700字范文 > 歌词中有“your beautiful your beautiful ”的英文歌叫什么名字

歌词中有“your beautiful your beautiful ”的英文歌叫什么名字

时间:2020-02-25 03:56:00


歌词中有“your beautiful  your beautiful ”的英文歌叫什么名字

歌名:《You are?beautiful》?

填词:James Blunt,Sacha Skarbek,A manda Ghost

谱曲:James Blunt,Sacha Skarbek

歌曲原唱:James Blunt

My life is brilliant. (我的人生缤纷灿烂)My life is brilliant. (我的人生缤纷灿烂)

My love is pure. (我的爱如此纯真)I saw an angel. (因为我见过天使)

Of that Im sure.( 对此,我深信不疑)

She smiled at me on the subway. (她在地下铁上对着我微笑)

She was with another man. (虽然身边伴着另一个男人)

But I won lose no sleep on that. (但我可不会为此辗转难眠)

Cause Ive got a plan.( 因为我已有心理准备)

You e beautiful. You e beautiful. (你就是这么美 你就是这么美)

You e beautiful, its true. (你就是这么的美 这是千真万确)

I saw your face in a crowded place. (我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸)

And I don know what to do. (这令我不知所措)

Cause Ill never be with you. (因为我和你永远无法相依)

Yeah, she caught my eye. (是啊,我视线被她占据)

As we walked on by. (在我们擦身而过的瞬间)

She could see from my face that I was. (她应该可以从我的神情看出)

Flying high.(Fucking high)( 我无限喜悦))

And I don think that Ill see her again. (我想,我将再也见不到她)

But we shared a moment that will last till the end. (但我们共享了永恒的片刻)

You e beautiful. You e beautiful.( 你就是这么美 你就是这么美)

You e beautiful, its true. (你就是这么的美 这是千真万确)

I saw your face in a crowded place. (我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸)

And I don know what to do. (这令我不知所措)

Cause Ill never be with you.( 因为我和你永远无法相依)

You e beautiful. You e beautiful. (你就是这么美 你就是这么美)

You e beautiful, its true. (你就是这么的美 这是千真万确)

There must be an angel with a smile on her face.( 她的脸上有天使一般的微笑)

When she thought up that I should be with you.( 当她也想到我们应该在一起时)

But it s time to face the truth. (但该是面对事实的时候了)

I will never be with you. (我和你永远无法相依)



这无疑是一首伤感的歌。歌者遇见一个美丽的女孩,但他却无能为力拥有她,只有眼睁睁的看着她与旁人而去。然而令人震惊的是,在歌曲尚未开始之时,当前奏仍未结束之时,歌者竟脱口而出"My life is brilliant"。这种摆脱内心无限孤苦的大无畏精神几乎要令人落泪。


歌者用了一句诡异的"Ive got a plan"( Plan就是俩人自此之后再也没见过),将我们带入了他的内心世界。她的美丽是歌者无法抵挡的,在看见她的瞬间,歌者感觉世界都停了下来。但众人的脚步却没有停。

在擦肩而过的几秒钟内,歌者内心世界经历了人生中也许最大的苦痛(突然头上绿了能不痛苦么?),与美丽就此告别,心中的无限遐想也在瞬间成为了泡影。一个高昂的"flying high"(原词是f**king high,以示自己心里的那种酸爽的感觉),在冥冥之中透露了作者心中巨大的起伏。


歌者坚强的朝前走着,他知道回头看身后的女子也无济于事,因为自己迟早要面对现实——Ill never be with you。在我们的生活里,又何尝没有过这样的经历呢?茫茫人海中,无意中抬头的一瞥,很可能让我们为之心动。但我们只能选择错过,因为无数的理由。用这首歌来代表我们所希望的但却不能拥有的,无比美好。

歌名:You\re BeautifulJames Blunt?My life is brilliant.?My life is brilliant.My love is pure.I saw an angel.Of that I\m sure.She smiled at me on the subway.She was with another man.But I won\t lose no sleep on that,\Cause I\ve got a plan.?You\re beautiful. You\re beautiful.You\re beautiful, it\s true.I saw your face in a crowded place,And I don\t know what to do,\Cause I\ll never be with you.?Yeah, she caught my eye,As we walked on by.She could see from my face that I was,Fucking high,And I don\t think that I\ll see her again,But we shared a moment that will last till the end.?You\re beautiful. You\re beautiful.You\re beautiful, it\s true.I saw your face in a crowded place,And I don\t know what to do,\Cause I\ll never be with you.?You\re beautiful. You\re beautiful.You\re beautiful, it\s true.There must be an angel with a smile on her face,When she thought up that I should be with you.?But it\s time to face the truth,I will never be with you.
