700字范文 > 谁能给翻译一下 丹麦说唱歌曲《En Dag Tilbage》的中文歌词

谁能给翻译一下 丹麦说唱歌曲《En Dag Tilbage》的中文歌词

时间:2024-05-05 17:08:58


谁能给翻译一下 丹麦说唱歌曲《En Dag Tilbage》的中文歌词

我给你翻译好了:) 但是歌词翻译我不在行....汗....你中英配合着看吧

One day back 时光倒流

by Nik and Jay

Okay, if you knew you had a day back to live in what would you then do? 如果你知道你能重新过一天,你会做什么

What Id do? 我又会做什么呢

I think I wanted to.. 我想我会.......

A little raise money on my company account ran down and shop the car I had always thought 从我的公司账户上弄点钱然后跑到商店买那辆我一直想要的车

when I saw my neighbour, hello yo, the car is new and 24 inches Aldo Id ha. that girl I love at my page Go out against the water And try something poisoned 当我看到我的邻居我会炫耀下,并追求我一直想得到的女孩,和她尝试新奇冒险的事情

Id call old friends and sweethearts tell them that they have made me to it I am glimpses myself in the rear-view mirror and themselves "hey that well enough" 我会给好友和旧人打电话,感谢他们使我改变,并且他们对我来说已经足够好

the window down and volume up 拉下窗帘 打开音乐

Id get one fuck why I was here just smile and enjoy that was what I was 我会想要来次炒饭

Id pick up my friends and family up and hit on out the water in a complete flock, saw want I thought of whether I had given enough again to the ones that have given me as much of them 我想要陪伴着我的家人,朋友,我想要报答他们,和他们给我的一样多

Id pachere the car middle out on the road and there look be music, yo, my own and everybody would smile and bounce with each other barbarque and fight fires on the beach 我想在路边停下车 和大家享受烧烤,音乐,沙滩上的篝火

Id say to my brothers that I am proud of them that they look know how a lot I really like them Id say to my mother and father that I love them and ask them whether they do not see test to think together again tell my friends that I believe our love are bigger than you can put words on and 我想要告诉我的哥哥我为他感到自豪 我的确很喜欢我的父母 我想要告诉我的朋友我爱他们,一切言语都难以形容的,并且

Id find my woman and say to her that I wanted to live further in her and the sun would go down the water while I smoked a last blue chings drank a last glass of red wine wind in hairy rock sedge glasses in 23 years we will be seeing my Dannebrog. 我找到我的另一半 我想要和她一直生活下去,看每天日落,直到我抽完烟和酒(英文里都是丹麦的某个牌子),直到后我们看到我的城市(此处可能有错,我个人推断Dannerbrog是个地名,并且丹麦原文也没有看明白)

One day back live while you do it love while you dare it A day back live while you do it love while you dare it A day back live while you do it love while you dare it A day back live while you do it love while you dare it One day back 时光倒流一天 你会欢喜 还是害怕(以下重复)

One day back

One day back

One day back Life while you do it love while you dare it

One day back


A girl I knew grew up in an institution, she was an orphan and all alone. She worked hard and made a contribution, went to Yale and now she has a home. And now the girl seemed to have it all, picture perfect hanging on the wall. She took a turn down the wrong way, no one knows where shes today. Things are never easy or what they seem. Are you stuck in a nightmare or living the dream. 我知道一个女孩 在收容所长大 她是个孤儿,孑然一身 她努力工作,做着自己小小的贡献 进了耶鲁,现在她有了自己的家 现在女孩似乎拥有了一切: 图画一丝不苟的挂在墙上 可惜她选了一条岔路 如今没人知道她流落至何方 世事艰辛,不似表面 或许你还困在恶梦中,或者在自己的世界一睡不起 If you e running on empty the battery is low, you lost your sense of direction and you don know where the hell you e supposed to go. If you want to play it safe then just close your eyes. Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and taking you by surprise. Do you really want to wait until it is too late for your twist of fate. 如果你依然漫无目的走下去, 你会迷失方向,以及你将去往何方 如果你只是想稳稳妥妥,那么就把眼睛闭上 生活悄悄的藏在你身后,然后杀你个措手不及 你还在等吗?直到不能扭转你的命运。 You feel youve been raised in the darkness, they tell you how to be and how to live your life. Reality can be painful cuz no one has a list of whats wrong or right. They can neither love or harm you by placing it all right in your hand. Or you can lose it in a second, they will never understand. Things are never easy or what they seem. Are you stuck in a nightmare or living the dream. 你感觉你在黑暗中被养育 他们告诉你怎么样,怎么样去生活 现实是残酷的,因为没有人拥有关于对错的清单 他们不能真正的爱你或伤害你,仅仅通过将“所有”置于你的手中 或者你会在瞬息之间失去所有,只不过他们永远不会明白 世事艰辛,不似表面 或许你还困在恶梦中,或者在自己的世界一睡不起 If you e running on empty the battery is low, you lost your sense of direction and you don know where the hell you e supposed to go. If you want to play it safe then just close your eyes. Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and taking you by surprise. Do you really want to wait until it is too late for your twist of fate. 如果你依然漫无目的走下去, 你会迷失方向,以及你将去往何方 如果你只是想稳稳妥妥,那么就把眼睛闭上 生活悄悄的藏在你身后,然后杀你个措手不及 你还在等吗?直到不能扭转你的命运。 You can build it up or break it down, turn the picture upside down. Listen to your inner voice, its your choice. Now is now, make or break, take in life what you can take, but most of all be the master of your fate. 你可以创造,毁灭,或仅仅将图画底朝天 倾听自己的心声,那里才是你的选择 现在就是此时,创造或毁灭 抓住你可以抓住的机会 但是他们很多都是你命运的主宰 If you want to play it safe then just close your eyes. Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and taking you by surprise. 如果你只是想稳稳妥妥,那么就把眼睛闭上 生活悄悄的藏在你身后,然后杀你个措手不及 If you e running on empty the battery is low, you lost your sense of direction and you don know where the hell you e supposed to go. If you want to play it safe then just close your eyes. Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you and taking you by surprise. Do you really want to wait until it is too late for your twist of fate 如果你依然漫无目的走下去, 你会迷失方向,以及你将去往何方 如果你只是想稳稳妥妥,那么就把眼睛闭上 生活悄悄的藏在你身后,然后杀你个措手不及 你还在等吗?直到不能扭转你的命运。 哈哈哈。。。
