700字范文 > 养老家具 英文 家庭养老英语翻译

养老家具 英文 家庭养老英语翻译

时间:2022-05-06 09:27:28


养老家具 英文 家庭养老英语翻译

1. Introduction


近年来,养老家具的市场需求不断增加,甚至已成为一个独立的产业。相应的,出现了许多像是Smart Care,Pride Mobility等专注于养老家具生产的企业,为老年人群体提供各式的家具产品。


2. Types of Elder Care Furniture

老年人的特殊需求决定了养老家具的特征不同于常规家具。 养老家具的种类不断增加,以适应老年人在生活中的各种需求。以下是一些常见的养老家具类型:

2.1 Electric Beds 电动床

Electric beds are beds that can be adjusted to various positions via a remote control. These beds can raise the head of the bed or the lower body of the bed to achieve different height levels to provide comfortable sleeping and sitting positions.

2.2 Lift Chairs 升降椅

Lift chairs are comfortable chairs that can be raised or lowered by a motorized mechanism. It is designed for users who have difficulty standing up from a seated position, helping them to get up from sitting positions with less strain.

2.3 Commode Chairs 马桶椅

Commode chairs are chairs that come with a toilet pan attached to it. They are designed for those who have trouble moving around or have mobility issues or cannot get to the toilet on time. Commode chairs provide easy access for toileting, showering, and bathing, which makes it an essential part of elderly homecare furniture.

2.4 Shower Chairs 沐浴椅

Shower chairs are specially designed for individuals who may have difficulty standing or have a higher risk of falling. Shower chairs can be adjusted to different heights, include anti-slip features, and come with backrests and armrests to provide support and comfort during the bathing process.

2.5 Walking Frames 步行器

Walking frames are for those who have difficulty walking. They come with two or four legs with rubber shoes at the bottom and a handle to provide support in walking to prevent falls. There are different types of walking frames available- some are adjustable, foldable, and come with accessories such as trays.

2.6 Mobility Scooters 助行车

Mobility scooters give seniors with mobility issues freedom to travel around their cities or neighborhoods. They are a three or four wheeled battery-powered vehicle that can travel long distances and speeds up to 25mph. However, its essential to note the road safety and legal regulations surrounding mobility scooters.

3. Features of Elder Care Furniture

养老家具比一般的家具更加注重功能和便携性。 它们需要满足老年人舒适、照顾和安全等需求。 现在,本文将详细介绍不同类型养老家具的特征:

3.1 Electric Beds 电动床

Electric beds are a convenient option for older adults with mobility issues. The following are the features of electric beds:

- The head and feet of the bed can be raised or lowered according to the users comfort level, aiding breathing and joint mobility

- They come with adjustable height levels to help caregivers in providing care easily

- They sometimes come with a massaging functionality for added relaxation.

3.2 Lift Chairs 升降椅

Lift chairs are the perfect addition to elderly homecare furniture. The following are the features of lift chairs:

- The chair can be adjusted to different angles to provide maximum support and comfort.

- They come with lifting mechanisms that help users to sit and stand up from a seated position

- They usually come with features such as massage, heating, and recline options for added comfort.

3.3 Commode Chairs 马桶椅

Commode chairs are designed to support users with toileting needs. The features of commode chairs are as follows:

- They come with a toilet pan to aid in elimination

- They are adjustable to different height levels

- They usually come with armrests and backrests to aid in the sitting process

- The pan can be removed and cleaned conveniently after use.

3.4 Shower Chairs 沐浴椅

Shower chairs must be sturdy and durable to withstand water and other elements. The following are the features of shower chairs:

- They come with adjustable height levels to cater to different individuals needs.

- They have anti-slip features with rubber tips on the legs and backrests to prevent falls.

- They are sturdy and can hold up to 300 pounds

- Some also come with shelves for soaps and shampoo.

3.5 Walking Frames 步行器

Walking frames must be sturdy and light in weight to make mobility easier for seniors. The following are the features of walking frames:

- They come with height-adjustable legs and handlebars.

- Some walkers come with wheels, glide tips, or skid-resistant tips to permit smooth movements.

- Most have foldable options that come in handy for storage and portability.

3.6 Mobility Scooters 助行车

The features of mobility scooters provide seniors with the freedom they need to explore their surroundings easily. The following are the features of mobility scooters:

- They come with speed control options.

- Most scooters come with adjustable height options to cater to different individuals.

- They are designed with stability and balance in mind, which are of utmost importance when traveling on the roads.

4. Styles of Elder Care Furniture


4.1 Traditional传统

Traditional-style furniture is usually what youd expect in a nursing home or hospital room. It is designed to be practical and functional rather than visually appealing.

4.2 Modern现代

Modern style furniture is sleek, trendy, and lightweight. It is designed to provide maximum comfort and support, often featuring high-tech features such as touch screen displays or voice-activated technology.

4.3 Rustic乡村风格

Rustic style furniture can fit a variety of design themes and is designed to be durable and stylish. Wooden furniture, particularly if made in a wheatsheaf style, is often used to create a rustic feel.

4.4 Cottage乡村别墅

Cottage-style furniture has a relaxed, homely feel, often featuring pastel colors and floral prints. It is designed to help people feel comfortable and safe, with oversized furniture and soft furnishings.

4.5 Art Deco装饰艺术

Art Deco-style furniture is characterized by bold colors, geometric shapes, and asymmetrical lines. It is often designed to be eye-catching and thought-provoking.

5. Conclusion



1. 家庭养老指的是在家庭中完成老年人的生活照顾和护理工作,让老年人在家享受幸福、健康、有尊严的晚年生活。

2. 家庭养老的意义在于不仅仅是经济上的支持,更是对老年人身心健康的呵护和心理上的安慰,让老年人感到家庭的温暖和关爱。

3. 家庭养老能够缓解养老机构资源的短缺和老年人独居、孤独的问题,既能减轻家庭的负担,又能提高老年人的生活质量。


1. 家庭养老需要充足的时间和精力,覆盖面广,包括生活照顾、健康监测、心理安慰等方面,很难由一人或一家庭完成。

2. 家庭养老需要专业知识和技能,尤其是对老年人的健康情况和疾病进行必要的照料、护理和康复,需要具备一定的护理、医疗知识和技能。

3. 家庭养老可能面临着困难的家庭经济和管理问题,包括老年人的医疗和护理费用、营养费用、家庭卫生健康、家庭关系等问题。

4. 家庭养老需要面对老年人身心健康的恶化,如失智、失能、失语等问题,需要付出更多的耐心和心理支持。


1. 家庭养老的英语翻译为Family-based elderly care。

2. 家庭养老也可以表达为Home care for the elderly,指的是在老年人家庭内完成日常生活照顾、护理和康复工作。

3. 家庭养老的关键词包括caregiver(照顾者)、elderly(老年人)、home care(家庭护理)、health management(健康管理)、psychological support(心理支持)、nursing skills(护理技能)等。

4. 家庭养老的挑战可以表达为challenges of family-based elderly care,涉及到时间、精力、专业化、经济、管理、老年人健康等多个方面。


1. 陈女士家庭养老的案例:陈女士今年六十岁,在家中抚养了年迈的母亲和残疾的小儿子,每天需要花费大量的时间和精力进行照顾和护理工作,尤其是母亲的身体状况不佳,需要进行长期的康复和医疗护理。陈女士通过学习护理和医疗知识,并结合家庭经济和社会资源,逐渐成为了一名成功的家庭养老者。

2. 李先生家庭养老的案例:李先生的妻子不仅是他亲爱的妻子,也是他的照顾者。在妻子患有重病、失能后,李先生从不放弃,勇敢地接过了照顾妻子的重担,每天精心照料妻子的身体和心理健康,让妻子享受到温暖、幸福和有尊严的晚年生活。李先生的故事也赢得了社会的赞誉和尊重。


1. 加强社会和政府对家庭养老的支持和鼓励,提供必要的资金和技术支持。

2. 建立家庭养老师范和技能培训机制,提高家庭养老者和照顾者的专业化水平。

3. 宣传和倡导家庭养老理念和文化,营造关爱老年人的社会氛围。

4. 加强家庭养老服务的社会化和规范化管理,提高服务质量和效率。

5. 增强老年人的自我保健和健康管理意识,积极进行健康促进和疾病预防工作。
