700字范文 > 禁忌搜索算法(Tabu search)python实现

禁忌搜索算法(Tabu search)python实现

时间:2023-03-01 06:54:39


禁忌搜索算法(Tabu search)python实现

enenen...Tabu search的计算结果和参数的设置密切相关。



(1). 可能会偶尔陷入局部最优值

(2) 其实,这个代码还有部分没完成,就是“禁忌表”处理部分,没有将表中的值进行“移除”操作。不过,别担心,不会影响使用的。

(3) 这个是最重要的!!! 要记住! 不同的目标函数,参数设置不同,具体是多少,这个嘛,听天由命吧。。。


# Import the libsimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport random as rd# Constant definitionMIN_VAL = [-5.0, -5.0] # The minmum limit of variableMAX_VAL = [5.0, 5.0] # The maxxmum limit of variable


# Class definitionclass TS():"""TS class"""def __init__(self,vcount=2,ccount=20,tabuL=25,iters=200,tabu_objs=10):"""Initiate the parameters of TS-----------------------------Parameter:vcount : The number of variablesccount : The number of candidate solutionstabuL: Tabu length(tenure)iters: Number of iterationstabu_objs : Number of tabu objects"""self.vcount = vcount# The number of ount = ccount# The number of candidate solutions.self.iters = iters # Number of iterations, as the end rule.self.tabu_objs = tabu_objs self.tabu_list = [None]*self.tabu_objs # Tabu list, used to store the tabu object.self.tabu_len = tabuL# Tabu length.self.tabu_len_list = np.array([0]*self.tabu_objs) # Tabu length list, Corresponds to the Tabu list.self.cur_solu = np.array([0.0]*self.vcount) # The current solution.self.best_solu = np.array([0.0]*self.vcount) # The best solution.self.trace = [] # Record the route of best solution.def valuate(self, x):"""valuation function------------------The valuation function as the rule of contempt is usually the objective function.------------------Parameter:x : The solution of the valuation function."""# Objective functionvalue = 5*np.cos(x[0]*x[1])+x[0]*x[1]+x[1]**3# Return valuereturn valuedef update_Tabu(self, mode, index=None, solu=None):"""upadte_Tabu function--------------------This function is used to update the tabu list and the tenure of tabu object.--------------------Parameter:mode :index :solu :"""indices = [] # Store the index the value, which is equal to zero.# Update the tenure of tabu object.for i in range(len(self.tabu_len_list)): if self.tabu_len_list[i] != 0:self.tabu_len_list[i] -= 1 # The ralease modeif mode == 'release':self.sequence_Tabu(index) # The add modeelif mode == 'add':tabuObj = self.valuate(solu) if self.tabu_list[0] == None:self.sequence_Tabu(0)self.tabu_list[len(self.tabu_list)-1] = tabuObjself.tabu_len_list[len(self.tabu_list)-1] = self.tabu_len# Update the tabu list depending on the content of the tabu_list_list.for i in range(len(self.tabu_len_list)):if self.tabu_len_list[i] == 0:indices.append(i)if len(indices) == 1:self.sequence_Tabu(indices[0])elif len(indices) > 1:# Part 1maxindex = max(indices)# Maximum indexself.sequence_Tabu(maxindex)# Part 2for i in indices:if i != max(indices):self.tabu_list[i] = None # Set the tabu object as None.self.tabu_len_list[i] = 0# Set the tenure of tabu object as zero.objs = []objs1 = []for obj in self.tabu_list[:maxindex]:if obj != None:objs.append(obj)for obj in self.tabu_len_list[:maxindex]:if obj != 0:objs1.append(obj)if objs != []:for i in range(len(objs)):self.tabu_list[maxindex-i-1] = objs[i]self.tabu_len_list[maxindex-i-1] = objs1[i]for i in range(maxindex-len(objs)):self.tabu_list[i] = Noneself.tabu_len_list[i] = 0else:for i in range(maxindex):self.tabu_list[i] = Noneself.tabu_len_list[i] = 0def sequence_Tabu(self, index):"""sequence_Tabu function----------------------Parameter:index : The index of the tabu object to be deleted."""if index != len(self.tabu_list)-1:for i in range(len(self.tabu_list)-1-index):self.tabu_list[index+i] = self.tabu_list[index+i+1]self.tabu_len_list[index+i] = self.tabu_len_list[index+i+1]self.tabu_list[len(self.tabu_list)-1] = Noneself.tabu_len_list[len(self.tabu_list)-1] = 0def run(self):"""run function------------Execute the TS algorithm."""# Produce the initial solution and set the best soluiton.for i in range(self.vcount):self.cur_solu[i] = rd.uniform(-2,2)self.best_solu[i] = self.cur_solu[i]# Update the tabu list and the tenure of tabu object.self.update_Tabu('add', solu=self.cur_solu)# Iterationcounter = 0# The counter of iterationwhile counter < self.iters:counter += 1# The counter add 1 when finishs a loop.candi_solu = np.zeros((ount, self.vcount)) # Store the candidate solutions.# Select some candidate solutions from the near area of the current solution.for i in range(ount):for j in range(self.vcount):candi_solu[i,j] = self.cur_solu[j] + rd.uniform(-1, 1)# Identify whether the candidate solutions are kept in the limited area.for i in range(self.vcount):for j in range(ount):if candi_solu[j,i] > MAX_VAL[i]:candi_solu[j,i] = MAX_VAL[i]elif candi_solu[j,i] < MIN_VAL[i]:candi_solu[j,i] = MIN_VAL[i]isAll = False # A sign of all solutions kept in tabu list.isPart = False # A sign of a part of solutions kept in tabu list.count = [0]*ountfor i in range(ount):for k in range(len(self.tabu_list)):if self.valuate(candi_solu[i]) == self.tabu_list[k]:count[i] = 1temp = 0for i in count:if i == 1:temp += 1if temp == ount:isAll = Trueelif temp < ount and temp > 0:isPart = Trueif isAll == True:############################################# Part1 : All solutions in Tabu list. #############################################temp_tabu_list = []for tabuObj in self.tabu_list:if tabuObj != None:temp_tabu_list.append(tabuObj)index = np.argmin(np.array(temp_tabu_list)) # Obtain the index of minimum value from the tabu listtemp_solu = np.array([0.0]*self.vcount)for solu in candi_solu:if self.valuate(solu) == self.tabu_list[index]:temp_solu = solu# Update the current solution.self.cur_solu = temp_solu# Update the best solution according to the valuate function and requirements.if self.valuate(self.cur_solu) < self.valuate(self.best_solu):self.best_solu = self.cur_solu # Update the tabu list and the tenure of tabu object.self.update_Tabu('release',index=index)elif isPart == True:################################################### Part2 : A part of solutions in Tabu list. ###################################################isExistbest = Falsetemp_bsolu = []bsolu = np.array([0.0]*self.vcount)for solu in candi_solu:if self.valuate(solu) < self.valuate(self.best_solu):isExistbest = Truetemp_bsolu.append(solu)if isExistbest == True:#################################################################### Part2.1 : Exist the best solution in candidate solutions. ## Some of these exist in tabu list. ####################################################################isInTabu = Falseindex = 0#if len(temp_bsolu) == 1:bsolu = temp_bsolu[0]elif len(temp_bsolu) != 1 and len(temp_bsolu) != 0:bsolu = temp_bsolu[0]for solu in temp_bsolu[1:]:if self.valuate(solu) < self.valuate(bsolu):bsolu = solu#for i in range(len(self.tabu_list)):if self.valuate(bsolu) == self.tabu_list[i]:isInTabu = Trueindex = i# Update the current solution.self.cur_solu = bsolu# Update the best solution.if self.valuate(bsolu) < self.valuate(self.best_solu):self.best_solu = bsolu# if isInTabu == True:# Update the tabu list and the tenure of tabu object.self.update_Tabu('release', index=index)else:index = len(self.tabu_list)-1# Update the tabu list and the tenure of tabu object.self.update_Tabu(index, 'add', solu=self.cur_solu)else:################################################################## Part2.2 : None the best solution in candidate solutions. ## None solutions exist in tabu list.##################################################################notInTabu = []for solu in candi_solu:count = 0for i in range(len(self.tabu_list)):if self.valuate(solu) != self.tabu_list[i]:count += 1if count == len(self.tabu_list):notInTabu.append(solu)temp_solu = notInTabu[0]if len(notInTabu) != 1:for solu in notInTabu[1:]:if self.valuate(solu) < self.valuate(temp_solu):temp_solu = solu# Update the current solution according to the valuate function and requirements.if self.valuate(temp_solu) < self.valuate(self.cur_solu):self.cur_solu = temp_solu# Update the tabu list and the tenure of tabu object.self.update_Tabu('add', index=len(self.tabu_list)-1, solu=self.cur_solu) # Update the best solution according to the valuate function and requirements.if self.valuate(self.cur_solu) < self.valuate(self.best_solu):self.best_solu = self.cur_soluelse:############################################## Part3 : None solutions in tabu list. ##############################################bcandi_solu = candi_solu[0]for solu in candi_solu[1:]:if self.valuate(solu) < self.valuate(bcandi_solu):bcandi_solu = solu# Update the current solution according to the valuate function and requirements.if self.valuate(bcandi_solu) < self.valuate(self.cur_solu):self.cur_solu = bcandi_solu# Update the tabu list and the tenure of tabu object.self.update_Tabu('add', index=len(self.tabu_list)-1, solu=self.cur_solu)# Update the best solution according to the valuate function and requirements.if self.valuate(self.cur_solu) < self.valuate(self.best_solu):self.best_solu = self.cur_solu # Add the best solution to the trace listself.trace.append(self.valuate(self.best_solu))

最后,我们的“执行者” —— main闪亮登场...

def main():"""main function"""ts = TS(iters=200)ts.run()print('最优解:', ts.best_solu)print('最小值', ts.valuate(ts.best_solu))plt.plot(ts.trace, 'r')title = 'TS: ' + str(ts.valuate(ts.best_solu))plt.title(title)plt.show()if __name__ == "__main__":main()

