700字范文 > 英文写作 英文写作的万能句型

英文写作 英文写作的万能句型

时间:2019-11-29 14:02:18


英文写作 英文写作的万能句型

Title: Improving Your English Writing Skills in


English writing is an essential form of communication in the modern world. Whether its for work, school, or personal use, being able to write in English effectively is crucial. However, mastering English writing skills is not easy for everyone, especially for non-native English speakers. In this article, we will explore some tips and techniques that can help you improve your English writing skills in .

Tip 1: Read English Literature

One of the most significant ways to improve your English writing skills is by reading English literature. Reading classic and contemporary literature will expose you to advanced vocabulary, phrasing, grammar, and sentence structure. By reading books written by native English speakers, you will learn more about the English languages nuances and idiomatic expressions, which will help you write more like a native speaker.

Tip 2: Practice Every Day

Improving your writing skills requires consistent practice. Set a goal to write something every day, even if its just a short paragraph. Practice writing in different styles like essays, letters, and stories to develop various writing skills. When you practice writing regularly, you will also develop your writing comfort level, helping you write with more confidence and clarity.

Tip 3: Use Online Writing Tools

In todays digital age, there are numerous writing tools available online that can help improve your writing skills. Grammarly, a popular grammar checker tool, helps you fix errors in sentence structure and grammar in real-time. Additionally, Hemingway Editor can help you simplify complex sentences and make your writing more concise. With these tools, you can enhance your writing and improve your English writing skills.

Tip 4: Get Feedback from Native Speakers

Getting feedback on your writing from a native speaker can help improve your writing skills. Find someone who is an English native speaker or has a high level of English proficiency and ask them to review your writing. They can provide feedback on sentence structure, grammar, and suggest alternative phrasing or shorter sentences. Moreover, you can find online communities for language learners where you can share your writing and receive constructive feedback from other learners worldwide.

Tip 5: Join Local Writing Groups or Take Online Writing Courses

Joining a local writing group or taking online writing courses can also help improve your English writing skills. In these courses, writing experts will guide you and teach you various writing skills, such as how to make your writing more engaging and how to communicate your ideas more efficiently. Additionally, these groups or courses provide you with an opportunity to interact with other learners and improve your writing skills by learning and sharing techniques with others.



As an essential skill, writing holds tremendous importance in our lives. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just an individual trying to express your thoughts clearly, having a good command of English writing is always beneficial. However, writing in English can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to academic or professional settings where precision and clarity are paramount. In this article, we will introduce some useful tips and phrases in writing that can help you improve your English writing skills and express your ideas more effectively.

1. Introducing your topic

To begin with, starting your writing with an engaging introduction is crucial. A good introduction should grab the readers attention, provide some background information, and indicate what the article will cover. Here are some useful phrases you can use to introduce your topic:

- Have you ever wondered...

- Nowadays, there is growing concern about...

- It is well known that...

- In recent years, the issue of...has been in the spotlight.

2. Expressing your ideas

After introducing your topic, you need to express your ideas clearly and coherently. Using proper language and structures will help convey your message effectively. Here are some phrases that can help you express your ideas:

- It is widely believed that...

- According to recent research,...

- In my opinion/view,...

- From my perspective,...

3. Supporting your argument

To convince your readers, you need to provide evidence and support your argument. Using appropriate phrases and expressions can help you achieve this goal. Here are some examples:

- This is supported by the fact that...

- Moreover,...

- Furthermore,...

- Additionally,...

4. Concluding your writing

A good conclusion should summarize your ideas and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Here are some phrases that can help you end your writing in a professional and effective way:

- In conclusion,...

- To sum up,...

- Overall, it is clear that...

- Finally,...
