700字范文 > 西安新东方钱希:考研英语二大作文点评及范文


时间:2020-06-11 23:51:50





As we can see in the above bar chat, the proportion of college students who do part-time job has increased from grade one to grade four. The proportion of seniors who do part-time job ranks first, which is 88.24%, followed by that of junior, sophomore and freshman, with 71.93%,71.13% and 67.77% respectively.

It is not difficult to notice that a host of college students choose to have part-time jobs. The primary reasons can be listed as follows. Firstly, they realize the significance of applying theories learnt in classes to practice. By doing part-time jobs, they can accumulate experience and cultivate team-work spirit, which is beneficial to their future career. In addition, financial purpose may be another important factor. Students want to earn some money to lighten the burden of their parents. Convergent thinking also contributes to this trend. That is to say, they are likely to perform like their peers.

This tendency may continue in a long term. But college students should realize how to strike a balance between study and doing part-time job, knowing that they should give priority to study. Only in this way, can they benefit a great deal from those temporary jobs.
