700字范文 > 双语美文欣赏哲理篇:富有人生哲理的句子


时间:2019-12-30 20:28:15



1, the destiny is not to give up, but to. Destiny is not a matter of chance, but the choice of. Fate is not waiting, but grasp. Destiny is not a noun, but a verb. To change the destiny, to change the concept of! 1、命运不是放弃,而是努力。命运不是运气,而是选择。命运不是等待,而是把握。命运不是名词,而是动词。要改变命运,先改变观念! 2, to take action to control your emotions, do not let emotions control action; to let the mind the wisdom, cannot let the ears dominate mind. The difference between people, the main difference that place between the two ears in! 2、要用行动控制情绪,不要让情绪控制行动;要让心灵启迪智慧,不能让耳朵支配心灵。人与人之间的差别,主要差在两耳之间的那块地方 3, again and again, the sun and the moon is also. Revive, four is also. Is unripe, endless, endless change of health, circulation. Opportunities fraught with challenges, challenges breeds opportunity, this is through the verification of the law! 3、终而复始,日月是也。死而复生,四时是也。奇正相生,循环无端,涨跌相生,循环无穷。机遇孕育着挑战,挑战中孕育着机遇,这是千古验证了的定律! 4, finger dirty, need not put a finger cut off; hat small, don have his head cut off. Prove that the egg is stale, don need to get it all eat; eat an egg taste good, need not have to know their mother chicken! 4、手指脏了,大可不必把手指砍掉;帽子小了,大可不必把头削掉。证明鸡蛋是否变味,大可不必把它全吃掉;吃个鸡蛋味道不错,大可不必非要认识下蛋的鸡妈妈! 5, familiar with the habits, familiar with the route, familiar with the day, never a miracle. Change the way of thinking, change their habits, change a living way, often can create unlimited, unlimited scenery! 5、熟悉的习惯,熟悉的路线,熟悉的日子里,永远不会有奇迹发生。改变思路,改变习惯,改变一种活的方式,往往会创造无限,风景无限! 6, see at home is always home, going out to see is the world. Put the money in the eyes see is always money, put the money in a useful place to see the money in the world. 6、在家里看到的永远是家,走出去看到的才是世界。把钱放在眼前,看到的永远是钱,把钱放在有用的地方,看到的是金钱的世界。 7, the child poverty is the parents fault, because he was a child, my parents didn give him a correct outlook on life. The concepts of parents is the child life starting line! 7、孩子贫穷是做父母的错,因为他小的时候,父母没给他正确的人生观。家长的观念是孩子人生的起跑线! 8, the seeds on the cement floor will be dried dead seeds in the water will be drowned, seed to take root in the fertile soil germination results. Decided to choose the fate of environment makes life! 8、种子放在水泥地板上会被晒死,种子放在水里会被淹死,种子放到肥沃的土壤里就生根发芽结果。选择决定命运,环境造就人生! 9, no feet longer than the road, no higher than the mountain people, do not matter, only think of the people. Your way is not the mountains and the sea, and often is his sole a little sand! 9、没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山,没有做不到的事,只有想不到的人。阻挡你前进的不是高山大海,而往往是自己鞋底一粒小小的沙粒! 10, know how to avoid problems than people, know how to solve the problem of people. In this world, do not know when, how do choose to let nature take its course, maybe is the best choice. The winner is often not ability but concept! 10、懂得如何避开问题的人,胜过知道怎样解决问题的人。在这个世界上,不知道怎么办的时候,选择顺其自然,也许是最佳选择。胜出者往往不是能力而是观念! 11, fish stir not muddy sea fog pressure is not a mountain, not the thunder that down the hills, the fan drive does not disperse the fog. The deers neck to long, total high but its head. People toes are long, long but the soles of his feet. Peoples action to faster and faster but thought! 11、鱼搅不浑大海,雾压不倒高山,雷声叫不倒山岗,扇子驱不散大雾。鹿的脖子再长,总高不过它的脑袋。人的脚指头再长,也长不过他的脚板。人的行动再快也快不过思想! 12, the habit of unchecked, will become a necessity of life, bad habits at any time to change life. People are often difficult to change a habit, because building habits is yourself, the results people become the slaves of habit! 12、习惯不加以抑制,会变成生活的必需品,不良的习惯随时改变人生走向。人往往难以改变习惯,因为造习惯的就是自己,结果人又成为习惯的奴隶!

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