700字范文 > 高中英语优秀作文:旅游很无聊Traveling is Boring

高中英语优秀作文:旅游很无聊Traveling is Boring

时间:2023-05-16 15:31:28


高中英语优秀作文:旅游很无聊Traveling is Boring

Traveling is usually boring. There are always too many people in the places of interest in China and it is crowed everywhere, when it comes to the golden weeks, this situation could be worse. Just imagine that you are waiting in line, hungry and thirsty. All you want is a ticket that can get through the door to see the beautiful view. You may complain: “why am I coming to the terrible place? Why I do this to myself?” If you are unlucky, you may encounter a bad guide who forces you to shop here and there. How horrible it is! What’s worse, you may spend more money than usually does. 旅游一般都很无趣。中国的名胜景点总是挤满了人。要是碰到黄金周出门旅游,情况会更加糟糕。想象一下,当你肚子又饿,口又渴的排着队,而你所求的不过是一张可以让你看到美丽风景的门票。也许你会抱怨:“为什么我要来这个可怕的地方?为什么我要这样做?”如果你特别的不幸,就会碰到一个道德败坏的导游,强迫你消费。这是多么的可怕啊!更加糟糕的是,你会比平时花掉更多的钱。 Why don’t you just stay at home and enjoy the cozy life? You don’t need to go outside to see the view, you can just turn on the TV or computer, the amazing view will represent in front of you. You not only save a large sum of money, but also your precious time. And you can do other things too, such as watching a classic movie, chatting with friends on the phone or surfing the Internet. This could be so much fun! Therefore, I prefer to stay at home instead of going outside. 为什么你不待在家里,享受舒适生活呢?没必要出门看风景,打开电视机或者电脑,美丽的风景就会呈现在你的眼前。你不仅仅省下一大笔钱,还有宝贵的时间。你也可以做其他的事情,比如说看一场经典的电影,和朋友们煲电话粥,上上网。这样有趣多了!因此,我选择待在家里而不是出门旅游。 更多精彩内容


