700字范文 > 圣诞节由来传说英文版介绍 西方和中国人是怎么过圣诞节的?

圣诞节由来传说英文版介绍 西方和中国人是怎么过圣诞节的?

时间:2021-02-07 23:42:34


圣诞节由来传说英文版介绍 西方和中国人是怎么过圣诞节的?

圣诞卡Christmas Card

圣诞卡是在传统的圣诞节庆祝活动中发送的贺卡,目的是在人们之间传达与节日有关的一系列情感。西方社会和亚洲的许多人(包括一些非基督徒)通常在圣诞节前的几周内交换圣诞贺卡。传统的问候语是 祝您圣诞快乐,新年快乐 。第一张现代圣诞贺卡是约翰·卡尔科特·霍斯利(John Calcott Horsley)创作的。

A Christmas card is a greeting card sent as part of the traditional celebration of Christmas in order to convey between people a range of sentiments related to the holiday season. Christmas cards are usually exchanged during the weeks preceding Christmas Day by many people (including some non-Christians) in Western society and in Asia. The traditional greeting reads wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . The first modern Christmas card was by John Calcott Horsley.

圣诞袜Christmas Stocking


A Christmas stocking is an empty sock or sock-shaped bag that is hung on Christmas Eve so that the Santa Claus can fill it with small toys, candy, fruit, coins or other small gifts when he arrives. Some people even put their Christmas stocking by their bedposts so Santa Claus can fill it by the bed while they sleep.

圣诞帽Christmas hat


Every year, as Christmas rolls around, one will commonly see people wearing red pointed hats. They sometimes have little white balls on top, and they usually have a band of white around the bottom, but they are always red and always pointed. It is said that you will be sleeping peacefully and a little warmly if wearing christmas hat at night.

圣诞树Christmas Tree

圣诞树是装饰树,与圣诞节庆祝活动有关通常是常绿的针叶树,例如云杉,松树或冷杉,或类似外观的人造树,起源于北欧。该树传统上装饰有 玫瑰 由彩色纸,苹果,薄酥饼,金属丝和[和]蜜饯制成 。在18世纪,它开始被蜡烛照亮,在电气化出现之后,最终被圣诞灯取代。如今,有各种各样的传统和现代装饰品,例如花环,小玩意,金属丝和糖果。可以在树的顶部放置天使或星星,分别代表耶稣诞生的天使加百列或伯利恒之星。

A Christmas tree is a decorated tree, usually an evergreen conifer, such as a spruce, pine or fir, or an artificial tree of similar appearance, associated with the celebration of Christmas, originating in Northern Europe.The tree was traditionally decorated with roses made of colored paper, apples, wafers, tinsel, [and] sweetmeats . In the 18th century, it began to be illuminated by candles, which were ultimately replaced by Christmas lights after the advent of electrification. Today, there is a wide variety of traditional and modern ornaments, such as garlands, baubles, tinsel, and candy canes. An angel or star might be placed at the top of the tree to represent the Angel Gabriel or the Star of Bethlehem, respectively, from the Nativity.

圣诞老人Santa Claus


据说圣诞老人会列出世界各地的儿童名单,并根据他们的行为对其进行分类,并分发礼物。他在精灵的帮助下完成了这一壮举,精灵在北极的车间里制作玩具,而飞行的驯鹿则拉着雪橇。人们通常将他描绘成居住在北极,并会发出 ho ho ho 的笑声。

Santa Claus, also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure originating in Western Christian cultur.Santa Claus is generally depicted as a portly, jolly, white-bearded man sometimes with spectacles wearing a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs, white-fur-cuffed red trousers, red hat with white fur, and black leather belt and boots and carrying a bag full of gifts for children.

Santa Claus is said to make lists of children throughout the world, categorizing them according to their behavior, and to deliver presents. He accomplishes this feat with the aid of his elves, who make the toys in his workshop at the North Pole, and his flying reindeer, who pull his sleigh. He is commonly portrayed as living at the North Pole, and laughing in a way that sounds like ho ho ho .
