700字范文 > 「千言」或许你是我生命中的游客 而我只不过是一道风景

「千言」或许你是我生命中的游客 而我只不过是一道风景

时间:2022-10-22 08:00:07


「千言」或许你是我生命中的游客 而我只不过是一道风景

321 - 开新傲321 - 开新傲03:25来自诗词千言




We all go farther and farther in the pursuit of love, wake up, friends, do not indulge in love, you know, character is more important than this. Love is temporary, but character is eternal.

Someone told me: when love fades away, the relationship between two people is maintained by kindness. So take a good look at how he treats the people around him, maybe thats what your life will be like in the future.


People bury their unspeakable love in the soil, stand idly by and watch others, and then try their best to get rid of themselves. This may be secret love.


Life may be a farewell one by one, so we are saying goodbye to every friendship that we think will go for a long time, of course, not all. I just hope that those friendships that have said goodbye will never be sad because of them again.


Maybe you are a tourist in my life, and I am just a scenery. I can avoid letting you pass by, and I can force you to stay. Roses always bloom as scheduled, visitors always pass by as scheduled, may lovers fall in love as scheduled until the final separation.


We all have our own future, so you go to your future, I go to my future, this is our own choice, our own way to go. We can only wander illusory in each others dreams. Look forward to coming to your future, and I hope you will come into my future.


We all have our own loneliness, the so-called heart to heart.It is just a misunderstanding, and it has become the most beautiful expectation at the bottom of our hearts.





