700字范文 > 记忆印迹:回溯过去 展望未来—小柯机器人—科学网

记忆印迹:回溯过去 展望未来—小柯机器人—科学网

时间:2020-03-31 05:39:29


记忆印迹:回溯过去 展望未来—小柯机器人—科学网

记忆印迹:回溯过去,展望未来 作者: 发布时间:/1/3 16:16:46 加拿大病童医院Sheena A. Josselyn、美国麻省理工学院Susumu Tonegawa合作总结了记忆印迹的研究进展。相关综述论文发表在1月3日出版的《科学》上。


据介绍,1904年,理查德 西蒙(Richard Semon)引入了 印迹 一词来描述用于存储记忆的神经基质。Semon提出,一段经历可以激活一群离线、存在持续的化学和/或物理变化的细胞亚群,成为一个印迹。这一印迹的后续重新激活会引发记忆检索。尽管在Semon一生中,他的贡献在很大程度上被忽略了,但新技术使得研究人员能够在单个神经元水平上成像和操纵大脑,从而重新激发了印迹研究。


Title: Memory engrams: Recalling the past and imagining the future

Author: Sheena A. Josselyn, Susumu Tonegawa

Issue Volume: /01/03

Abstract: In 1904, Richard Semon introduced the term engram to describe the neural substrate for storing memories. An experience, Semon proposed, activates a subset of cells that undergo off-line, persistent chemical and/or physical changes to become an engram. Subsequent reactivation of this engram induces memory retrieval. Although Semon s contributions were largely ignored in his lifetime, new technologies that allow researchers to image and manipulate the brain at the level of individual neurons has reinvigorated engram research. We review recent progress in studying engrams, including an evaluation of evidence for the existence of engrams, the importance of intrinsic excitability and synaptic plasticity in engrams, and the lifetime of an engram. Together, these findings are beginning to define an engram as the basic unit of memory.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw4325


期刊信息 Science:《科学》,创刊于1880年。隶属于美国科学促进会,最新IF:41.037官方网址:投稿链接:
