700字范文 > 写作丨近三年中考满分作文解析(广东卷)


时间:2022-03-20 20:23:58



Dear Ben,

I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school. In your letter you said that

Good luck with everything!

Li Hua


广州中考英语书面表达话题为针对人际关系及英语学习问题的建议信,建议信这个体裁近年比较少出现,但却是九年级上学期的重点。要写好这篇文章,关键是把握文章整体结构,及各个要点之间的逻辑衔接。广州中考英语书面表达,近十年内第二次出现以回信形式的写作,描述初一新生Ben在学习和生活上遇到的问题,并给出建议和理由。话题与课本九年级上册Unit 4 Problems and Advice吻合,再一次体现回归课本的重要性。另外,话题贴近学生生活实际,代入感较强。



Dear Ben,

I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school. In your letter you said that you felt lonely because you had few friends. To solve this problem, I advise you to take part in school clubs to make more friends. What’s more, you can join some study groups where you can not only acquire knowledge, but also make more friends.

You also said that you had difficulty in remembering English words. I think it is a good way to learn words by reading more English stories and news. In additions, you should try your best to speak English in daily life. Day by day, you will remember a lot of words and make some progress.

Good luck with everything!

Li Hua



本文第一段直接说明Ben的第一个问题,朋友少,感觉孤独,In your letter you said that you felt lonely because you had few friends. 并紧随其后给出解决方法,To solve this problem, I advise you to take part in school clubs to make more friends. What’s more, you can join some study groups where you can not only acquire knowledge, but also make more friends.运用目的状语从句,给出建议,思路清晰,上下文过渡自然。Not only ...but also体现了对中考考纲词汇的灵活运用。

第二段介绍了Ben的第二个问题,英语单词难记You also said that you had difficulty in remembering English words.给出自己的建议, I think it is a good way to learn words by reading more English stories and news. In additions, you should try your best to speak English in daily life. Day by day, you will remember a lot of words and make some progress.运用固定句型It is +形容词+to do的句型给出合理建议,语气诚恳,第三段表达祝愿,Good luck with everything!






(1)参考词汇:轮子wheel 太阳能solar power (2)词数80左右(文章的开头己给出,不计入词数)。


My invention is a flying bike.


广州中考英语科的作文题目是近十年来首次出现说明文体,文章介绍了科技节中的获奖发明 “飞行单车”。此次作文以“单车”为主题,其实学生并不陌生,因为它与英语教材八年级上册的Moudle2的Computer话题内容相吻合,教材与生活相结合。如今,共享单车在生活中随处可见。此次作文题目要求学生从单车的外观、用途及特点等方面介绍“飞行单车”,并要求学生对这款单车提出改进建议。整体来看,今年的广州中考英语作文体裁新颖,难度较往年有所增加。作文题材取材于学生生活,提倡学生关注生活,关注科技。


My invention is a flying bike. It is fast, convenient and green! The flying bike has two wheels and two wings. It has a top speed of 300km/h.You can go to farther places in a shorter time. It can run on land and fly in the air. If you shout"fly"the bike will turn into a plane in 30 seconds. Then you can fly in the air.You will be as free as a bird. It can take photos, too. Instead of petrol, the bike uses solar power, so it will not pollute the air. I will add a seat behind it so that it can carry two persons. My invention will help people live a better life in the future.


广州中考英语作文要求介绍“飞行单车”,所以文体为说明文,跟往年真题一样,给出了写作要点,要点并不难翻译,但存在两个难点:一是,考生要注意不要对要点进行直白翻译,要灵活运用初中阶段学过的句式跟短语;对题目中提示的对“飞行单车”的外观、用途等的的汉语表达转换为英语思维。二是,考生对飞行单车的改进计划可能无从下手,其实只要跟生活结合,比如给飞行车加把雨伞,让它在雨天一样可以飞驰;或是让车轮变得更轻,让骑行更加方便快速。不管补充的改进计划是什么,只要合情合理即可。准确定位人称和时态。一般来说 ,此类作文多用一般现在时和一般将来时。


这篇作文时一篇优秀的作文,本文要求介绍“飞行单车”,运用了一般现在时和一般将来时。作者首先简单说明了飞行单车的优点 “It is fast, convenient and green! 它方便、快捷、环保”,使读者能对飞行单车产生好奇,其次根据题目中的提示,用准确的语言介绍飞行单车的外观“The flying bike has two wheels and two wings.飞行单车有两个轮子和两只翅膀”,接下来是用途“It can run on land and fly in the air. If you shout"fly"the bike will turn into a plane in 30 seconds. Then you can fly in the air.You will be as free as a bird. It can take photos, too.”接下来是特点“Instead of petrol, the bike uses solar power, so it will not pollute the air.”。



