700字范文 > 问Yahoo:英语Cross my fingers什么意思?

问Yahoo:英语Cross my fingers什么意思?

时间:2021-01-06 07:15:28


问Yahoo:英语Cross my fingers什么意思?

问Yahoo:英语Cross my fingers什么意思?

“互联网+”时代“学并学好”英语,解决的不再是英语cross my fingers“中文什么意思?”,训练和解决的是你是“怎么”学并学好英语cross my fingers的:你训练了查英英字典的习惯和能力了吗?你用英语“记”英语cross my fingers了吗?

只知道英文cross my fingers是学不到英语的。

1) 查Yahoo上的英英字典:

Cross your fingers:Also:Keep your fingers crossed

1.To hope for good luck or that something will happen.

2.To wish for good luck for someone or something,

看到这些简单的英英释义:Okay.I got you了。根本不需要借助中文解释。

口语:Okay.I got you.To hope for something means To wish for something.

We can say:I hope for the new job,we can also say:I wish for the new job.


2)口语和英语思维训练:Okay.I got you.

1.Okay.I got you.If you say I cross my fingers,or I keep my fingers crossed,you mean you hope for,or wish for good luck for you,or for other people.

2.Okay.I got you.To croos your fingers ,or keep your fingers crossed means To wish for good luck.

学习英语cross mt fingers就是为了训练用这些英语记英语cross my fingers的能力,不是记中文。

3) Examples

1.OK, Ive been crossing my fingers—did you get the job?

2. She has her exam this morning so cross your fingers.

3. We e keeping our fingers crossed that the weather stays nice.


