700字范文 > 德云社南京分社 德云社南京分社门票

德云社南京分社 德云社南京分社门票

时间:2023-01-01 01:35:37


德云社南京分社 德云社南京分社门票


De Yun She is a well-known Chinese comedy group that was founded in by Guo Degang. The group is mostly known for its stand-up comedy performances, which are often based on traditional Chinese culture and language. De Yun She has become very popular in China and has established branches in many cities across the country. One of these branches is located in Nanjing, and as a tour guide, it is my duty to provide insights and analysis of this groups establishment and operation from the perspective of the tourism industry.

Overview of De Yun She Nanjing Branch

De Yun She Nanjing branch is located in the center of the city, which is easily accessible through public transportation. The branch is known for its regular performances, usually twice a week. The performances are conducted in Mandarin and last for approximately two hours each. The branch is also famous for hosting workshops for individuals who want to learn more about traditional Chinese culture and jokes. These workshops are relatively short and provide basic information about Chinese culture and language.

As a tour guide, visiting De Yun She Nanjing branch is a great opportunity for tourists to gain insights into Chinese stand-up comedy, which is quite different from the western comedy. Chinese stand-up comedy has a long history, including storytelling, cross-talk, and slapstick comedy. De Yun She has adapted the traditional Chinese comedy to the contemporary Chinese society while retaining the traditions of Chinese culture and language, and tourists visiting the Nanjing branch will get to witness this first hand.

The branch is also heavily marketed towards younger audiences as it tries to reach out to the youth who may not be familiar with traditional Chinese culture. It provides a fresh perspective on traditional culture and language, which is something that tourists should not miss. Their marketing strategies also attract foreign visitors who may be interested in learning about Chinese comedy while enjoying a good laugh.

Strengths and Weaknesses of De Yun She Nanjing Branch


1. Connection with Traditional Chinese Culture - The De Yun She Nanjing branch delivers a unique and captivating way of introducing traditional Chinese culture to the viewers. Their performers often deliver jokes that revolve around traditional Chinese sayings or popular folk stories, making their performance very informative and educative regarding ancient Chinese customs.

2. Location - De Yun She Nanjing branch is situated in the citys commercial center, making it accessible to tourists through public transport. The location is a significant factor that contributes to the branchs success, as it attracts tourists who may be in the area looking for a fun night out.

3. Inclusivity - The De Yun She Nanjing branch attracts a diverse range of audiences by making their comedy open and relatable to everyone. It does not matter whether tourists are Chinese or foreign visitors; De Yun She Nanjing branch ensures that everyone feels understood and included.


1. Limited Performances - De Yun She Nanjing branch only performs twice a week, which can be a significant disadvantage to tourists who may want to go to the performances on specific days of their visit.

2. Language Barrier - Since the performances are conducted in Mandarin, tourists who do not understand the language may find it difficult to immerse themselves in the comedy show. This difficulty may also hinder their ability to fully understand jokes that revolve around Chinese language and culture.

3. Relatively Short Duration - The performances at De Yun She Nanjing branch usually last for around two hours, which may not adequately satisfy visitors who want to fully immerse themselves in Chinese comedy. Tourists may want to experience more, and the relatively short duration of the performances may leave them wanting more.





1、中心位置座位:该座位位置设在剧场中央,声效优美,是欣赏演出的最佳位置。该位置的门票价格在 280 元至 580 元之间。

2、侧边位置座位:该座位位置设在剧场侧边,声效一般,但也能较好地观赏到演出。该位置的门票价格在 230 元至 480 元之间。

3、后排位置座位:该座位位置距离演出台较远,景深效果不佳,这种位置的观众所看到的演出有些模糊。该位置的门票价格在 180 元至 380 元之间。








后排位置座位视觉效果自然不及中心位置和侧边位置座位,建议前来观看演出的消费者最好不要选择这样的座位。在这个位置上看演出,不管是声响还是视觉效果都差强人意,周围的观众均在视野范围之内,甚至需要抬头才能看到舞台上的演员。 另外,由于南京的气候炎热,后排位置座位正站在空调风口出入口位置,空调温度较低,如长时间在此处观看演出,可能会让身体感到不适。














