700字范文 > 雅思句子分析:differed from……in that

雅思句子分析:differed from……in that

时间:2019-08-08 14:59:38


雅思句子分析:differed from……in that

The British rocket differed from the Indian version in that it was completely encased in a stout, iron cylinder, terminating in a conical head, measuring one meter in diameter and having a stick almost five meters long and constructed in such a way that it could be firmly attached to the body of the rocket. 难点解析 本句的难点在于对differed from……in that,以及对现在分词做状语(terminating in…, measuring one…, having a stick)、过去分词做定语的理解。这句话不难,如果是了解了过去分词和现在分词的用法,会很快判断出句子元素之间的修饰关系。建议多诵读一下这种句子,让自己看到这个句子时不用思考就能反应出句子含义。 句子分析 子句类型主句 连 接 词无逻辑连接词 子句内容The British rocket differed from the Indian version. 语法分析The British rocket [主语] differed from [谓语] the Indian version. [宾语] 子句翻译英国的火箭弹与印度的火箭弹不同。 子句类型状语从句 连 接 词IN THAT 子句内容It was completely encased in a stout, iron cylinder, terminating in a conical head, measuring one meter in diameter and having a stick almost five meters long and constructed in such a way. 语法分析It [主语] was completely encased [谓语] in a stout, iron cylinder, [状语] terminating in a conical head, [定语] measuring one meter in diameter [定语] and [连接词] having a stick [定语] almost five meters long [定语] and [连接词] constructed in such a way. [定语] 子句翻译英国的火箭弹完全包裹在一个矮胖的、铁制的圆柱状物体内,这个圆柱状物体有圆锥形的上端,直径测量为一米,而且有一个大约五米长的棒子,该棒子以这样一种方式构建。 子句类型同位语从句 连 接 词THAT 子句内容It could be firmly attached to the body of the rocket. 语法分析It [主语] could be firmly attached [谓语] to the body of the rocket. 子句翻译它能够牢固地依附于火箭主体。 全句翻译 英国的火箭弹与印度的火箭弹不同,因为英国的火箭弹完全包裹在一个矮胖的、铁制的圆柱状物体内,这个圆柱状物体有圆锥形的上端,直径测量为一米,而且有一个大约五米长的棒子,该棒子以一种能够牢固地依附火箭主体的方式构建。 单词记忆 The British rocket differed from the Indian version in that it was completely encased in a stout, iron cylinder, terminating in a conical head, measuring one meter in diameter and having a stick almost five meters long and constructed in such a way that it could be firmly attached to the body of the rocket. version n. 版本encase v. 包住,装入cylinder n. 圆柱物terminate v. 终止diameter n. 直径attach v. 使依附 热门搜索: (责任编辑:张梦璇)
