Google Maps.

拥有超过50,000个有效安装,Editorial Calendar无疑是最受欢迎的WordPress日历。 该插件使用JavaScript编写,通过与您的博客(滚动时)联系以整理有关您的帖子的数据来工作,其工作方式与Google Maps相同。

It allows you to:


View all your scheduled posts in the one panel, as well as the days, dates and time for when they are scheduled. It provides a very useful, holistic birds-eye-view of your scheduled posts.在一个面板中查看所有计划的帖子,以及安排它们的日期,日期和时间。 它为您计划的帖子提供了非常有用的整体鸟瞰图。 Use drag and drop functionality to alter post publishing dates. So, with one quick flick of your mouse you can move an entire post from one date to another.使用拖放功能来更改发布日期。 因此,只需快速滑动一下鼠标,您就可以将整个帖子从一个日期移动到另一个日期。 Access ‘quick edit’ functionality for post content, titles and scheduled times.访问帖子内容,标题和预定时间的“快速编辑”功能。 Manually publish posts and manage draft posts.手动发布帖子并管理帖子草稿。 Quickly and easily see the status of each of your posts. There is even a column on the right-hand side of the screen that displays any drafted, but as yet unscheduled posts.快速轻松地查看每个帖子的状态。 屏幕的右侧甚至还有一列显示任何已草拟但尚未计划的帖子。 Manage posts scheduled by multiple authors (or WordPress users), which can be particularly handy if you’re managing a large editorial or content marketing team.管理由多个作者(或WordPress用户)安排的帖子,如果您要管理庞大的社论或内容营销团队,这将特别方便。

One really nifty feature of the Editorial Calendar plugin is that you can set different functionality based on user permission levels. For:

编辑日历插件的一个真正漂亮的功能是您可以根据用户权限级别设置不同的功能。 对于:

Administrators and Editors can use all the features of the calendar.管理员和编辑者可以使用日历的所有功能。 Authors can publish, edit and reschedule their own posts, but other people’s posts remain completely locked-down.作者可以发布,编辑和重新安排自己的帖子,但其他人的帖子仍然完全处于锁定状态。 Contributors can save drafts and move their own posts.贡献者可以保存草稿并移动自己的帖子。 Subscribers might even be able to see the calendar.订阅者甚至可以看到日历。

There are some limitations to the Editorial Calendar plugin though. The current version only supports posts, not pages. And it cannot be used to move or edit posts that have already been published; it has no retroactive functionality.

但是,编辑日历插件有一些限制。 当前版本仅支持帖子,不支持页面。 并且它不能用于移动或编辑已经发布的帖子; 它没有追溯功能。

编辑流程 (Edit Flow)

Where Editorial Calendar is great for small teams or individual users, Edit Flow should be the plugin of choice for large editorial departments, with a myriad of members.

如果“ 编辑日历”非常适合小型团队或个人用户,则“ 编辑流”应该是拥有众多成员的大型编辑部门的首选插件。

Edit Flow makes it easy for editorial teams to collaborate within WordPress, offering features such as:


Calendar: this feature works in much the same way as the Editorial Calendar plugin itself. It offers a month-by-month or a week-by-week view of all of your content. You can use drag-and-drop functionality to move and reschedule your unpublished posts, and you can even filter unpublished posts by status, category, user or post type.

日历:此功能的工作方式与编辑日历插件本身相同。 它提供了按月或按周查看所有内容的视图。 您可以使用拖放功能来移动和重新安排未发布的帖子,甚至可以按状态,类别,用户或帖子类型过滤未发布的帖子。

Custom Statuses: perfect for teams that have prolonged editorial cycles and peer review processes, you can set custom statuses for your posts. Out-of-the-box, WordPress only has ‘Draft’, ‘Pending Review’, and ‘Published’. The Edit Flow plugin allows you to set as many as you like, tailored specifically to your workflow. You might have ‘In Progress’, ‘Peer Review’, ‘Final Edit’, and so on. You can drag and drop the order of these statuses, and filter by these within the Calendar, to suit your workflow.

自定义状态:对于具有较长编辑周期和同行评审过程的团队来说非常理想,您可以为帖子设置自定义状态。 现成的WordPress仅具有“草稿”,“待审核”和“已发布”。 Edit Flow插件可让您根据自己的工作流程进行任意设置。 您可能具有“进行中”,“同行审阅”,“最终编辑”等。 您可以拖放这些状态的顺序,并在日历中按这些状态进行过滤,以适合您的工作流程。

Editorial Comments: this feature will cut down on your inbox overload quite considerably. It allows for threaded commenting within the administration area of your WordPress website (which looks a bit like comments at the end of a regular blog post) between writers and editors.

社论评论:此功能将大大减少您的收件箱超载。 它允许作者和编辑之间在WordPress网站的管理区域内进行线程式评论(看起来像常规博客文章末尾的评论)。

Editorial Metadata: akin to a briefing form, this allows you to record all the important information about your blog post: when the draft is due, expected word count, topic overview, contact details, and so on. You can set which fields will be displayed on which posts.

社论元数据:类似于简报形式,它使您可以记录有关博客文章的所有重要信息:应征草稿,预期字数,主题概述,联系方式等。 您可以设置哪些字段将显示在哪些帖子上。

Notifications: set email notifications in relation to the editorial content in which you’re involved. For instance, if you’ve written a blog, you can set a notification so that you know when you editor has left feedback.

通知:设置与您所涉及的编辑内容相关的电子邮件通知。 例如,如果您写了博客,则可以设置一个通知,以便知道编辑何时留下反馈。

User Groups: classify your website users into specific groups, categorised by position or department. Then, with a single click, you can send an email to the entire user group whenever a post status is changed, or editorial review is completed.

用户组:将网站用户划分为特定的组,并按职位或部门进行分类。 然后,只需单击一下,就可以在发帖状态更改或编辑审阅完成时向整个用户组发送电子邮件。

In addition, the smart cookies behind the Edit Flow plugin have written it so that it has a modular architecture and there are dozens of hooks and filters available. That means, with a little HTML help, you can modify the plugin in any which way you so desire.

另外,Edit Flow插件背后的智能cookie对其进行了编写,从而使其具有模块化体系结构,并且提供了许多钩子和过滤器。 这意味着,在一点HTML帮助下,您可以按照自己想要的任何方式修改插件。

今天制作的CoSchedule (CoSchedule by Todaymade)

OK. So this plugin is quite unique. According to its WordPress Plugin Directory listing, it is the first and only WordPress social media editorial calendar. What does that mouthful mean? Well, it means that not only can you quickly and easily schedule your posts, but also your social media updates, all from the same drag-and-drop calendar.

好。 因此,此插件非常独特。 根据其WordPress插件目录列表,它是第一个也是唯一的WordPress社交媒体编辑日历。 那满口是什么意思? 嗯,这意味着您不仅可以快速轻松地安排帖子,而且可以通过相同的拖放日历来安排社交媒体更新。

Basically, you can draft and queue as many social media updates as you like, which are then automatically distributed as soon as your blog post is published. And, if you decide to change the date on which your post is due to be published (using its drag-and-drop calendar), then all your social media updates move with it. The plugin integrates with all of the major social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Buffer and Tmblr.

基本上,您可以根据需要草拟和排队尽可能多的社交媒体更新,然后在您的博客文章发布后自动分发。 而且,如果您决定更改帖子发布的日期(使用拖放日历),则所有社交媒体更新都会随之移动。 该插件与所有主要的社交媒体平台集成,包括Twitter,Facebook,LinkedIn,Google +,Buffer和Tmblr。

In addition, CoSchedule offers all the features built into both Editorial Calendar and Edit Flow, including a drag-and-drop calendar, and team collaboration functionality, such as the ability to designate certain tasks to specific users, and commenting.


Take a look at their video for a more in-depth explanation:


CoSchedule works a little bit differently to most WordPress plugins. Given all the extra beels and whistles it offers, there is a monthly fee involved. You’ll need to sign up for an account at CoSchedule. This will require that you select one of their paid monthly plans, which range from $17 per month (for up to 15 users and 25 social profiles), through to $299 per month (for up to 80 users and 100 social profiles). Once that’s done, you can then connect your WordPress website to your CoSchedule account, giving you access to the editorial calendar, social media scheduling, and all the team features.

CoSchedule与大多数WordPress插件的工作方式略有不同。 考虑到它提供的所有额外的鸣叫声和哨声,这里涉及每月的费用。 您需要在CoSchedule上注册一个帐户。 这将需要您选择他们的付费月租计划之一,范围从每月17美元(最多15个用户和25个社交资料)到每月299美元(最多80个用户和100个社交资料)。 完成后,您可以将WordPress网站连接到CoSchedule帐户,从而可以访问编辑日历,社交媒体计划以及所有团队功能。

结论 (Conclusion)

When it comes down to it, there is no one best WordPress editorial calendar plugin.


The best plugin will be the one that is most suited to your needs, and the needs of your business. If you are a one-man start-up, then Editorial Calendar might be more than adequate for your blogging or content marketing needs. If you are managing a large editorial team, then a plugin more focused on collaboration and teamwork, like Edit Flow could be the way to go. Or, if you have a bit more of a budget, and want an all-in-one editorial calendar and social media management system, with collaborative functionality built right in, CoSchedule by Todaymade could be your dream come true.

最好的插件将是最适合您的需求和业务需求的插件。 如果您是一家初创企业,那么社论日历可能已经足够满足您的博客或内容营销需求。 如果您管理着一支庞大的编辑团队,那么更着重于协作和团队合作的插件(例如Edit Flow)可能是您的最佳选择。 或者,如果您有更多的预算,并且想要一个内置了协作功能的多合一编辑日历和社交媒体管理系统, Todaymade CoSchedule可能会成为您的梦想。

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