700字范文 > formdata多文件上传_如何使用FormData轻松上传单个或多个文件


时间:2020-06-23 20:07:50




In this post, we'll learn about the FormData interface available in modern web browsers as a part of the HTML5 spec.


We'll see examples of using FormData with Ajax, Angular 7, Ionic and React.

我们将看到在Ajax,Angular 7,Ionic和React中使用FormData的示例。

什么是FormData (What's FormData)

FormData is simply a data structure that can be used to store key-value pairs. Just like its name suggests it's designed for holding forms data i.e you can use it with JavaScript to build an object that corresponds to an HTML form. It's mostly useful when you need to send form data to RESTful API endpoints, for example to upload single or multiple files using theXMLHttpRequestinterface, thefetch()API or Axios.

FormData只是一个可用于存储键值对的数据结构。 就像它的名字暗示的那样,它是为保存表单数据而设计的,即,您可以将其与JavaScript一起使用以构建与HTML表单相对应的对象。 当您需要将表单数据发送到RESTful API端点时,例如,使用XMLHttpRequest接口,fetch()API或Axios上传单个或多个文件时,它最有用。

You can create a FormData object by instantiating the FormData interface using thenewoperator as follows:


const formData = new FormData()

TheformDatareference refers to an instance of FormData. You can call many methods on the object to add and work with pairs of data. Each pair has a key and value.

formData引用引用FormData的实例。 您可以在对象上调用许多方法来添加和使用数据对。 每对都有一个键和值。

These are the available methods on FormData objects:


append(): used to append a key-value pair to the object. If the key already exists, the value is appended to the original value for that key,

append():用于将键值对附加到对象。 如果该键已经存在,则将值附加到该键的原始值,

delete(): used to deletes a key-value pair,


entries(): returns an Iterator object that you can use to loop through the list the key value pairs in the object,


get(): used to return the value for a key. If multiple values are appended, it returns the first value,

get():用于返回键的值。 如果附加了多个值,它将返回第一个值,

getAll(): used to return all the values for a specified key,


has(): used to check if there’s a key,


keys(): returns an Iterator object which you can use to list the available keys in the object,


set(): used to add a value to the object, with the specified key. This is going to relace the value if a key already exists,

set():用于使用指定的键将值添加到对象。 如果一个键已经存在,这将增加值

values(): returns an Iterator object for the values of the FormData object.


Vanilla JavaScript的文件上传示例 (File Upload Example with Vanilla JavaScript)

Let's now see a simple example of file upload using vanilla JavaScript,XMLHttpRequestandFormData.


Navigate to your working folder and create andindex.htmlfile with the following content:


<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Parcel Sandbox</title><meta charset="UTF-8" /></head><body><div id="app"></div><script src="index.js"></script></body></html>

We simply create an HTML document with a<div>identified by theappID. Next, we include theindex.jsfile using a<script>tag.

我们只需使用appID标识的<div>创建HTML文档。 接下来,我们使用<script>标记包含index.js文件。

Next, create theindex.jsfile and add following code:


document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `<h1>File Upload & FormData Example</h1><div><input type="file" id="fileInput" /></div>`;const fileInput = document.querySelector("#fileInput");const uploadFile = file => {console.log("Uploading file...");const API_ENDPOINT = "https://file.io";const request = new XMLHttpRequest();const formData = new FormData();request.open("POST", API_ENDPOINT, true);request.onreadystatechange = () => {if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {console.log(request.responseText);}};formData.append("file", file);request.send(formData);};fileInput.addEventListener("change", event => {const files = event.target.files;uploadFile(files[0]);});

We first insert an<input type="file" id="fileInput" />element in our HTML page. This will be used to select the file that we'll be uploading.

我们首先在HTML页面中插入<input type="file" id="fileInput" />元素。 这将用于选择我们将要上传的文件。

Next, we query for the file input element using thequerySelector()method.


Next, we define theuploadFile()method in which we first declare anAPI_ENDPOINTvariable that holds the address of our file uploading endpoint. Next, we create anXMLHttpRequestrequest and an emptyFormDataobject.

接下来,我们定义uploadFile()方法,在该方法中,我们首先声明一个API_ENDPOINT变量,该变量保存文件上传端点的地址。 接下来,我们创建一个XMLHttpRequest请求和一个空的FormData对象。

We use the append method of FormData to append the file, passed as a parameter to theuploadFile()method, to thefilekey. This will create a key-value pair withfileas a key and the content of the passed file as a value.

我们使用FormData的append方法将作为参数传递给uploadFile()方法的文件附加到file密钥。 这将创建一个以file为键的键-值对,并以传递的文件的内容为值。

Next, we send the request using thesend()method ofXMLHttpRequestand we pass in theFormDataobject as an argument.


After defining theuploadFile()method, we listen for the change event on the<input>element and we call theuploadFile()method with the selected file as an argument. The file is accessed fromevent.target.filesarray.

定义了uploadFile()方法之后,我们侦听<input>元素上的change事件,并以所选文件作为参数调用uploadFile()方法。 该文件是从event.target.files数组访问的。

You can experiment with this example from this code sandbox:


上载多个文件 (Uploading Multiple Files)

You can easily modify the code above to support multiple file uploading.


First, you need to add themultipleproperty to the<input>element:


<input type="file" id="fileInput" multiple />

Now, you'll be able to select multiple files from your drive.


Next, change theuploadFile()method to accept an array of files as an argument and simply loop through the array and append the files to theFormDataobject:


const uploadFile = (files) => {console.log("Uploading file...");const API_ENDPOINT = "https://file.io";const request = new XMLHttpRequest();const formData = new FormData();request.open("POST", API_ENDPOINT, true);request.onreadystatechange = () => {if (request.readyState === 4 && request.status === 200) {console.log(request.responseText);}};for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {formData.append(files[i].name, files[i])}request.send(formData);};

Finally, call the method with an array of files as argument:


fileInput.addEventListener("change", event => {const files = event.target.files;uploadFile(files);});

Next, you can check out these advanced tutorials for how to useFormDatawith Angular, Ionic and React:


How to Post FormData with Angular 7

如何使用Angular 7发布FormData

React & Axios FormData

React和Axios FormData

Multiple File Upload with Ionic 4 & FormData

使用Ionic 4和FormData进行多文件上传

翻译自: /news/formdata-explained/

