700字范文 > 天行健 君子以自强而不息 人这一辈子靠自己

天行健 君子以自强而不息 人这一辈子靠自己

时间:2021-03-13 16:01:54


天行健 君子以自强而不息 人这一辈子靠自己


If there is no one in your life who loves you, loves you, and cares for you, it doesn matter. But please remember, you must cherish yourself, love yourself, let others look down on you, turn into your own life motivation, let yourself grit your teeth and stick to it. With their own hands and Teng Lang to do a career, so that those who look down on, look down on the people will always look down on.


Thoughts change a persons pattern and posture, and change a persons growth. Where there is a long there is a short, there are advantages and disadvantages, life only in the process of growth, you can change their own thinking. So, there are some things you only have to do constantly, constantly explore, and constantly change. So you can work hard to get the results right. In this world, there are no 100% things.There are things you can predict until you do them, and sometimes don wait to figure them out. Do it when you figure it out, because when you figure it out. It can be said that everything will become a thing of the past.


There is a kind of feeling called distance to produce beauty. The distance can stop the connection between the heart and the heart. If you really enter the heart, you will not have conflicts because of the distance. Will only make each other miss and care. The real feeling is that the two people are far away, one south and one north, but the feelings generated by each other seem to be as close as they are in their own hearts.


The person who loves you will tolerate everything about you, and even look back and feel that it is so beautiful. People who don love you, everything that looks at you is a shortcoming. Even if you work hard, he will feel that you are annoying. Therefore, do not make do with life, can spit together good benefits, can not get along with the earliest. Leave early.


In this world, the only thing you owe is your parents. They brought you into this world and raised you hard. Teach you how to talk, see how you walk, tell you the truth of life, let you know how to live a lifetime, day after day, year after year for you. But I never asked you to give anything back. These are our parents, our parents.


Life is only in the loss of time, you will understand who loves you most, life is only in the trough, you can know who will help you. More icing on the cake, one product is not a charcoal life in the water, you don work hard, you don struggle, no one will always help you. If you don experience ups and downs, you don know what its like to be happy. You e not single. Frustration and difficulties, you will never succeed. No matter what is busy in life, others have to help us, and life has to rely on ourselves.



The most precious thing in life is choice. The most rare thing is to let go. The most precious thing is time. The most unforgettable thing is the past. The most comfortable place is at home. The best words are not necessarily sweet words, the worst words are not necessarily to find fault with you. The brightest night is no better than a dim day, and the thinnest camel is bigger than a horse. The most beautiful dream is no better than a slave. best thing is that the most beautiful thing now is today, and the most important thing to believe in is yourself.


In the journey of life, your stop-and-go, go too fast, you will miss the scenery along the way, so sometimes it is a good choice to stop and look at the scenery and let your mood relax. Don always look forward to life, look back at the summary, sum up experience, and charge yourself. I think you will get the accurate goal and let yourself move forward with more power.


Is life tired? Tired is right, that is because you do not work hard, every happiness is used. What you pay for and work hard is not to blame others, to enjoy it, nor to rely on you sitting on the ground waiting for the pie in the sky, to be happy, to want your life not to be tired, you only have to change yourself and let yourself become Diligent efforts. Insist Come On


There is no eternal hurdle in life, there is no eternal pain, society is changing, life is changing, life is changing, you can only follow the footsteps of society, let yourself change your mind, let yourself continue to innovate, you can pass the hurdle. But pain, happiness will drive you away forever.


